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This page highlights announcements, training, APTI webinars, and conference calls related to air pollution that may be of interest to EJ communities.

TOPIC: Community Conference Call on U.S. EPA's Proposed Air Rules

DATE: Wednesday March 25, 2015

TIME: 1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. EDT

INTENDED AUDIENCE: Environmental Justice and Tribal Communities or Organizations

REGISTRATION: Please register at http://cfpub.epa.gov/oarweb/ejcall/

CONFERENCE LINE: 800-309-5450; Conference ID#: 11029062#
To assist operators, please dial in 10 minutes prior to the start of the call. 

PURPOSE:To provide information on upcoming activities in EPA’s Air Programs and foster a dialog with communities on their air quality issues. This call will provide updates on the:

Fine Particulate Matter (PM2.5) National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) State Implementation Plan (SIP) Requirements: Proposed Rule

On March 10, 2015, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency issued proposed requirements for implementing the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) for fine particle pollution (also known as PM2.5) in areas that are designated nonattainment for these standards. These requirements would apply to current and future fine particle pollution standards.  The proposed requirements would apply to state, local and tribal air agencies developing plans that outline how nonattainment areas will meet and maintain fine particle standards including the PM2.5 standards established in 2012. EPA will accept comment on this proposed rule for 60 days after it is published in the Federal Register.

Presentation Materials:
Particulate Matter Regulatory Actions Website
Overview of PM2.5 NAAQS SIP Requirements Proposed Rule (PDF) (25 pp, 927K, March 18, 2015)

Speaker: Rich Damberg, Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, damberg.rich@epa.gov,

Proposed Petroleum Refinery Sector Risk and Technology Review and New Source Performance Standards

On May 15, 2014, Administrator McCarthy signed proposed standards to update the toxic air pollution standards for petroleum refineries. The agency’s common sense proposal would further reduce toxic pollution from flaring and other processes and include new monitoring requirements.  Additionally, the proposal for the first time, requires monitoring of air concentrations of benzene around the fencelines of refineries to assure that emissions are controlled and these results would be made available to the public.  This proposal would also require upgraded emission controls for storage tanks including controls for smaller tanks; performance requirements for flares to ensure that waste gases are properly destroyed; and emissions standards for delayed coking units which are currently a significant unregulated source of toxic air emissions at refineries.

When these proposed updates are fully implemented, EPA estimates toxic air emissions, including benzene, toluene and xylene, would be reduced by 5,600 tons per year. Volatile organic compound emissions would be cut by approximately 52,000 tons per year.

EPA issued this proposal as part of a process outlined in the Clean Air Act that requires the agency evaluate the emission standards currently in place to determine whether there is any remaining risk to public health or the environment and whether there have been any new developments in practices, processes and control technologies. The comment period for this proposal closed on October 28, 2014. EPA is under a consent decree with environmental litigants to finalize the rule by June 16, 2015. EPA received 100,000 comments, of which 2,000 were substantive.
Additional information about the proposal: http://www.epa.gov/ttn/atw/petref.html

Speaker: Penny Lassiter, Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, lassiter.penny@epa.gov,

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: If there are any questions regarding this call, please contact Lena Epps-Price, epps-price.lena@epa.gov, 919-541-5573.


TOPIC: Community Conference Call on U.S. EPA's Proposed Air Rules

DATE: Wednesday January 28, 2015

TIME: 1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. EST

INTENDED AUDIENCE: Environmental Justice and Tribal Communities or Organizations

REGISTRATION: Registration is now closed

PURPOSE:To provide information on upcoming activities in EPA’s Air Programs and foster a dialog with communities on their air quality issues. This call will provide updates on the:

Cross-State Air Pollution Rule (CSAPR)

For more information on the rule, please visit the Cross-Sate Air Pollution Rule (CSAPR) website

Speaker:  David Risley, EPA, Office of Atmospheric Programs

Transport and the 2008 Ozone Standard

For more information on the rule, please visit the Interstate Air Pollution Transport website 

Speaker:  David Risley, EPA, Office of Atmospheric Programs

Methane Strategy

For more information on the Strategy, please see Fact Sheet: EPA's Strategy for Reducing Methane and Ozone-Forming Pollution from the Oil and Natural Gas Industry (1/4/2015)
Speaker:  Bruce Moore, EPA, Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards (OAQPS)

OAQPS' Air Rules

Speaker: Angela Hackel, EPA, Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: If there are any questions regarding this call, please contact Lena Epps-Price, epps-price.lena@epa.gov, 919-541-5573.

TOPIC: Stakeholder Briefing - Proposed Revisions to the National Ambient Air Quality Standards for Ozone

DATE: Wednesday, November 26, 2014

TIME: 12:00pm EDT

PURPOSE: EPA is proposing revisions to the National Ambient Air Quality Standards for ozone, as required by the Clean Air Act, to improve public health and environmental protection. At this stakeholder briefing, you will have the opportunity to ask questions of senior EPA officials about this action and its public health implications.

We encourage your participation. For more information see the Ground Level Ozone website

TOPIC: EPA Workshop for Communities with Environmental Justice Concerns on Proposed Rule to Reduce Carbon Pollution from Existing Power Plants

DATE: October 30, 2014

TIME: 9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

LOCATION: Crystal Gateway Marriott, 1700 Jefferson Davis Highway, Arlington, VA 22202

REGISTRATION: Registration is now closed

PURPOSE: On June 2, 2014, the Environmental Protection Agency issued the proposed Clean Power Plan (CPP) Proposed Rule. This rule proposes state-specific goals for reducing carbon dioxide from the power sector; states will then need to make plans to meet the goal. The proposed rule also promotes clean and renewable energy options. This is a federal rule that will have important implications for state air and energy policies. Therefore, we welcome stakeholders who have environmental justice concerns to participate and share perspectives about how the rule can be reflective and responsive to the needs of environmentally overburdened, underserved, and economically distressed communities across the country.

If you are interested in learning how you can help your state achieve cleaner air, reduce the impacts of climate change, and promote renewable energy sources, it is important that you understand the Clean Power Plan. You have an opportunity to help shape this rule...come learn how!

