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Grant Application Information


Deadline: February 1, 2016

Program:  The Wallace H. Coulter Foundation provides funding to support collaborative translational research projects that involve co-investigators from the Department of Bioengineering and a clinical department in the School of Medicine. The goal of this program is to encourage research that addresses unmet clinical needs and leads to improvements in health care and to commercial products. Examples of desirable outcomes include inventions, patents, improved diagnosis and treatment of disease, commercial products, licenses, commercial partnerships and startup companies.

Eligibility:  Each proposal must have at least two co-investigators

  • one with a full, joint, or courtesy UTL, MCL, and NTL-Research faculty appointment in the Department of Bioengineering at Stanford 
  • and at least one with a full, joint, or courtesy UTL, MCL, NTL-Research or Clinician Educator faculty** appointment in a clinical department in the School of Medicine
  • Institutional representative (RPM/RMG):  PIs do not have to submit a PDRF form or submit your proposals for approval through your RPM in RMG.The RPMs will not generate budgets for these internal proposals.  **Exception: CE faculty: CE faculty must submit a CE faculty PI waiver request >> through their RPM at least two weeks prior to the proposal submission.  

Criteria:  The research must relate directly to applications in health care, and the objectives of the project should include an outcome that will benefit patients. Evaluation of proposals will be on the basis of innovation and scientific merit, potential health care impact, technical feasibility and the potential for commercialization. Award recipients will be required to prepare brief written quarterly progress reports and to present a mid-year project update to the Coulter Oversight Committee in early December.

Submission:  We strongly encourage applicants to discuss their proposal with Coulter Program Director Gordon Saul ( before submission. The proposal should follow the guidelines below and should be emailed to Coulter Program Manager, Linda Lucian ( by February 1, 2016.

If the proposal is promising, applicants will be invited to present to the Coulter Committee in March. The committee will review those presentations and make recommendations on funding priority. Applicants will be notified by late-March for funding to begin on May 1, 2016.

Format:  Full proposals should include:  

1)  cover page:  the project title, names and contact information of the co-investigators, amount requested, a one-paragraph summary and the approval/signature of the department chair of the co-investigator who is in the School of Medicine. 

2)  proposal:  a summary of the base technology, a description of the product or service to be developed and a translational plan of the milestones, timing and cost to bring the product or service to market (further details below.  

3)  budget page  (further details below)

4)  two-page CV of co-investigators  

5)  relevant literature references        

Content:   The grant proposal should not exceed 5 pages, excluding cover page, CVs and budget. It must include the following components (proposals will be rejected if any component is missing):

  • Explanation of clinical importance of project (e.g., clinical need, envisioned product)
  • Status of intellectual property, description of ongoing IP strategy
  • A statement of risk analysis for each: a) clinical need b) engineering/science feasibility c) intellectual property d) business/market
  • Expected specific milestones (per quarter) and research plan for achieving them
  • List of current funding and pending proposals for each co-investigator
  • Plan for funding after Coulter award expires
  • Any approvals for animals and human subjects should be addressed ahead of the grant-funding period.
  • If the project has not already been disclosed to the Office of Technology Licensing (OTL), it is strongly recommended that an Invention and Technology Disclosure be submitted to OTL by the February 1 deadline. See:

Duration:   Grants will be for a one-year period and may be submitted for renewal the following year. Renewal applications must have a comparison of milestones achieved vs. those planned in the original submission. Renewal applications will be evaluated on a competitive basis with new applications. No Cost Extensions may be applied for by using this form.

Budgets:   Grants may be requested for up to $100,000 direct cost for one year. Funds may be used for salary support of graduate students and other research staff, but may not be used for general staff, administrative support or tuition. Operating supplies, equipment items, prototyping expenses, imaging time and travel directly associated with the research activity are examples of eligible budget items.

Questions?   Please contact Coulter Program Director Gordon Saul: