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ChEM-H Videos

Chaitan Khosla, Baker Family Co-Director, Stanford ChEM-H, discusses the importance of studying basic human biology at the level of the molecule.
Colleagues reflect on the contributions of Stanford ChEM-H Institute Scholar Peter Kim, recipient of the 2018 Arthur Kornberg and Paul Berg Lifetime Achievement Award in Biomedical Sciences.
A common cancer drug was discovered in a Himalayan plant, and until now that plant was the only source of the drug. Now, a Stanford chemical engineer has identified the 10 drug-making enzymes and placed them into another plant that is easier to grow in the lab. This is the first step to being able...
Jennifer Cochran and Amato Giaccia used protein engineering to create a protein decoy that, in animal studies, prevents cancer from spreading. This video explains how that decoy protein works. 
In two minutes graduate student Rhiannon Thomas-Tran explains how synthesized chemicals can be used to understand and perhaps treat chronic pain.
Graduate student Karen Dubbin produced this video about her research in the lab of Sarah Heilshorn trying to develop biomaterials that pad and protect cells during transplantaion. 
Stanford colleagues and students reflect on the work of Professor W.E. Moerner, winner of the 2014 Nobel Prize in Chemistry.