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Flexible Work Schedule

More and more studies indicate that employees are happier, more productive and efficient with their time when they have the flexibility to choose wherethey work, whether its from their home office or workplace location. According to the article, "Researchers: Flexibility May Be the Key to Increased Productivity," published by Stanford Business Insight, providing workplace flexibility is the key to supporting employee work-family responsibilities.

At Stanford, there are three types of flexible work options:

  1. Flextime: variable starting and quitting times
  2. Alternative Work Schedule: a work week that is condensed into less than five days
  3. Flexplace: telecommuting (see Administrative Guide Memo 2.1.21: Staff Telecommuting)

It's important for managers and employees to know that flexible work options are possibilities, not entitlements. They are constrained by factors such as the nature of the work to be performed, productivity, federal and state laws, union contracts, restrictions of funding sources, task interdependence, and other operational constraints. Review these considerations before having a discussion with your Human Resources manager about your school or VP area practices.

In addition, there are other factors that must be considered when granting a flexible work schedule, including:

  • The overall needs of the department and co-workers
  • Health and safety consequences
  • Equity
  • Benefits issues
  • Performance management
  • Productivity

Review the general guidelines and considerations, then consult with your Human Resources manager about viable options related to accommodating flexible work schedules.