We encourage you to take advantage of this 1-day workshop, which will:

  • Provide an overview of the Clean Power Plan proposed rule.
  • Prepare participants to engage effectively in the public participation process.
  • Provide information about the elements of the CPP that are important to communities with environmental justice concerns.
  • Provide information about how to participate in the public comment process, which is open until December 1, 2014.
    To register for this event in-person or online via Adobe Connect, visit: http://events.constantcontact.com/register/event?llr=lzxnl5rab&oeidk=a07e9yvi0gjf3b864bc
    Special Notes about Online Participation

For more information see the Clean Power Plan Proposed Rule website

TOPIC: Community Conference Call on U.S. EPA’s Proposed Air Rule----Proposed Greenhouse Gas from Aircraft; Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs); Ferroalloys RTR; and Municipal Solid Waste Landfills

DATE:October 22, 2014

TIME: 1:00pm-2:30pm EDT

INTENDED AUDIENCE: Environmental Justice and Tribal Communities or Organizations

REGISTRATION: The Registration Process is now closed

PURPOSE: To provide information about upcoming activities in EPA's Air Programs and foster a dialog with communities about their air quality issues. This call will provide updates on the following topics:

Addressing greenhouse gas emissions from aircraft under the Clean Air Act: EPA is beginning the regulatory process in the U.S. to lay the ground work for adopting international standards on aircraft, and to respond to a D.C. District Court ruling. As required under the Clean Air Act, this process starts with EPA making a determination about whether or not greenhouse gas emissions from aircraft contribute to the climate change problem which threatens public health and welfare. For more information see the Nonroad Engines, Equipment, and Vehicles: Aircraft website
Speakers: Lesley Jantarasami, jantarasami.lesley@epa.gov, 202-343-9929, EPA, Office of Air Radiation (OAR), Office of Atmospheric Programs, and Lucie Audette, audette.lucie@epa.gov, 734-214-4850, EPA, OAR, Office of Transportation and Air Quality.

Reducing Emissions of Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs): Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), factory-made gases used in several industrial sectors such as air conditioning and refrigeration, are one of the strongest greenhouse gases in the atmosphere and are up to 10,000 times more potent than carbon dioxide. President Obama's Climate Action Plan of June 2013 includes the goal of reducing emissions of HFCs through US leadership, both through international diplomacy as well as domestic actions. The Climate Action Plan directs the EPA to use its authority through the Significant New Alternatives Policy (SNAP) Program to identify and approve climate-friendly chemicals while prohibiting certain uses of the most harmful chemical alternatives. In addition, the President has directed his Administration to purchase cleaner alternatives to HFCs whenever feasible and transition over time to equipment that uses safer and more sustainable alternatives.
Speaker: Rebecca von dem Hagen, vondemhagen.rebecca@epa.gov, (202) 343-9445, EPA, Office of Atmospheric Program, Stratospheric Protection Division.

Supplemental Proposal Ferroalloys RTR: On October 6, 2014, EPA published a supplemental proposal for the ferroalloys production industry. After considering public comment on a previous proposal and acquiring new data to conduct a more thorough risk analysis, EPA developed this supplemental proposal, which will require facilities to: capture process fugitive emissions and route them to control devices; meet a tighter opacity limit of 8% to reduce visible emissions; meet new mercury and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) emission limits; and continue to meet a strengthened particle pollution emission limit that reflects current performance of control devices in the industry.
EPA estimates that these measures would achieve reductions of 77 tons per year of metal air toxics. During the development of this supplemental rulemaking, EPA met with industry stakeholders, environmental organizations and community groups. For more information see the Rule and Implementation Information for Ferromanganese and Silicomanganese Production website.
Speaker: Phil Mulrine, mulrine.phil@epa.gov, 919-541-5289, EPA, Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards.

Proposed New Source Performance Standards (NSPS) for Municipal Solid Waste Landfills: On June 30, 2014, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency proposed updates to its new source performance standards (NSPS) for municipal solid waste landfills to reduce emissions of methane-rich landfill gas from landfills constructed, modified or reconstructed in the future. These updates would require certain landfills to capture additional landfill gas, which would reduce emissions of methane, a potent greenhouse gas, and help further reduce pollution that harms public health. The proposal is part of the Obama Administration's Climate Action Plan - Strategy to Reduce Methane Emissions.
Also on June 30, 2014, EPA issued an Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (ANPRM) seeking broad public feedback on options for further reducing emissions from existing municipal solid waste (MSW) landfills. The agency is considering updating the emission guidelines for existing landfills based on a several factors, including significant changes that have occurred in the landfill industry since the original guidelines were issued in 1996. Nearly 1,000 MSW landfills in the U.S. currently are subject to either the 1996 emission guidelines for existing landfills or the 1996 NSPS for new landfills. For more information about the NSPS proposal and the ANPRM for the emission guidelines, see the Rule and Implementation Information for Standards of Performance for Municipal Solid Waste Landfills website
Speaker: Hillary Ward, ward.hillary@epa.gov, 919-541-3154, EPA, Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards.
If there are any questions regarding this call, please contact Lena Epps-Price, epps-price.lena@epa.gov, 919-541-5573.

TOPIC: EPA Clean Air Act Rulemaking and Permitting Training for Environmental Justice Communities

DATE: September 16-17, 2014 [RESCHEDULED]

TIME: 9:00a.m. - 4:00 p.m. ET

REGISTRATION: The Registration Process is now closed

LOCATION: Bethel Baptist Church, 3200 28th Avenue, North Birmingham, AL 35207

PURPOSE: You will learn the:

  • Key features of the major air permit programs for facilities that impact your air quality.
  • Basics of how and when to get involved.
  • Benefits of early and meaningful public involvement.
  • Roles of the public, industry and government in the permitting process.

TOPIC: Everything You Wanted to Know About Environmental Regulations and Related Programs But Were Afraid To Ask

INTENDED AUDIENCE: A Guide for EPA Region 8 Small Communities

PUBLICATION DATE: 2010 Revised Edition

LINK: http://www2.epa.gov/sites/production/files/documents/EnvRegSC_Hndbk.pdf (PDF, 113pp)

TOPIC: Webinar: Overview of Proposed Petroleum Refinery Sector Risk and Technology Review and New Source Performance Standards

DATE: Tuesday, June 17, 2014

TIME: 1:00pm-2:30pm EDT

REGISTRATION: The Registration Process is now closed

INTENDED AUDIENCE: Environmental Justice and Tribal Communities or Organizations

PURPOSE: Provide an overview of EPA's Proposed Petroleum Refinery Sector Risk and Technology Review and New Source Performance Standards.

Following the presentation, EPA will answer clarifying questions. Note that although EPA is hosting the webinar during the public comment period, the webinar is not a means of providing comment on the proposed rule.

