Electrical Engineering News

Stanford-led skyscraper-style chip design could boost electronic performance by factor of a thousand

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

In modern computer systems, processor and memory chips are laid out like single-story structures in a suburb. But suburban layouts waste time and energy. A new skyscraper-like design, based on materials more advanced than silicon, provides the next computing platform.

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Electrical Engineering Chair Abbas El Gamal receives 2016 IEEE Richard W. Hamming Medal

Thursday, December 3, 2015

El Gamal is noted for contributions to network multi-user information theory and for impact on programmable circuit architectures

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New 'tricorder' technology might be able to 'hear' tumors growing

Monday, November 9, 2015

A new technology has promise to safely find buried plastic explosives and maybe even spot fast-growing tumors. The technique involves the clever interplay of microwaves and ultrasound to develop a detector like the Star Trek tricorder.

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Graphene key to high-density, energy-efficient memory chips, Stanford engineers say

Friday, October 23, 2015

Only an atom thick, graphene is a key ingredient in three Stanford projects to create data storage technologies that use nanomaterials other than standard silicon.

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Stanford engineers invent transparent coating that cools solar cells to boost efficiency

Monday, September 21, 2015

The hotter solar cells become, the less efficient they are at converting sunlight to electricity, a problem that has long vexed the solar industry. Now, Stanford engineers have developed a transparent overlay that increases efficiency by cooling the cells even in full sunlight.

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Stanford engineers develop a wireless, fully implantable device to stimulate nerves in mice

Monday, August 17, 2015

A blue glowing device the size of a peppercorn can activate neurons of the brain, spinal cord or limbs in mice and is powered wirelessly using the mouse's own body to transfer energy. Developed by a Stanford Bio-X team, the device is the first to deliver optogenetic nerve stimulation in a fully implantable format.

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Stanford researchers unveil virtual reality headset that reduces eye fatigue, nausea

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Assistant Professor Gordon Wetzstein's new Stanford Computational Imaging Group has developed a light-field stereoscope that creates a dramatically more natural virtual reality experience than what is present in today's leading headsets.

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Stanford team's brain-controlled prosthesis nearly as good as one-finger typing

Friday, July 31, 2015

Years of work have yielded a technique that continuously corrects brain readings to give people with spinal cord injuries a more precise way to tap out commands by using a thought-controlled cursor. A pilot clinical trial for human use is underway.

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Stanford Engineering students and researchers win grants to commercialize energy inventions

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Building on the success of its first year, the Innovation Transfer Program at the TomKat Center for Sustainable Energy is financially supporting 11 new teams composed mostly of Stanford students and recent graduates trying to put university research to work.

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Subhasish Mitra Receives Semiconductor Research Corporation Technical Excellence Award

Monday, July 13, 2015

Professor of electrical engineering and computer science honored for work on Quick Error Detection technology.

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Stanford Invention Hall of Fame welcomes six new technologies and honors 27 new prolific inventors

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Each new technology has earned more than $5 million in royalties for Stanford. The 27 new prolific inventors, including several engineers, have invented at least seven technologies that have generated over $500,000.

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PhD candidates Jayant Charthad and Steven Bell receive 2015 Centennial Teaching Assistant Award

Friday, June 19, 2015

Electrical engineering students honored for outstanding teaching among TA's in the schools of humanities and sciences, earth sciences, and engineering.

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Stanford engineers find a simple yet clever way to boost chip speeds

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Inside each chip are millions of tiny wires to transport data; wrapping them in a protective layer of graphene could boost speeds by 30 percent.

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Stanford engineers discover the limitation of a popular technique for one-way optical data transmission on computer chips

Monday, June 8, 2015

Backward leakage of light beams constrains ability to keep optical information flowing in only one direction, research shows.

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Stanford engineers' breakthrough heralds super-efficient light-based computers

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Light can transmit more data while consuming far less power than electricity, and an engineering feat brings optical data transport closer to replacing wires.

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Krishna Shenoy and Joanna Wysocka named HHMI investigators

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

The funding will aid Shenoy’s efforts to develop brain-machine interfaces and allow Wysocka to continue exploring the earliest steps of human development.

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Stanford engineers observe the moment when a mind is changed

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

A new algorithm enables a moment-by-moment analysis of brain activity each time a laboratory monkey reaches this way or that during an experiment. It's like reading the monkey's mind.

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Stanford Engineering Hero Ted Hoff honored as the principal architect of the microprocessor

Monday, May 4, 2015

Hoff led the team of engineers that produced the revolutionary Intel 4004 microprocessor in 1971.

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Nicholas McKeown among 10 Stanford professors elected to AAAS 2015 class

Thursday, April 23, 2015

American Academy of Arts and Sciences is one of the country's oldest and most prestigious honorary learned societies.

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ACM Council on Women honors Jennifer Widom as innovator in database systems

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Professor of computer science and electrical engineering is named 2015-2016 Athena Lecturer for launching new research areas in the database field.

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Five faculty members receive NSF Early Career Development awards

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Assistant professors Amin Arbabian, Michael Lepech, Marco Pavone, Manu Prakash and Sindy Tang awarded grants to help promising junior faculty pursue outstanding research while also improving education.

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Stanford Engineering’s Dan Boneh honored for innovations that have simplified cryptography

Monday, March 30, 2015

Computer science and electrical engineering professor will receive 2014 ACM-Infosys Foundation Award.

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Stanford engineers working to pack more laser beams, and data, into fiber optic strands

Friday, March 27, 2015

As digital traffic soars, researchers strive to send multiple laser beams, each with it’s own data stream, through fiber optic strands that can only handle a single beam today.

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Engineering a rowing team

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Engineering is a popular and useful major for members of Stanford's rowing team.

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Subhasish Mitra elected ACM fellow

Friday, February 6, 2015

The Association for Computing Machinery honored the Mitra, an associate professor of computer science and electrical engineering, for contributions to the design and testing of robust computing systems.

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