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Center for Molecular and Genetic Medicine
Contact Us

The CSBF has a user community of over 200 research labs in 36 different departments at Stanford. Every month, over 4000 different computers access our software library.

The CSBF staff members have many years of experience in providing computer support to biomedical researchers and have worked in the lab at some point in their careers. They are intimately familiar with the CSBF software and the needs of the scientific research community.

The best way to contact us is through the Stanford HelpSU system using this link. This way, your request can be routed to the person who is best able to solve your computer problem. It also allows us to track your request and make sure it is answered in a timely manner.

Lee Kozar, Director
Beckman B062D
(650) 725-4483

Alan Hebert
Desktop Computing & Licensed Software
Beckman B050C
(650) 724-9811

Ling Xie
Windows Software Installers
Beckman B050C