BACKGROUND: On May 15, 2014, Administrator McCarthy signed proposed standards to update the toxic air pollution standards for petroleum refineries. The agency's common sense proposal would further reduce toxic pollution from flaring and other processes and include new monitoring requirements. Additionally, the proposal for the first time, requires monitoring of air concentrations of benzene around the fencelines of refineries to assure that emissions are controlled and these results would be made available to the public. This proposal would also require upgraded emission controls for storage tanks including controls for smaller tanks; performance requirements for flares to ensure that waste gases are properly destroyed; and emissions standards for delayed coking units which are currently a significant unregulated source of toxic air emissions at refineries.
When these proposed updates are fully implemented, EPA estimates toxic air emissions, including benzene, toluene and xylene, would be reduced by 5,600 tons per year. Volatile organic compound emissions would be cut by approximately 52,000 tons per year.

EPA is issuing this proposal as part of a process outlined in the Clean Air Act that requires the agency evaluate the emission standards currently in place to determine whether there is any remaining risk to public health or the environment and whether there have been any new developments in practices, processes and control technologies.

EPA will take comments on the proposal for 60 days after it is published in the Federal Register. The agency plans to hold two public hearings near Houston and Los Angeles, and will finalize the standards in April 2015. Information on the public hearings and the webinars will be made available on EPA's website shortly.

Additional information about the proposal can be found on the Consolidated Petroleum Refinery Rulemaking Respository website

Technical Contact:
Brenda Shine, EPA, Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, shine.brenda@epa.gov, 919-541-3608;
Webinar Contact: Angela Hackel, EPA, Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, hackel.angela@epa.gov, 919-541-5262.

TOPIC: Community Conference Call on U.S. EPA’s Proposed Air Rule----Proposed Petroleum Refinery Sector Risk and Technology Review and New Source Performance Standards

DATE: Wednesday, May 28, 2014

TIME: 1:00pm-2:00pm EDT

REGISTRATION: The Registration Process is now closed

INTENDED AUDIENCE: Environmental Justice and Tribal Communities or Organizations

PURPOSE: Provide an overview of EPA's Proposed Petroleum Refinery Sector Risk and Technology Review and New Source Performance Standards 

Speaker:  EPA, Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, Brenda Shine (shine.brenda@epa.gov), 919-541-3608.

Additional information about the proposal can be found on the Consolidated Petroleum Refinery Rulemaking Respository website

On May 15, 2014, Administrator McCarthy signed proposed standards to update the toxic air pollution standards for petroleum refineries. The agency’s common sense proposal would further reduce toxic pollution from flaring and other processes and include new monitoring requirements.  Additionally, the proposal for the first time, requires monitoring of air concentrations of benzene around the fencelines of refineries to assure that emissions are controlled and these results would be made available to the public.  This proposal would also require upgraded emission controls for storage tanks including controls for smaller tanks; performance requirements for flares to ensure that waste gases are properly destroyed; and emissions standards for delayed coking units which are currently a significant unregulated source of toxic air emissions at refineries.

When these proposed updates are fully implemented, EPA estimates toxic air emissions, including benzene, toluene and xylene, would be reduced by 5,600 tons per year. Volatile organic compound emissions would be cut by approximately 52,000 tons per year.

EPA is issuing this proposal as part of a process outlined in the Clean Air Act that requires the agency evaluate the emission standards currently in place to determine whether there is any remaining risk to public health or the environment and whether there have been any new developments in practices, processes and control technologies.

EPA will take comments on the proposal for 60 days after it is published in the Federal Register.  The agency plans to hold two public hearings near Houston and Los Angles, and will finalize the standards in April 2015.  Additionally, the EPA will hold webinars on the proposed rule.  Information on the public hearings and the webinars will be made available on EPA’s website shortly.

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: For more information about the conference call, please contact Lena Epps-Price (epps-price.lena@epa.gov) at (919) 541-5573.

TOPIC: Public Outreach Conference call -- Revised Draft of the EPA Policy on Environmental Justice for Working with Federally Recognized Tribes and Indigenous Peoples

DATE: Wednesday, May 21, 2014

TIME: 12:30 - 2:00 ET

INTENDED AUDIENCE: Tribes and Indigenous Peoples

REGISTRATION: The Registration Process is now closed

PURPOSE: The EPA is seeking input on the Revised Draft of the Policy and recommendations on the implementation of the Policy.

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION:For more information, contact Daniel Gogal, gogal.danny@epa.gov, 202-564-2576.

TOPIC: Environmental Justice: Where Are We Now?

SOURCE: EPA Environmental Justice in Action Blog

Artible By Curt Spalding, EPA Region 1 Administrator

At the end of March, I was very pleased to participate in an Environmental Justice Conference at Harvard Law School to celebrate the 20th anniversary of Executive Order 12898 on EJ, and to dialogue with stakeholders across all backgrounds about the future for EJ.

Environmental justice is critical to EPA’s mission: to protect human health and the environment. Unfortunately many low-income communities and communities of color continue to bear a disproportionate burden of environmental pollution and its health effects which create barriers to opportunity and a need for greater access to the benefits that healthy communities provide.

Read More ...

TOPIC: EPA Clean Air Act Rulemaking and Permitting Training -Detroit

DATE: April 25-26, 2014

LOCATION: University of Michigan Detroit Center, Ann Arbor Conference Room, 3663 Woodward Avenue, Suite 150, Detroit Michigan

INTENDED AUDIENCE: Environmental Justice Communities

SAVE-THE-DATE NOTICE (PDF) (1 p, 184K, April 2, 2014)
AGENDA (PDF) (6 pp, 710K, April 2, 2014)

REGISTRATION: The Registration Process is now closed

PURPOSE: This training will provide an opportunity for participants to better understand the Clear Air Act, the benefits of early and meaningful public involvement, and to learn how existing training materials can help communities identify strategies for effective participation in EPA's rulemaking and air permitting process. Participants will have opportunities to interact with EPA rulewriters, managers and other key staff on air quality issues.

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: For more information please contact:Lena Epps-Price (epps-price.lena@epa.gov) at (919) 541-5573

TOPIC: EPA Clean Air Act Rulemaking and Permitting Training - RTP

DATE: March 18-20, 2014

LOCATION: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards (OAQPS), 109 TW Alexander Drive, RTP, NC 27709

INTENDED AUDIENCE: Environmental Justice Communities

FINAL AGENDA: http://www.epaejtraining.org/OAQPS/agenda/

REGISTRATION: The Registration Process is now closed

PURPOSE: This training will provide an opportunity for participants to better understand the Clear Air Act, the benefits of early and meaningful public involvement, and to learn how existing training materials can help communities identify strategies for effective participation in EPA's rulemaking and air permitting process. Participants will have opportunities to interact with EPA rulewriters, managers and other key staff on air quality issues.

