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Italian Politics and Political History/Government Documents

Last Updated: 28-Apr-2014

A guide to the Stanford University Library's resources for the study of Italian politics, including government materials from the Republic of Italy.

Oggi in Italia

LexisNexis - Italian newspapers are found in Lexis-Nexis Academic. Under "search by content type" pick "Foreign language news" and then select "Italian." Among the titles covered are: Corriere della Sera, ItaliaOggi, Il Resto di Carlino, La Nazione, and La Stampa, as well as the wire service ANSA.

Corriere della sera - main Italian newspaper, with English section on Italian politics and culture

Italia Oggi - online newspaper focusing on Italian finance and politics.

WESS Web Italy

Italian Consulate of San Francisco

Government and Administration

Italian Newspapers

Government Documents

Documents issued by the Italian parliament are available at this site:

Political History

The following represent the most recent works in Italian political history acquired by the Stanford University Libraries

  1. General Editors, Astrid Steiner-Weber and Karl A.E. Enenkel ; Editors, Concetta Bianca, Hélène Cazes, Reinhold F. Glei, Jacqueline Glomski, Felipe González Vega, Judith Henderson and Stephen Murphy. 2015

  2. Ales̆ Erjavec, editor. 2015

  3. Judith A. Byfield (Cornell University), Carolyn A. Brown (Rutgers University-New Brunswick), Timothy Parsons (Washington University in St. Louis), Ahmad Sikainga (Ohio State University). 2015

  4. Enrico Dal Lago. 2015

  5. Cécile Terreaux-Scotto. 2015

  6. edited by Dario Azzellini. 2015

  7. Rafael Scopacasa. 2015

  8. Roberto Contu. 2015

  9. Victor Deupi. 2015

  10. Loren Partridge. 2015