How To: Review and Edit or Void Returned Labor Distribution Adjustments

Who does this?  Originators of Labor Distribution Adjustments

When?  If the transaction is returned by an approver, the Labor Distribution Adjustment appears with a status of Returned in the Distribution Adjustments Dashboard.

How?  Using the Labor Distribution module of the Oracle Financials application. Learn about getting access to the Labor Distribution module of Oracle Financials.


Review and Edit or Void Returned Labor Distribution Adjustments (4 steps)

step 1

Launch the Labor Distribution module of the Oracle Financials application as a Labor Distribution Adjuster:

  1. Enter
  2. Enter your SUNet ID and password if prompted.
  3. Click the SU LD Distribution Adjuster link in the Navigator section.
step 2

Find the distributions to review:

  1. Click Distribution Adjustments Dashboard link in the center box.

    Note:  Do not close the middle window.

  2. Double click on the Status box of a transaction line.
  3. Review approver Comments to understand why the transaction was returned.
step 3

Edit a transaction that has been returned by approver (If you wish to void, skip to Step 4):

  1. Click Edit button to edit the transaction.
  2. Edit the transaction and submit again for approval. See How To: Create Salary Distribution Adjustment in LD, Steps 3-8.
step 4

Void a transaction that has been returned by approver:

  1. Click Void button to delete the transaction.
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What Happens Next?

  • An edited LDA is routed to the approval list as indicated in the transaction.
  • If the transaction was voided it will no longer appear in the Dashboard.


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