Please visit us at our new site:

First there was the Quadrangle, then the Oval - and now Stanford has The CIRCLE! The Office for Religious Life's new Center for Inter-Religious Community, Learning and Experiences, more simply known as The CIRCLE, is located on the third floor of the remodeled Old Union. It offers a common room, an interfaith sanctuary, a seminar room, a student lounge and a library, as well as offices housing many of Stanford Associated Religions (SAR) member groups. As the shape itself connotes - open and inclusive - The CIRCLE is a safe haven for diversity, worship, ritual, meditation, reflection, and spiritual and intellectual growth.

The Office for Religious Life encourages students, staff and faculty to visit The CIRCLE frequently. It's our hope and our vision that this will become your hub for gathering and fellowship - a place that transcends religious boundaries and fosters a multi-faith community, YOUR community.