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Physical properties for chemists and chemical engineers

Last Updated: 10-Nov-2015


Milwaukee, WI : Sigma-Aldrich
Chemistry & ChemEng Library (Swain) » Reference » TP247 .A4 2012/2014
Catalog offering more than 40,000 research chemicals. Search by chemical name, molecular formula, CAS Registry Number, and by substructure. Information about a compound usually includes identification information, chemical structure, physical and chemical properties, as well as links to materials safety data sheets and to spectral diagrams.
Bethesda, MD : National Library of Medicine, [1999?]-
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"ChemIDplus contains over 400,000 chemical records. More than 300,000 of those records include chemical structures. ChemIDplus is searchable by Name, Synonym, CAS Registry Number, Molecular Formula, Classification Code, Locator Code, Structure, and/or Physical properties. Enhanced structure display is available in ChemIDplus Advanced."
Web version. Boca Raton, FL : Chapman & Hall/CRC
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Includes descriptive and numerical data on the chemical, physical and biological properties of compounds; systematic and common names of compounds; literature references; structure diagrams and their associated connection tables. CCD online includes: organic compounds (269,000 records); natural products (178,000 records); inorganic and organometallic compounds (103,000 records); drugs (44,000 records); and analytical reagents (14,000 records). (Structure searching)
Cleveland, Ohio, CRC Press.
Green Library » Information Center: Reference » QD65 .H3 96TH 2015/2016
Continues to be the most accurate, reliable and current resource available on data needed by chemists, physicists and engineers. It provides wide coverage of data on properties of inorganic and organic compounds. Now searchable by chemical structure. Note: Section 18 contains sources of physical and chemical data.
Bethesda, Md. : National Library of Medicine, [199-]-
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HSDB has comprehensive, peer-reviewed toxicology data for about 5,000 potentially hazardous chemicals. It is enhanced with information on human exposure, industrial hygiene, emergency handling procedures, environmental fate, regulatory requirements, nanomaterials, and related areas.
Rahway, N.J. : Merck & Co., 1968-
Green Library » Information Center: Reference » RS356 .M524 2001
The Merck Index contains over 10,000 monographs with information relating to compounds of significance in research, commerce and environmental impact.  Each monograph in this authoritative reference source is a concise description of a single substance or a small group of closely related compounds. There is also a supplement of Organic Name Reactions.
8th ed. / New York : McGraw-Hill, ©2008.
Chemistry & ChemEng Library (Swain) » Reference » TP155 .C52 8TH 2008
Since 1934, Perry's Chemical Engineers' Handbook has delivered unrivaled, state-of-the-art coverage of all aspects of chemical engineering—from the fundamentals to details on computer applications and control. Featuring 2,700 pages and 1900 illustrations, the eighth edition is a comprehensive source for the newest developments, advances, achievements, and methods in the field.

eBook sites

[Norwich, N.Y.] : Knovel, 2003-
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Knovel provides access to over 2,000 leading reference works and databases from over 50 international publishers and professional societies through a single interface. Includes the ability to search numeric data.  Some books have interactive tables.
[Boca Raton, Fla.] : CRC Press ; London : Taylor and Francis Group.
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CRCnetBASE, a Science, Technology, and Medicine eBook platform from CRC Press, offers a comprehensive eBook collection that delivers more than 9,300 references in over 350 subject areas and more than 40 collections.
[Columbus, OH] : McGraw-Hill
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Delivers comprehensive authoritative information that accelerates research and innovation, and features content from a broad range of must-have McGraw-Hill engineering publications, including the latest editions of classics such as Perry's Chemical Engineers Handbook.

Major databases

[Frankfurt, Germany ; New York, NY] : Elsevier
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Available via the web, Reaxys Xcelerate contains an extensive repository of experimentally validated data that chemists need including structures, reactions (including multi-step reactions) and physical properties. Reaxys was formed by the merger of three databases: Beilstein Handbook of Organic Chemistry, Gmelin Handbook of Inorganic and Organometallic Chemistry, and the Chemistry Patent database. (Structure and Reaction Searching)
[Columbus, Ohio : American Chemical Society, Chemical Abstracts Service]
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SciFinder is the most comprehensive database for coverage of chemistry & chemical engineering. It has the world's largest collection of organic and inorganic substance information. The web version of SciFinder provides integrated access to CAPlus, CAS Registry, CASREACT, CHEMLIST, and CHEMCATS which are produced by Chemical Abstracts Service, and to MEDLINE which is produced by the U.S. National Library of Medicine. Sources covered in SciFinder include 10,000 journals, patents from 63 patent authorities, book chapters, conference proceedings, dissertations, evaluated reference works, technical reports, as well as book reviews and biographical information. (Structure and Reaction Searching)
"SpringerMaterials is based on the Landolt-Börnstein New Series, the unique, fully evaluated data collection in all areas of physical sciences and engineering. SpringerMaterials also comprises the Dortmund Data Bank Software & Separation Technology, a Database on Thermophysical Properties and the Linus Pauling Files, a Database on Inorganic Solid Phases and chemical safety data. Print copy of Landolt-Bornstein is available at the Swain Library." (Structure Searching)

