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Supporting breakthrough innovations in environmental conservation

Special Projects

We support innovative new approaches to addressing conservation challenges.

New ideas come from many directions. In conservation work, solutions may emerge from technology innovation, unprecedented partnerships or collaborations, or fresh perspectives from other disciplines such as economics or behavioral science.

In addition to large-scale, long-term initiatives, we back bold ideas that can have a transformative effect on complex environmental issues.

These projects include:

  • Developing new insights, research tools and methods in environmental science
  • Supporting sustainable land use in unique and irreplaceable sites
  • Fostering economic, social and policy changes that enable lasting environmental conservation

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Recent Grants

$599,929.00 Nov 2015 Renewal: Yale e360 Yale University, School of Forestry & Environmental Studies
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Courtesy of Eleanor Briggs/Wildlife Conservation Society


Jennifer Rea, Program Manager, Environmental Conservation

Jennifer provides strategic, research and operational support for managing Environmental Conservation grant portfolios and projects beyond the program’s initiatives, primarily focusing on conser…

Heather Wright, Program Officer, Conservation and Markets Initiatives

Heather is a program officer for the foundation’s Forests and Agricultural Markets and the Conservation and Financial Markets initiatives. She has also managed a portfolio oriented toward m…