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Alternative Fuels

Considering Alternative Fuels?

Vehicles that operate primarily on gasoline or diesel have historically accounted for over 99% of cars and passenger truck sales. However, sales of cars that operate on alternative fuels like ethanol, natural gas, and electricity are growing. Millions of flexible fuel vehicles— vehicles that can run on either E85 (a mixture of about 85% ethanol and 15% gasoline) or gasoline—have been sold in the past decade. Perhaps you are already driving one! New models of both electric vehicles and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles are also entering the market in increasing numbers.

Many alternative fuels "burn" cleaner than gasoline or diesel so there are fewer tailpipe emissions. The amount of greenhouse gases emitted when the fuel is produced depends on the source of the fuel— see GHG Emissions for more information. These fuels can also be produced domestically, reducing our dependence on imported petroleum. Click on the tabs below to learn more about each fuel.

Electricity can be produced from:
Electricity can be produced from:  coal, natural gas, nuclear, hydropower, solar, wind, biomass
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Hydrogen can be produced from:
Hydrogen can be produced from:  natural gas, water, coal, waste, biomass
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CNG can be produced from:
CNG can be produced from:  natural gas, waste
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Ethanol can be produced from:
Ethanol can be produced from:  cereal grains, sugar crops, cellulose from waste/residues, cellulose from energy crops, cellulose from woody biomass
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Biodiesel can be produced from:
Biodiesel can be produced from:  oilseed crops, oil from waste greases/tallow, oil from algae
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*The sources displayed above are not intended to cover all possible feedstocks, or sources, nor do they reflect equal fractions of fuel production.

GHG Emissions

Many of these fuels, depending on how they are produced, reduce overall emissions of CO2 into the atmosphere. Each one reduces the amount of CO2 emitted directly from the vehicle's tailpipe relative to gasoline or diesel. In fact, operating a vehicle exclusively on electricity or hydrogen produces no harmful tailpipe GHG emissions! The amount of GHGs emitted when the fuel is produced depends on the source of the fuel. For example, generating electricity from coal creates far more emissions than electricity generated from renewable sources like wind. Learn more about emissions associated with electric vehicles Link to EPA's External Link Disclaimer.

Want to Know More?

DOE's Alternative Fuels & Advanced Vehicles Data Center provides information on the basics, benefits and considerations, station locators, compatible vehicles, and financial incentives for various fuels.

EPA's Renewable and Alternative Fuels pages provide information on the use of environmentally beneficial alternative fuels and vehicles, including ethanol, biodiesel, and alternative fuel vehicle conversions.

For basic fact sheets on E85 and biodiesel, see:

Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS)

EPA is responsible for developing and implementing regulations to ensure that transportation fuel sold in the U.S. contains a minimum volume of renewable fuel. Visit EPA's Renewable Fuels Standard site for more information.

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