Major collections in print

The Beilstein Handbook of Organic Chemistry is one of the most comprehensive collections of data on the properties, preparation, and reactions of carbon compounds. It is organized by structure (acyclic, isocyclic, and heterocyclic compounds). Unlike Chemical Abstracts which tries to publish everything in chemistry, Beilstein is selective. The editors have published only critically reviewed data.The Beilstein Handbook of Organic Chemistry covers the literature from 1779 through 1979. In 1991-92, the Comprehensive Compound Name and Formula Indexes were published. These indexes cover all volumes of the Main Series (H) through Supplement IV (literature through 1959). These indexes are volumes 28-29 of the Beilstein Handbook. Starting with Supplement V, covering 1960-1979, Beilstein is in English. The online version of Beilstein is available via the Reaxys database.
The Gmelin Handbook of Inorganic and Organometallic Chemistry is a comprehensive treatise that provides a collection of data in the fields of inorganic, organometallic, and physical chemistry. Also included are the areas of physics, metallurgy, geochemistry, mineralogy, and crystallography. The original source of the data is referenced. The text also includes tables of numerical data, curves, and other graphic material, including diagrams of apparatus. There are three basic parts to Gmelin, the Main Series volumes, Supplements to the Main Series, and a New Supplement Series. The set is shelved by the element symbol — consult the molecular formula index to determine which volume a compound is in. Selected data from print Gmelin is available online via the Reaxys database.

Subject > Crystallography

Chemistry & ChemEng Library (Swain) » Media » QD921 .C36 2015
"The CSD is the world repository of small molecule crystal structures. Stanford has a license to the web version of CSD which is updated weekly. We also have a site license for the Cambridge Crystallographic Database System, Mercury, DASH, Hermes, and SuperStar. (Structure Searching)
Blah blah blah
Karlsruhe : Fachinformationszentrum ; Gaithersburg : NIST,
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"ICSD (Inorganic Crystal Structure Database) is the world's largest comprehensive database on the complete structural information for crystalline inorganic compounds. The data are carefully evaluated from relevant scientific literature. Besides the bibliographic information each dataset contains compound name, molecular formula, as well as space group, unit cell parameters, atomic coordinates and temperature factors."
The series contains articles and data on crystallographic research and applications of crystallographic methods on the structure and properties of materials. Symmetry, diffraction methods and techniques of crystal structure determination, and physical and chemical properties of crystals are emphasized. Each volume includes discussions of theory, practical explanations, and examples for educators.

Subject > Physical Constants

Kaye and Laby Tables of Physical and Chemical Constants
16th ed. Essex, England ; New York : Longman Scientific & Technical, c1995.
Chemistry & ChemEng Library (Swain) » Reference » QC61 .K3 1995
The Sixteenth Edition retains its position as the most up-to-date reference work available, providing a unique coverage of the whole range of physical and chemical data available, in a single volume. In addition to the latest available values and a wealth of new material, this edition features improved accessibility, simplified illustrations, key references, and most importantly, introductory text in each section, allowing the data to be quickly understood and used with ease.

Subject > Solubility

Version 1.0. [S.l.] : Distributed by NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) Measurement Services Division, 2003.
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These solubilities are compiled from 18 volumes of the International Union for Pure and Applied Chemistry(IUPAC)-NIST Solubility Data Series. The database includes liquid-liquid, solid-liquid, and gas-liquid systems. Typical solvents and solutes include water, seawater, heavy water, inorganic compounds, and a variety of organic compounds such as hydrocarbons, halogenated hydrocarbons, alcohols, acids, esters and nitrogen compounds. There are over 67,500 solubility measurements and over 1800 references.

Subject > Spectroscopy

In addition to the quick lookup resources below, both SciFinder and Reaxys contain links to literature references that include a wide array of properties information, including spectra.  Links for accessing SciFinder and Reaxys is on the Major Databases page in this guide.


