Sponsored Research Forms, Systems and Checklists

This section contains common Stanford forms (paper or digital) used in research administration. Information on the use of these forms can be found in the Start-Manage-Close section of the Research Administration Page of this website.


The electronic (PDRF) Proposal Development and Routing Form) is used to collect and route all the proposal documents, approvals and waivers necessary for review and endorsement by Stanford University. Department Administrators (RPMs in the School of Medicine) should initiate the PDRF at the beginning of the proposal development process. PIs and administrators are required to use the PDRF which is accessed through the SeRA (Stanford Electronic Research Administration) system. 

Review and Approvals

The Principal Investigator’s review and approval collected in the PDRF provides certifications required by government agencies, and an agreement to comply with Stanford and sponsor policies.

Departmental review and approvals confirm financial commitments made in a proposal, and that stated personnel and facilities are available to carry out the project. Other required special approvals are also documented.

Review and Endorsement

The (IO) Institutional Official reviews the information contained in the PDRF to endorse the proposal. The IO submits the endorsed proposal to the sponsor on behalf of Stanford University.

View PDRF resources.

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F&A Waiver Request

Facility and Administrative (Indirect Cost) Waiver Request Form  is used to request a F&A Waiver. This form should be submitted as soon as you know that a Facility and Administrative (F&A) waiver may be needed for the submission of a sponsored project proposal.

Learn about your your school's procedure and timeline here.


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Set-up or Modify PTAs

PTA  System/Form/Procedure


Committed Cost Sharing

Early PTA 

Extended PTA 

University Research PTA 

Changes to existing PTAs in Oracle Financials such as; incremental funding, modifications, and amendments.

SeRA Sponsored PTA Manager

Sponsored Research Project PTA Attribute Changes 

Attribute changes for PTAs are not initiated in SeRA

Use Stanford GA PTA Maintenance

If not available, contact your OSR Accountant

OSR Overdraft Cost Sharing Request

Email Request to OSR Accountant

Fellowships with no SPO # OSR Form 36
Request for Expenditure Allocation PTA 

Word Document

Non Sponsored PTA  System/Form/Procedure
 PTA Set-up Request for non-sponsored PTAs

Quick Steps: Request New PTA

Capital Accounting and Fund Accounting

Service Center PTA Request Form 

Changes to ROLE-related attributes for Principal Owner

Mass changes to PTAs

 PTA Role Change Form

Changes to Org Codes Contact your school accountant


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Subaward Forms and Checklists

 Form Name

Form Number

Subaward Document Checklist for Clinical Trials

OSR Form 31 CT

 Subrecipient Commitment Form

OSR Form 33

Subrecipient Commitment Form for Industry Sponsored Clinical Trials

OSR Form 33 CT

Invoice Form (Attachment C)

OSR Form 34

 Sole Source/Fair and Cost/Price Analysis

OSR Form 45

Explanation of cost/price required for subawards under

federal and state contracts to be completed by US

university or non-profit subrecipients

OSR Form 45 A

Explanation of Cost/Price required for subawards under federal 

and state contracts to be completed by commercial or

international subrecipients

OSR Form 45 B

Annual Subrecipient A-133 Certification

OSR Form 47



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No Cost Extension

Request for a No Cost Extension - OSR Form 49

Request a No Cost Extension  for Grants (Excluding those in the School of Medicine) and all Contracts. The completed and signed form should be submitted toosr_intake@stanford.edu.

RMG Request for a No Cost Extension

Request a No Cost Extension for all grant in the School of Medicine


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