Several new energy technologies, such as biofuels and large solar power plants, require enormous amounts of land if deployed broadly, putting them in competition with other land uses like growing food. Among examples of Stanford research topics in this area are the impacts of increased production of biomass and biofuels on local ecology, secure food supply and agriculture markets. Another topic is the feasible limits to global production of biofuels. One team of scientists is examining the potential benefits of integrating large solar projects with agriculture. Another team is developing a financial valuation of the ecological benefits of replacing coal-fired generating stations with solar power plants. Technologies related to mitigating the impacts of conventional energy sources can also impact land. A Stanford engineer is exploring the risks that deep carbon-dioxide sequestration could trigger earthquakes, and the land use impacts of nuclear power are an ongoing topic of investigation.

Pamela Matson
Earth Systems Science

Energy in the context of sustainability. Balancing water and energy demands.

Eric Dunham

Characterization of guided waves in fluid-filled cracks, including induced hydraulic fractures in rock filled with water or hydrocarbons, and instability when the fluid velocity exceeds a threshold. Inference of fracture geometry from resonant frequencies and attenuation. Fault damage zones impact on the flow characteristics of fractured reservoirs, and predicting fault damage zones.

Mark Zoback
Natural Gas Institute, Geophysics

Reservoir geomechanics with emphasis on shale gas and tight gas reservoirs, hydraulic fracturing, the occurrence of induced and triggered earthquakes, and the feasibility of long-term geologic sequestration of CO2.

David Lobell
Earth Systems Science, Center on Food Security & the Environment

Impacts on climate of converting land use from food to biofuel crops. Climate benefits of converting biofuel crops from annual plants to perennials. Integrating large-scale solar projects with biofuel production in deserts.