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Courtesy of Keiko Torii - leaf cellsCourtesy of Filipe de Sousa Borges of Martienssen Lab - male germ unit of Arabidopsis pollenCourtesy of Krishna Niyogi, University of California, Berkeley Department of Plant and Microbial BiologyCourtesy of Dominique Bergmann - plant cellsCourtesy of Kaoru Sugimoto, senior research fellow with Elliot Meyerowitz - green fluorescent protein in petalCourtesy of Yangnan Gu and Xinnian Dong - NPR-GFP fluorescence micrographCourtesy of Jorge Dubcovsky - tetraploid TILLING (targeted induced local lesions in genomes) increase Courtesy of Philip Benfey - plant rootCourtesy of Marlene Cameron, Roger Thilmony, Young Hoon Lee, Sheng Yang He - Arabidopsis plant infected by Pseudomonas syringae pv.Courtesy of Steve Yeater
Groundbreaking research to benefit Earth

Plant Science Collaboration with HHMI

In partnership with the Howard Hughes Medical Institute we support 15 of the nation’s most innovative plant scientists.

A deeper understanding of how plants function and respond to stress is essential to address global challenges such as climate change, the increasing demand for food and the consequences that both have for Earth’s environment and the quality of life. In collaboration with the Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI), the HHMI/GBMF Plant Biology Investigator Program seeks to improve this understanding by supporting the research of some of the nation’s most outstanding plant scientists and strives to transform the field of plant biology by increasing novel innovative basic research and stimulating cross-disciplinary synergies. The program launched in 2010 with the solicitation of applications from plant scientists at the forefront of their fields, leading to the selection of 15 scientists who received five-year appointments. These HHMI/GBMF Plant Biology Investigators continue to produce exciting results in a variety of different areas of plant biology.

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Recent Grants

$1,666,665.00 Sep 2012 Elliot Meyerowitz HHMI/GBMF Plant Biology Investigator Award California Institute of Technology, Division of Biology
$1,666,665.00 Aug 2012 Philip Benfey HHMI/GBMF Plant Biology Investigator Award Duke University, Department of Biology
More Grants
Courtesy of Lauriebeth Leonelliin, Kris Niyogi Lab


Gary Greenburg Ph.D., Program Officer, Science

As a Science Program officer, Gary focuses on advanced biological imaging technologies, cell and molecular biology, and biological research at the interface of physics, chemistry and engineering. Prev…

Lloyd Lee, Program Associate

Lloyd supports the foundation’s Special Projects in Science and the Plant Science Collaboration with the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. He assists with the full life cycle of grant developmen…