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Stanford School of Earth, Energy & Environmental Sciences

A new algorithm designed to find matching seismic signals in large earthquake databases could find previously missed microquakes.


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The Stanford School of Earth, Energy & Environmental Sciences develops the knowledge, talent and leadership to understand the changing Earth and to help solve the enormous resource and environmental challenges facing the world.

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Stanford Earth's Cassandra Brooks and Daniel Swain Cassandra Brooks and Daniel Swain are among twenty-two environmental scholars who received this year's Switzer Environmental Fellowship.

December 10, 2015

An international research team reports that the rapid increase in global carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuels has slowed in the past two years, underlining the need for action to permanently lower emissions.

December 9, 2015

Elsa Ordway's research examines the rapidly growing palm oil industry in Cameroon, with the aim of identifying where palm oil expansion can occur while protecting rainforest ecosystems and the livelihoods of smallholder farmers.

December 5, 2015

Bacteria living in shallow sediment layers of permanently flooded wetlands in Asia drive arsenic release into water by feeding on freshly deposited plant material, a new study finds.

December 4, 2015