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: For more information please contact: Holly Wilson at (919-541-5623) or Lena Epps-Price (epps-price.lena@epa.gov) at (919) 541-5573

TOPIC: Community Conference Call

DATE: Wednesday, January 22, 2014

TIME: 1:00pm-2:00pm EST

INTENDED AUDIENCE: Environmental Justice and Tribal Communities or Organizations

REGISTRATION: The Registration Process is now closed

PURPOSE: To provide information on upcoming activities in EPA’s Air Programs and foster a dialog with communities on their air quality issues.  This call will provide updates on the:

  • Protection of Stratospheric Ozone: Adjustments to the Allowance System for Controlling HCFC Production, Import and Export -Ericka Wilson, Office of Atmospheric Programs (OAP)
  • EPA’s Air Programs and Regulations Updates - Angela Hackel, Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards (OAQPS)
  • Clean Air Act Rulemaking and Permitting Training -  Lena V. Epps-Price, Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards (OAQPS)
  • Q&A

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: For more information about the conference call, please contact Lena Epps-Price (epps-price.lena@epa.gov) at (919) 541-5573.

TOPIC: Community Conference Call

DATE: February 12, 2014, 2:00pm-3:30pm EST

TIME: 1:00pm-2:00pm EST

INTENDED AUDIENCE: Environmental Justice and Tribal Communities or Organizations

REGISTRATION: The Registration Process is now closed

PURPOSE: To provide information on upcoming activities in EPA’s Air Programs and foster a dialog with communities on their air quality issues.  This call will provide updates on the:

  • Proposed Hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) allocation rule

EPA regulates the production and import of ozone depleting substances, including HCFCs. In this rule, EPA is proposing HCFC consumption and production levels for the 2015-2019 timeframe. HCFCs contribute to stratospheric ozone depletion and this rulemaking would implement the next phase out step under the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer. Protection of the stratospheric ozone layer helps to reduce the rates of skin cancer and cataracts. Speaker: Erika Wilson, EPA, Office of Atmospheric Program

PRESENTATION FILES: Phaseout of HCFCs: http://www.epa.gov/ozone/title6/phaseout/classtwo.html
Overview memo of proposed HCFC rule: http://www.epa.gov/ozone/downloads/Overview_Memo_HCFC%202015-2019_Proposed_Rule.pdf
Proposed rule as published in the Federal Register: https://www.federalregister.gov/articles/2013/12/24/2013-29817/protection-of-stratospheric-ozone-adjustments-to-the-allowance-system-for-controlling-hcfc

  • Residential Wood Heaters New Source Performance Standards Proposal

EPA has proposed updates to its Clean Air Act standards for new residential wood heaters to strengthen emissions requirements for new wood stoves, while establishing the first federal air standards for several other types of wood heaters, including outdoor and indoor residential wood-fired boilers. The proposal would not affect any wood burning heaters, fireplaces or stoves that are in stores today or are currently in use in homes - it only applies to devices manufactured in the future. The proposed updates would lead to wood heaters that are cleaner and more efficient, reducing emissions of fine particles and other pollutants that can pose health problems, especially for children, people with heart or lung disease, and older adults. Speaker: Gil Wood, EPA, Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards

PRESENTATION FILES: Residential Wood Heaters New Source Peformance Standards (NSPS) Proposal (PDF, 17 pp, 211K, February 4, 2014)

This “Train-the-Trainer” workshop is intended for individuals who have a basic understanding of the Clean Air Act (CAA) and are working with communities to improve air quality. The workshop is designed to enhance environmental justice advocates’ capacity to help community members engage more effectively in the development and implementation of the CAA programs and regulations and in the permitting processes. Speaker: Lena V. Epps-Price, EPA, Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: For more information about the conference call, please contact Lena Epps-Price (epps-price.lena@epa.gov) at (919) 541-5573.

TOPIC: Community Conference Call

DATE: Wednesday, September 25, 2013

TIME: 1:00pm-2:00pm EST

INTENDED AUDIENCE: Environmental Justice and Tribal Communities or Organizations

REGISTRATION: The Registration Process is now closed

PURPOSE: To provide information on upcoming activities in EPA’s Air Programs and foster a dialog with communities on their air quality issues.  This call will provide updates on the:

  • EPA’s Air Programs and Regulations Updates  - Speaker: Angela Hackel, Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards (OAQPS)

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: For more information about the conference call, please contact Lena Epps-Price (epps-price.lena@epa.gov) at (919) 541-5573.

TOPIC: Community Conference Call

DATE: Wednesday, July 17, 2013

TIME: 1:00pm-2:00pm EST

INTENDED AUDIENCE: Environmental Justice and Tribal Communities or Organizations

REGISTRATION: The Registration Process is now closed

PURPOSE: To provide information on upcoming activities in EPA’s Air Programs and foster a dialog with communities on their air quality issues.  This call will provide updates on the:

  • Status of the Cross-State Air Pollution Rule (CSAPR) litigation and EPA’s efforts to address interstate transport of ozone and fine particle pollution
  • EPA’s Air Programs and Regulations  - Speaker: ngela Hackel, Office of Air Planning and Standards
  • EPA’s  Upcoming Air webinars

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: For more information about the conference call, please contact Lena Epps-Price (epps-price.lena@epa.gov) at (919) 541-5573.

TOPIC: Community Conference Call

DATE: Wednesday, April 24, 2013

TIME: 1:00pm-2:00pm EST

INTENDED AUDIENCE: Environmental Justice and Tribal Communities or Organizations

REGISTRATION: The Registration Process is now closed

PURPOSE:  To provide more information on upcoming activities in EPA’s Air Programs and foster a dialog with communities on their air quality issues.  This call will provide an overview of the following regulations:

  • NESHAP for Stationary Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engines (RICE)

On January 14, 2013, the Environmental Protection Agency finalized amendments to the National Emissions Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) for stationary reciprocating internal combustion engines (RICE). In this rulemaking, EPA addressed several petitions for reconsideration, legal challenges and new technical information submitted by stakeholders, including industry and environmental groups, which were brought to the EPA’s attention after publication of the 2010 standards.  For more information, please visit:  http://www.epa.gov/ttn/atw/rice/ricepg.html

SpeakerMelanie King (king.melanie@epa.gov), (919) 541-2469, Office of Air Quality Planning Standards (OAQPS), Sector Policies and Programs Division (SPPD).

