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M.S. Program

The Energy Resources Engineering department offers two distinct degree programs at both the M.S. and Ph.D. levels.  One program leads to the degrees of M.S. or Ph.D. in Petroleum Engineering, and the other leads to the degrees of M.S. or Ph.D. in Energy Resources Engineering.  The Engineer degree, which may be offered in either Petroleum Engineering or Energy Resources Engineering, is an extended form of the M.S. degree with additional coursework and research.

Master of Science - Petroleum Engineering or Energy Resources Engineering

The objective is to prepare the student for professional work in the energy industry through completion of fundamental courses in the major field and in related sciences as well as independent research.

Students entering the graduate program are expected to have an undergraduate-level energy resources engineering background. Competence in computer programming in a high-level language (CS 106X or the equivalent) and knowledge of energy resources engineering and geological fundamentals (ENERGY 120, 130, and GES 151) are prerequisites for taking most graduate courses.

The candidate must fulfill the following requirements:

  1. Register as a graduate student for at least 45 units.
  2. Submit a program proposal for the Master’s degree approved by the adviser during the first quarter of enrollment.
  3. Complete 45 units with at least a grade point average (GPA) of 3.0. This requirement is satisfied by taking the core sequence, selecting one of the seven elective sequences, an appropriate number of additional courses from the list of technical electives, and completing 6 units of master’s level research. Students electing the course work only M.S. degree are strongly encouraged to select an additional elective sequence in place of the research requirement. Students interested in continuing for a Ph.D. are expected to choose the research option and enroll in 6 units of ENERGY 361. All courses must be taken for a letter grade.
  4. Students entering without an undergraduate degree in Petroleum Engineering must make up deficiencies in previous training. Not more than 10 units of such work may be counted as part of the minimum total of 45 units toward the M.S. degree. Research subjects include certain groundwater hydrology and environmental problems, energy industry management, flow of non-Newtonian fluids, geothermal energy, natural gas engineering, oil and gas recovery, pipeline transportation, production optimization, reservoir characterization and modeling, carbon sequestration, reservoir engineering, reservoir simulation, and transient well test analysis.

Please refer to the Stanford Bulletin for recommended courses and sequences.