Stanford School of Medicine

Chemical & Systems Biology We explore how regulatory circuits control cells and organisms


Conference Rooms

Scheduling Information


CCSR 4105

To reserve, contact: casb-ccsr4105


CCSR 3125

To view the calendar for this room, click here.

To reserve, contact: casb-ccsr3125



To view the calendar for this room, click here.

To reserve, contact: Howard Guss



To view the calendar for this room, click here.

To reserve, contact: Howard Guss

James H. Clark Center

To view the calendar for this room, click here.

Rooms must be scheduled through the Bio-X Room Reservation Online Form.

LKSC Conference Rooms

To reserve a room at the conference center, go to http://med.stanford.edu/irt/classrooms/features/. Please include the following information in your request:

  • Name of course or event
  • Department
  • Expected number of attendees
  • Requested space(s)
  • Start and stop time (setup and takedown time if applies)

Beckman – Munzer Auditorium

Beckman - Munzer Auditorium

To view the calendar for this room, click here.

To reserve, contact: Jane Kroeten