  • New Source Performance Standards (NSPS) for new residential wood heaters

Later this summer, EPA is scheduled to propose revisions to the New Source Performance Standards (NSPS) for new residential wood heaters. The main objectives of this proposal, includes: updating the 1988 standards to require manufacturers to redesign wood heaters to be cleaner, lower emitting, and better performing, expanding the range of residential wood-heating appliances covered by the regulation to add pellet stoves, single burn-rate stoves, outdoor wood boilers, wood-fired forced air furnaces and masonry heaters, strengthening test methods, and streamlining the process for testing and certifying new model lines.

This proposal does not include any requirements associated with new heaters that are solely fired by gas, oil, or coal. In addition, it does not include any requirements associated with wood heaters or other wood-burning appliances that are already in use. Following publication of the proposal, the rule is open for a 90-day public comment period. The final rule is expected to be published approximately 1 year after proposal.

Speaker: Gil Wood (wood.gil@epa.gov), (919) 541-5272, OAQPS, Outreach and Information Division (OID).


ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: For more information about the conference call, please contact Lena Epps-Price (epps-price.lena@epa.gov) at (919) 541-5573.

TOPIC: Public Teleconference Meeting - National Environmental Justice Advisory Council

DATE: Wednesday, January 23, 2013

TIME: 2:00pm-4:15pm EST


REGISTRATION: The Registration Process is now closed

PURPOSE: The primary topics of discussion will be:

  • Proposed Recommendations for Fostering Environmental Justice for Tribes and Indigenous Peoples.
  • Enhancing Public Engagement and Environmental Justice into Permitting.
  • Revisions to the NEJAC Model Plan for Public Participation.

PUBIC COMMENT PERIOD: There will be a public comment period from 3:15 p.m. to 3:45 p.m. Eastern Time. Members of the public are encouraged to provide comments relevant to the topics of the meeting.

Members of the public who wish to attend or to provide public comment must pre-register by 12:00 p.m. Eastern Time on Wednesday, January 16, 2013. Individuals or groups making remarks during the public comment period will be limited to five minutes. To accommodate the large number of people who want to address the NEJAC, only one representative of a community, organization, or group will be allowed to speak. Written comments can also be submitted for the record. The suggested format for individuals providing public comments is as follows: name of speaker; name of organization/community; city and state; and email address; brief description of the concern, and what you want the NEJAC to advise EPA to do.

Written comments received by 12:00 p.m. Eastern Time on Friday, January 16, 2013, will be included in the materials distributed to the NEJAC prior to the teleconference. Written comments received after that time will be provided to the NEJAC as time allows. All written comments should be sent to EPA's support contractor, APEX Direct, Inc., via email at NEJACJan2013Mtg@AlwaysPursuingExcellence.com.

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: For information about access or services for individuals with disabilities, please contact Ms. Estela Rosas, APEX Direct, Inc., at 877-773-0779 or via email at NEJACJan2013Mtg@AlwaysPursuingExcellence.com.

TOPIC: Webinar: EPA Seeking Public Comment on Working Draft on Policy on Environmental Justice for Tribes and Indigenous Peoples

DATE: Tuesday January 22, 2013, Thursday January 24, 2013 and Thursday January 31, 2013

TIME: 1:30-3:30pm EST (all dates)

INTENDED AUDIENCE: Indigenous stakeholders and the public

PURPOSE: Tribal consultation on the "Working Draft" of the EPA Policy on Environmental Justice and Indigenous Peoples was initiated on November 14, 2012, and ended on December 31. The national tribal government informational webinars and national tribal consultation calls were  held  on November 27, 2012, November 28, 2012, December 12, 2012, and  December 13, 2012. Although the official tribal consultation period ended on December 31, 2012, the tribes may request additional tribal consultation with the Agency on the Working Draft of the policy up through February 15, 2013. The public comment period began on January 3 and will conclude on February 15, 2013.

The primary topics of discussion for webinars will be to discuss the Working Draft of the policy, including:

    • How EPA is to incorporate EJ into its environmental capacity building and implementation policies and programs for federally-recognized tribes;

    • How EPA is to incorporate EJ into its direct implementation of federal environmental programs in Indian country;

    • How EPA is to effectively work with tribal community-based organizations, state-recognized tribes, tribal members, and other indigenous peoples to address their EJ concerns, within or outside Indian country; and

    • How EPA is to work with other federal agencies to address federally-recognized tribes, state-recognized tribes, tribal community-based organizations, tribal members, or non-members on reservations environmental justice issues.

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Information to webinar access can be found at http://www.epa.gov/environmentaljustice/indigenous/index.html.

TOPIC: Public Teleconference Meeting - National Environmental Justice Advisory Council

DATE: Wednesday, November 14, 2012

TIME: 2:00pm-4:00pm EST


REGISTRATION: The Registration Process is now closed

PURPOSE: The primary topics of discussion will be:

  • Proposed Recommendations for Fostering Environmental Justice for Tribes and Indigenous Peoples.
  • Enhancing Public Engagement and Environmental Justice into Permitting.
  • Revisions to the NEJAC Model Plan for Public Participation.

PUBIC COMMENT PERIOD: There will be a public comment period from 2:15 p.m. to 2:45 p.m. Eastern Time. Members of the public are encouraged to provide comments relevant to the topics of the meeting.

Members of the public who wish to attend or to provide public comment must pre-register by 12:00 p.m. Eastern Time on Friday, November 9, 2012. Individuals or groups making remarks during the public comment period will be limited to five minutes. To accommodate the large number of people who want to address the NEJAC, only one representative of a community, organization, or group will be allowed to speak. Written comments can also be submitted for the record. The suggested format for individuals providing public comments is as follows: name of speaker; name of organization/community; city and state; and email address; brief description of the concern, and what you want the NEJAC to advise EPA to do.

Written comments received by 12:00 p.m. Eastern Time on Friday, November 9, 2012, will be included in the materials distributed to the NEJAC prior to the teleconference. Written comments received after that time will be provided to the NEJAC as time allows. All written comments should be sent to EPA's support contractor, APEX Direct, Inc., via email at NEJACNov2012Mtg@AlwaysPursuingExcellence.com.

