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The Atlantic Magazine features our California as an Island Map

A snipped of a The Atlantic article in December 12, 2015 feature a Stanford University Libraries Map of California as an Island

Our maps continued to be used in publications - today, another article featuring a map of California as an Island, was published in the The Atlantic's Citylab edition.

The map, shown below is the one used in the publication. You may view and download it here.

A New and Correct Map of America...Wales by George Foster, 1752


The map, by George Foster in 1752 was, the article states, given to "his Royal Highnesses Kiing George II and Frederick, Prince of Wales." Maps were used in the past and continue to be used today as evidence of ownership.  This map and 711 others online is part of the Glen McLaughlin Map Collection of California as an Island. Do browse at your leisure and download at will!