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ChEM-H media coverage

Oct 8 2014 | The New York Times
Stanford professor William E. Moerner was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry along with Eric Betzig and Stefan W. Hell for advances in optical microscopy.
Sep 29 2014 | Chemical and Engineering News
Stanford professor and ChEM-H fellow Carolyn Bertozzi to be editor-in-chief of new open access American Chemical Society journal, ACS Central Science.
Sep 25 2014 | San Francisco Chronicle
Jennifer Cochrane and Amato Giaccia developed a technique in mice that prevents cancer from spreading 
Sep 18 2014 | Scope Blog
Peter Kim was one of several Stanford scientists who made the case for continued investment in basic science and engineering
Aug 30 2014 | The Economist
Christina Smolke developed a way of coaxing yeast to produce narcotic pain relievers


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