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: For information about access or services for individuals with disabilities, please contact Ms. Estela Rosas, APEX Direct, Inc., at 877-773-0779 or via email at NEJACNov2012Mtg@AlwaysPursuingExcellence.com.

TOPIC: Webinar - Introduction to the Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) for Communities

DATE: Thursday, November 8, 2012

TIME: 1:00pm-2:30pm EST

INTENDED AUDIENCE: Community grassroots groups and others who serve as community leaders

PURPOSE:  The Environmental Council of the States (ECOS) and the United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) invite you to attend the TRI Fall Webinar, Introduction to the Toxics Release Inventory for Communities. The webinar will provide an introduction on how to access and use EPA's Toxics Release Inventory data.  TRI can help address local community concerns about toxic chemical emissions, and associated environmental impacts.  Webinar participants will learn about TRI basics, as well as about US EPA's recent pilot project with four communities.  Participants will hear from one of the community  grassroots groups involved in the EPA pilot projects, which as a result of the pilot project, is now using TRI data to build upon its ongoing efforts to protect the community from industrial pollution. Featured speakers will include:

  • Shelley Fudge, TRI Community Engagement Initiative lead in US EPA's Washington, DC Office
  • Lily Lee, the TRI Coordinator for US EPA's San Francisco Office, and
  • Erin Heaney, Executive Director of the Clean Air Coalition of Western New York.

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: For more information on this webinar. please visit  http://www.ChemicalRight2Know.org.

TOPIC: Community Conference Call

DATE: Thursday, September 27, 2012

TIME: 2:00pm-3:30pm EST

INTENDED AUDIENCE: Environmental Justice and Tribal Communities or Organizations

REGISTRATION: The Registration Process is now closed

PURPOSE:  To provide more information on upcoming activities in EPA’s Air Programs and foster a dialog with communities on their air quality issues.  This call will provide an:

  • EPA's New Climate Change Adaptation Plan - Joel Scheraga, Office of Policy
  • Status of the Office of Air and Radiation's (OAR) work on the Fukushima plant - Sara DeCair, OAR, Office of Radiation and Indoor Air
  • EPA's Air Programs and Regulations: 2008 Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standards - Karl Pepple, Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards (OAQPS)
  • OAQPS EJ website redesign of www.epa.gov/oar/ej/ - Candace Carraway, OAQPS

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: For more information about the conference call, please contact Lena Epps-Price (epps-price.lena@epa.gov) at (919) 541-5573.

TOPIC: Technical Assistance Available for EPA's Building Blocks for Sustainable Communities Program

DATE: Friday, Sept. 21, 2012

TIME: 1:00-2:00 Eastern

INTENDED AUDIENCE: Communities interested in technical assistance for smart growth development

PURPOSE: EPA’s Office of Sustainable Communities will provide an overview of free technical assistance available to communities through EPA’s Building Blocks for Sustainable Communities Program. This program provides short-term, targeted technical assistance to help communities implement smart growth development approaches, such as creating a green streets strategy, linking land use to water quality, or conducting a walking audit. This webinar will focus on assistance available directly from EPA and from four EPA grantees: ForTerra, Project for Public Spaces, Smart Growth America, and Global Green.

Participants will learn about the types of assistance available and how to apply. EPA’s call for letters of interest will be released the day before this webinar. This round, EPA will be offering assistance to help local governments and community organizations support equitable development. Assistance recipients will learn about locally relevant approaches to provide housing and transportation choices for residents of all income levels, preserve and strengthen diverse local businesses, enhance access to jobs, and ensure that revitalization is fair and inclusive.

WEBINAR INFORMATION: No pre-registration is required. Connect to webinar at https://epa.connectsolutions.com/epasmartgrowth.

TOPIC: June 2012 Proposal to Revise the PM NAAQS – General Overview

DATE: August 9, 2012

TIME: 2:00 pm to 3:30 pm Eastern Time

INTENDED AUDIENCE: Environmental Justice Communities

PURPOSE:The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will present an overview of the proposed revisions to the national ambient air quality standards (NAAQS) for particulate matter (PM). Also, the EPA will outline:

  • Proposed updates to PM monitoring requirements, including a proposed requirement for near-road PM2.5 measurements
  • Proposed revisions to the prevention of significant deterioration (PSD) permitting program with respect to the proposed revisions in the standards
  • Expected implementation timeline for the proposed standards

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: EPA will answer clarifying questions. Note that although the EPA is hosting the webinar during the public comment period, the webinar is not a means of providing comment on the proposed rule. For complete proposal information, including fact sheets, tables and maps, a list of issues on which EPA is specifically requesting comment, and technical support documents, see: http://www.epa.gov/air/particlepollution/actions.html.

For questions, please contact Regina Chappell (chappell.regina@epa.gov) at (919) 541-3650.

MATERIALS from August 9 webinar: Proposal to Revise the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) for Particulate Matter (PM) (PDF) (19 pp, 236K, August 9, 2012);

OTHER MATERIALS: Air Pollution Training Institute (APTI) videos: Proposal to Revise NAAQS for Particle Polltuion Webinar (July 12, 2012); PM 2.5 Implemenation Webcast (September 26, 2007)

TOPIC: Conference Call: EPA Seeks Public Comment on Proposals for Promoting Public Participation in Permitting

DATE/TIME: Thursday, July 12, 2012 (2:30-4:00pm EST) and Wednesday, August 1, 2012 (4:00-5:30pm EST)

PURPOSE: EPA is hosting two calls to discuss the details of the proposed guidelines and best practices. To attend a call, please RSVP to ejpermitting@epa.gov indicating which call(s) you wish to attend and you will receive a reply with call-in information.

The proposed guidelines and best practices are intended to help integrate environmental justice considerations in EPA-issued permits and will inform the development of regional implementation plans to provide opportunities for overburdened communities to participate meaningfully in the permitting process for priority permits. EPA is also encouraging permit applicants to make an effort to meaningfully involve overburdened communities in the permitting process. These efforts are important initiatives under Plan EJ 2014, EPA's road map for carrying out the Administrator's priority on environmental justice.

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: You can view and comment on the "Notice Of Availability Of Proposed Regional Actions To Promote Public Participation In The Permitting Process And Draft Best Practices For Permit Applicants Seeking EPA-Issued Permits; Request For Comments" on Regulations.gov (Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OAR-2012-0452). If you have questions about the federal register notice or calls that EPA is hosting, please submit your questions to ejpermitting@epa.gov.

