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Three new digital collections now in SearchWorks

Three new digital collections were added to SearchWorks via Stanford Digital Repository (SDR) online deposit during the month of April. These collections take advantage of recently released functionality that provides researchers with new rich discovery and access capabilities for finding and working with digital collection content. Researchers may now discover the following materials:

Undergraduate Theses, Program in Feminist, Gender, and Sexuality Studies

Honors theses and senior theses written by undergraduates in the Program in Feminist, Gender and Sexuality Studies, 2013 -. For more information, check out the SDR Deposit of the Week: New collection of theses in Feminist, Gender and Sexuality Studies blog post by Regina Roberts.

Serial section electron microscopy data for "Nanoscale organization of the MEC-4 DEG/ENaC sensory mechanotransduction channel in Caenorhabditis elegans touch receptor neurons"

Multiple serial section transmission electron microscopy data sets of high pressure frozen wild type C. elegans embedded in LR White and immuno labeled with mouse polyclonal antibodies against MEC-2 and MEC-5.

Serial section electron microscopy data for "Posttranslational acetylation of alpha tubulin constrains protofilament number in native microtubules"

Serial transmission electron microscopy images of Caenorhabditis elegans touch receptor neurons. Various mutant and transgenic animal strains examined including: mec-17(ok2109), atat-2(ok2415), mec-17(ok2109);atat-2(ok2415), K40Q and K40R transgenics.

For more information on Cueva and Goodman's research studying touch receptors using the C. elegans worm can be found in this blog post by Amy Hodge: SDR Deposit of the Week: Micrographs that touch a nerve.

The integration of digital collections into SearchWorks means that items from collections containing digital material can be discovered in the course of searching and browsing through the totality of Stanford's library catalog. Prior to this major SearchWorks enhancement, our digital collections were available either through special digital collections web sites, such as  or through PURL (persistent URL) pages for individual objects, such as this 18th century map of California as an Island

For more information on depositing materials into the Stanford Digital Repository, check out our website. For questions or additional information about the Stanford Digital Repository service, please email