New Device Projects
Electrowetting-on-Dielectric (EWOD)
Peter Griffin, PhD
Senior Research Scientist, Electrical Engineering
John Lee, PhD
Assoc. Prof. of Mechanical Engineering, SJSU
Benjamin Hawkins, PhD
Asst. Prof. of Biomedical Engineering, SJSU
Vortex Microfluidic Technology
Dino Di Carlo, PhD
Assoc. Prof. of Bioengineering, UCLA
Rajan Kulkarni, MD, PhD
Instructor, UCLA School of Medicine
Elodie Sollier, PhD
VP R&D, Vortex Biosciences
Corinne Renier, PhD
Scientist, Vortex Biosciences
Emily Liu, PhD
Scientist, Vortex Biosciences
MagDense Cell Sorting and Drug Screening Technology
Utkan Demirci, PhD
Assoc. Prof. of Radiology
N. Gozde Durmus, PhD
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Biochemistry
H. Cumhur Tekin, PhD
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Radiology
Novel Detection and Pharmacodynamic Evaluation of CTCs
George W. Sledge Jr., MD
Prof. of Medicine
Chief of Oncology
Adam de la Zerda, PhD
Asst. Prof. of Structural Biology
Microfluidic Neurovascular Model for Brain Metastases
Wonjae Lee, PhD
Instructor, Neurosurgery
Single Cell Westerns (scWesterns)
Amy E. Herr, PhD
Assoc. Prof. of Bioengineering, UC Berkeley
Ginny Kang, PhD
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, UC Berkeley
Elly Sinkala, PhD
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, UC Berkeley
Amplified FRET Technology
Banafshe Larijani, PhD
Ikerbasque Research Professor
Univ. of the Basque Country
Bilbao, Spain
Label-free CTC Identification and Sorting,
Electronic Identification of Biomolecules
Roger T. Howe, PhD
Prof. of Electrical Engineering
Ronald W. Davis, PhD
Prof. of Biochem., Genetics
Director, SGTC
Chaitainya Gupta, PhD
Research Associate, Electrical Engineering
Jose Padovani
PhD Student, Electrical Engineering
Shane Crippen, PhD
Dept. of Electrical & Computer Engineering
US Air Force Academy
Preclinical Testing of New Therapeutic Approaches
Anti-CD81 Antibody Project
Shoshana Levy, PhD
Research Prof. of Medicine, Oncology
Felipe Vences Catalan, PhD
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Oncology
Ranjani Rajapaksa, PhD
Research Associate, Oncology
Mark D. Pegram, MD
Prof. of Medicine, Oncology
Toby Ward, PhD
Sr. Research Scientist, SCI
Exosome Delivery Project
AC Matin, PhD
Prof. of Microbiology & Immunology
Daniel O. Frimannsson, PhD
Research Associate, Microbiology & Immunology
Drug Targeting of Epigenetic Regulators
Andrew P. Feinberg, MD, MPH
Prof. of Medicine, Oncology
Director, Ctr for Epigenetics
Johns Hopkins University
Tal Salz, PhD
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Johns Hopkins University
Reversing Drug Resistance
Stanley N. Cohen, MD
Prof. of Genetics, Medicine
Other Clinical Collaborators
GI Cancer
George A. Fisher, MD, PhD
Prof. of Medicine, Oncology
Jeffrey A. Norton, MD
Prof. of Surgery
Chief of Surgical Oncology
George A. Poultsides, MD
Asst. Prof. of Surgery
Bertram Wiedenmann, MD, PhD
Prof. and Chair, Hepatology & GI
Charité Hospital, Humboldt Univ.
Berlin, Germany
Breast Cancer
Frederick M. Dirbas, MD
Assoc. Prof. of Surgery
Irene L. Wapnir, MD
Prof. of Surgery
Amanda J. Wheeler, MD
Clinical Asst. Prof. of Surgery
Shruti Sheth, MD, MSc
Clinical Asst. Prof. of Medicine, Oncology
Melinda L. Telli, MD
Asst. Prof. of Medicine, Oncology
Michail Ignatiadis, MD, PhD
Medical Oncologist
Jules Bordet Institute
Brussels, Belgium