This effort is part of the Considering Environmental Justice in Permitting Initiative of Plan EJ 2014.


DATE: July 24-25, 2012

TIME: 9am - 5pm

WHERE: Crystal City, VA

PURPOSE: Meeting agenda includes:

  • Plan EJ 2014 Updates
  • NEJAC Science and Research Work Group Update
  • NEJAC Indigenous Peoples Work Group Update
  • NEJAC Permitting Work Group Update

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: If you are planning to provide a public comment, you must signup in advance. Register at http://www.epa.gov/environmentaljustice/nejac/register.html

TOPIC: EPA Announces Two Public Hearings on Proposed Revisions to the National Ambient Air Quality Standards for Particle Pollution

DATE: July 17, 2012, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and July 19, 2012, in Sacramento, California

PURPOSE: EPA holds two public hearings on the proposed revisions to the National Ambient Air Quality Standards for particle pollution. More information about the public hearings can be found on the Particulate Matter (PM) regulatory Actions page http://www.epa.gov/pm/actions.html.

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Please contact Alan Rush (rush.alan@epa.gov) at 202-564-1658 if you would like to speak at either of the hearings.

TOPIC: Community Conference Call

DATE:  Wednesday, June 27, 2012 

TIME: 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM ET

REGISTRATION: The Registration Process is now closed

INTENDED AUDIENCE: Environmental Justice and Tribal Communities or Organizations

PURPOSE:  To provide more information on upcoming activities in EPA’s Air Programs and foster a dialog with communities on their air quality issues.  This call will provide an:

  • National Environmental Justice Advisory Council (NEJAC) Meeting scheduled for July 24-25, 2012  
  • Federal Action Plan to Reduce Racial and Ethnic Asthma Disparities    
  • New features of the Ultraviolet Index and how it differs from EPA’s Air Quality Index
  • Air emissions and associated health impacts as a result of shale gas drilling, fracturing and production
  • EPA’s Air Programs and Regulations 
    1. Federal Implementation Plan and Revisions to Regional Haze
    2. Particulate Matter National Ambient Air Quality Standards (PM NAAQS)
    3. Portland Cement-Amendments in Response to Reconsideration
    4. Polyvinyl Chloride and Copolymers Production (PVC) NESHAP 

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: For more information about the conference call, please contact Lena Epps-Price (epps-price.lena@epa.gov) at (919) 541-5573.

TOPIC: EPA Environmental Justice in Action Blog at http://blog.epa.gov/ej/

PURPOSE: EPA's Office of Environmental Justice (OEJ) has officially launched its new Environmental Justice in Action Blog. The blog will feature stories on advances in environmental justice across the country. It is a great resource for environmental justice advocates and organizations.

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Posts will be added every Thursday at 10 a.m. Eastern Time starting tomorrow, April 19th. Make sure to add your name to the RSS feed on the right side of the blog to receive our future posts directly to your email. Also, hit the "like" button above the link to let your friends know about this great resource.

TOPIC: Community Conference Call

DATE:  Tuesday, April 24, 2012 

TIME: 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM ET

REGISTRATION: The Registration Process is now closed

INTENDED AUDIENCE: Environmental Justice and Tribal Communities or Organizations

PURPOSE:  To provide more information on upcoming activities in EPA’s Air Programs and foster a dialog with communities on their air quality issues.  This call will provide an:

  • Overview of funding availability for Clean Diesel Projects.  Connie Ruth (ruth.connie@epa.gov) of EPA's Office of Transportation and Air Quality (OTAQ) will discuss the current funding opportunities for reducing diesel emissions.  EPA anticipates releasing a Request for Proposals (RFP) very soon.  Information about the RFP will be posted at: http://www.epa.gov/cleandiesel/prgnational.htm
  • Introduction to the work of the Small Community Advisory Subcommittee which was established in 1996 by EPA to advise the Administrator on environmental issues of concern to the residents of smaller communities 
  • Overview of the May 2012 National Asthma Awareness Month community tools and indoor air resources
  • Update on EPA’s Air programs and regulation

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: For more information about the conference call, please contact Lena Epps-Price (epps-price.lena@epa.gov) at (919) 541-5573.

TOPIC: Webinar on U.S. EPA's Proposed Rule to Reduce Emissions from Chromium Electroplating and Anodizing Facilities

DATE: Wednesday, February 29, 2012

TIME: 2:30 to 3:30 PM ET

INTENDED AUDIENCE: Environmental justice and tribal community members or organizations, though others are welcome to participate.

PURPOSE: EPA invites tribal and environmental justice advocates and others to participate in a webinar on EPA's proposed amendments to the National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Hard and Decorative Chromium Electroplating and Chromium Anodizing Tanks.

The purpose of the webinar is to provide information to participants about selected aspects of the proposed rulemaking, which will reduce emissions of hazardous air pollutants from chromium electroplating and anodizing facilities. Please note this will not be an opportunity to provide EPA with comments on the rule itself, but instead provides community and tribal audiences with an opportunity to better understand the proposed rule so they can submit more detailed comments for the official record.

MATERIALS: Understanding Chromium Electroplating Risk and Technology Review (PDF) (18 pp, 166K, February 29, 2012)

TOPIC: Community Conference call

DATE: Wednesday, February 1, 2012

TIME: 1:00pm-2:00pm EST

INTENDED AUDIENCE: Environmental Justice and Tribal Communities and Organizations

REGISTRATION: The Registration Process is now closed

PURPOSE: To provide more information on upcoming activities in EPA's Air Programs and foster a dialog with communities on their air quality issues. This call will provide:

  • Updates on several EPA's Air Rules including Commercial, Industrial, Solid Waste Incinerators/Industrial Boilers Mercury and Air Toxics Standards for Power Plants Chromium Electroplating
  • Overview of the new Greenhouse Gas Reporting Rule Data Tool
  • Feedback on Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards (OAQPS) plans for Air permits training Communicating Effectively with Government Decision-makers

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: For questions, please contact Lena Epps-Price (epps-price.lena@epa.gov) at (919) 541-5573.

MATERIALS: Reconsideration Proposal for Boilers, Process Heaters and Solid Waste Incinerators (PDF) (16 pp, 485K, December 2, 2011)

TOPIC: Webinar on U.S. EPA's Proposed Rule - National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants from the Pulp and Paper Industry

DATE: Tuesday, January 31, 2012

TIME: 2:30 4:00 p.m. Eastern Time

INTENDED AUDIENCE: Environmental justice and tribal community members or organizations, though others are welcome to participate.

PURPOSE: EPA invites tribal and environmental justice advocates and others to participate in a webinar on EPA's proposed amendments to the National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants from the Pulp and Paper Industry. The purpose of the webinar is to provide information to participants about selected aspects of the proposed rulemaking, which will address the results of the residual risk and technology review that EPA is required to conduct under sections 112(d)(6) and (f)(2) of the Clean Air Act.

MATERIALS: Recorded Webinar; Overview of Pulp & Paper Risk and Technology Review (PDF) (20 pp, 693K)

TOPIC: Video of EPA EJ Luncheon

DATE: August 2011

PURPOSE: A Working Lunch: A Conversation with Heroes of the Movements for Civil Rights and Environmental Justice with Opening Remarks by Program Moderator: Donele Wilkins (Greendoor Initiative)

MATERIALS: EPA EJ Luncheon with Bunyan Bryant and Grace Lee Boggs, August 2011 Detroit, MI - YouTube Video (15:15)

TOPIC: Webinar on Petroleum Refineries Risk and Technology Review and New Source Performance Standard Rulemaking

DATE: Tuesday, October 18, 2011;

TIME: 4:00 5:30 pm Eastern Time

INTENDED AUDIENCE: Environmental Justice Communities and Organizations

PURPOSE: Webinar will provide community members a better understanding of the refinery industry and how the industry is regulated under the Clean Air Act. The webinar will provide an opportunity for communities, particularly environmental justice communities, to understand the process and provide input.

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: For questions, please contact Candace Carraway (carraway.candace@epa.gov) at (919) 541-3189.

MATERIALS: Addressing Air Emissions from the Petroleum Refinery Sector (PDF) (52 pp, 632K)

TOPIC: Community Conference call

DATE: Thursday, June 30, 2011

TIME: 2:00 - 3:00 pm Eastern Time

REGISTRATION: The Registration Process is now closed

INTENDED AUDIENCE: Environmental Justice and Tribal Communities and Organizations

PURPOSE: To provide more information on upcoming activities in EPA's Air Programs and foster a dialog with communities on their air quality issues. This call will provide an:

  • Overview of the upcoming air rule for the Pulp and Paper Industry and other air quality rules
  • Discussion of the purpose and process for developing the Environmental Justice Community Learning Center
  • Opportunity for community members to ask questions regarding the topics discussed

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: For questions, please contact Lena Epps-Price (epps-price.lena@epa.gov) at (919) 541-5573..

MATERIALS: Recorded Webinar; Pulp & Paper Update (PDF) (11 pp, 1.7MB, June 30, 2011)

TOPIC: Webinar on EPA's Proposed Mercury and Air Toxics Standards for Power Plants

DATE: Monday, May 2, 2011

TIME: 2:30 pm - 4:00 pm Eastern Time

INTENDED AUDIENCE: Environmental Justice and Tribal Community Members and Organizations

PURPOSE: The webinar provided an overview of the health impacts and benefits of the proposed Mercury and Air Toxics Standards, the proposed requirements, and procedures for public comment and public hearings. On March 16, 2011, EPA issued the proposed Mercury and Air Toxics Standards, which would reduce emissions of toxic air pollutants from new and existing coal‐ and oil‐fired electric utility steam generating units. This rule would reduce emissions of heavy metals (including mercury, arsenic, chromium, and nickel) and acid gases (including hydrogen chloride and hydrogen fluoride). At the same time, EPA also proposed to revise the new source performance standards (NSPS) for electric utility steam generating units. The proposed NSPS would set new standards for particulate matter, sulfur dioxide, and nitrogen oxides.

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: For questions, please contact Regina Chappell (chappell.regina@epa.gov) at (919) 541-3650.

MATERIALS: Reducing Toxic Pollution from Power Plants (PDF) (29 pp, 697K, May 2, 2011)

TOPIC: Webinar on Air Pollution Prevention and Control (Clean Air Act 101 Training)

DATE: February 25, 2011

TIME: 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm Eastern Time

INTENDED AUDIENCE: Environmental Justice and Tribal Community Members and Organizations

PURPOSE: The webinar was designed for community members who would like a better understanding of the Clean Air Act and the roles of state, local, and tribal agencies and EPA in air quality management. Clean Air Act 101 covers topics such as:

  • How agencies plan and manage air pollution
  • How commonly found pollutants are regulated
  • How toxic air pollutants are regulated
  • Opportunities for public involvement

WEBINAR MATERIALS: Recorded Webinar Clean Air Act 101 Training; Air Pollution Prevention and Control under the Clean Air Act (with pictures) (PDF) (27 pp, 865K, February 25, 2011); Air Pollution Prevention and Control under the Clean Air Act (without pictures) (PDF) (27 pp, 214K)

TOPIC: EPA seeks feedback on the Concept Paper for EJ Community Learning Center

DATE: February 9, 2011 (Deadline for comments on Concept Paper are due by March 10, 2011)

PURPOSE: The Office of Air and Radiation proposes to partner with another organization through a competitive grant process. This competition is to seek applicants capable of designing and managing a training program and resource center for members of minority, low-income and indigenous communities who seek to address environmental issues that are impacting their communities.

MATERIALS: Concept Paper for Environmental Justice Community Learning Center (PDF) (4 pp, 39K, February 8, 2011)

TOPIC: Community Conference Call

DATE: December 9, 2010

TIME: 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm Eastern Time

REGISTRATION: The Registration Process is now closed

INTENDED AUDIENCE: Environmental Justice and Tribal Community Members and Organizations

PURPOSE: To provide information about upcoming air program activities. This call will:

  • Discuss grant and partnership opportunities for Gulf Spill communities
  • Role communities should play during the August 2011 EJ Air Conference
  • Discuss first steps for EPA's Petroleum Refinery rules
  • Identify points of contact for specific EPA projects and rules
  • Identify methods to improve public participation in the permitting process
  • Discuss future Clean Air Act 101 webinar(s)

WEBINAR MATERIALS: Connecticut EJ Public Participation Plan (PDF) (7 pp, February 8, 2012, DEP-EJ-PLAN-001) Exit EPA Disclaimer; Connecticut EJ Public Participation Guidelines (PDF)(9 pp, February 8, 2012, DEEP-EJ-GUID-001) Exit EPA Disclaimer

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