[Washington, D.C.] : National Institute of Standards and Technology, [1998]
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The NIST Chemistry WebBook contains: Thermochemical data for over 7000 organic and small inorganic compounds; thermochemistry data for over 8000 reactions; IR spectra for over 16,000 compounds; mass spectra for over 33,000 compounds; UV/Vis spectra for over 1600 compounds; electronic and vibrational spectra for over 5000 compounds; constants of diatomic molecules(spectroscopic data) for over 600 compounds; ion energetics data for over 16,000 compounds; thermophysical property data for 74 fluids.
NIST X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) Database gives easy access to the energies of many photoelectron and Auger-electron spectral lines. Resulting from a critical evaluation of the published literature, the database contains over 22,000 line positions, chemical shifts, doublet splittings, and energy separations of photoelectron and Auger-electron lines. A highly interactive program allows the user to search by element, line type, line energy, and many other variables. Users can easily identify unknown measured lines by matching to previous measurements. Version 4.1 which contains an additional 4368 data records for a total of over 33,000 data records. Version 4.1 also contains new reference photoelectron binding energies, reference Auger-electron kinetic energies, and reference Auger parameters for many elemental solids from recent analyses of Handbook data. Wagner plots are now available for 61 elements.
Web version 6.0. Boca Raton, FL : Chapman & Hall/CRC Press, c2002.
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POC is a database that contains over 29,000 of the most commonly sought organic compounds, featuring physical data, spectral data, and structures. With a high quality display and powerful search capabilities, it acts as an easy-to-use tool for identifying unknown compounds or for locating additional data and references for a known compound. Search by spectral peak, molecular formula/elements, properties, and substructure. (Structure searching)
Spectra data base : (UV/Vis+ photochemistry data base)
[Maintal, Germany] : science-softCon, [2010?]
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The 7th edition of the science-softCon "UV/Vis+ Spectra Data Base" contains about 5600 spectra/data sheets (ascii-format) and additional photochemistry information from published papers of about 900 substances. The data base is subdivided into 27 substance groups.  The database is divided into a Literature Service and a Spectra Service.  The Literature Service provides spectra data sheets with information concerning publications of EUV-VUV-UV-Vis-NIR spectral data and related information (e.g. quantum yield studies, photolysis studies, etc.).  The Spectra Service provides in addition the spectra data (high and low resolution spectra, from low temperatures to high temperatures) in digital form, graphical representations of the spectral data, and additional photochemical information.
Japan : AIST
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SDBS includes 6 different types of spectra under a directory of the compounds. The six spectra are as follows, an electron impact Mass spectrum (EI-MS), a Fourier transform infrared spectrum (FT-IR), a 1H nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectrum, a 13C NMR spectrum, a laser Raman spectrum, and an electron spin resonance (ESR) spectrum. It is possible to search by compound name, molecular formula, molecular weight, CAS Registry Number, number of atoms, and spectral peaks.
Wiley Registry of Mass Spectral Data online
Ninth Edition. [Hoboken, NJ ?] : John Wiley & Sons, [2010] ©2010.
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This database contains three collections of MS data:  (1) Wiley Registry 9th – 670,000 classical EI spectra, 570,000 searchable structures  (2) NIST/EPA/NIH 2011 – 240,000 classical EI spectra, 210,000 searchable structures (3) Wiley MS – 100,000 classical EI spectra, 100,000 searchable structures   It is the largest mass spectral library that is commercially available. Coverage includes pharmaceuticals, illegal drugs, poisons, pesticides,steroids, natural products, chemical warfare agents,and environmental pollutants.   Search help: Getting Started (from Wiley) and SurfSpec Flash Movies (from UK's Chemical Database Service). (Structure searching)

Swain Reference Books on Spectra

Ed. 3. Milwaukee, Wis. (940 W. St. Paul Ave., Milwaukee 53233) : Aldrich Chemical Co., c1981.
Chemistry & ChemEng Library (Swain) » Reference » QD96.I5 P67 1981
Includes more than 12,000 spectra classified by functional group and structural presentation.
Ed. 1. Milwaukee, Wis. : Aldrich Chemical Co., c1985-1989.
SAL3 (off-campus storage) » Stacks » QD96 .I5 P66 1985 F V.1
This three volume set includes over 18,000 spectra categorized by chemical functionality and arranged in order of increasing structural complexity.
Ed. 1 Milwaukee : Aldrich Chemical Co., c1993.
Chemistry & ChemEng Library (Swain) » Reference » QC462.85 .A44 1993 F V.1
This three volume set of 12,000 high-resolution 75MHz 13C and 300MHz 1H FT-NMR spectra is arranged according to functionality.
Ed. 2. Milwaukee, Wis. (P.O. Box 355, Milwaukee 53201) : Aldrich Chemical Co., c1983.
Chemistry & ChemEng Library (Swain) » Reference » QD96.N8 P68 1983 F V.1
A two volume set of more than 8,500 60MHz 1H NMR spectra.
3rd ed. Chichester ; New York : Wiley, 2001.
Chemistry & ChemEng Library (Swain) » Reference » QC457 .S69 2001
This revised text but has been extended to meet the interpretive needs of Raman users as well as those working in the IR region. The result is a uniquely practical, comprehensive and detailed source for spectral interpretation. Combining in one volume, the correlation charts and tables for spectral interpretation for these two complementary techniques, this book will be of great benefit to those using or considering either technique.

Subject > Thermo

Berlin : Fiz Chemie
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Infotherm contains property data for more than 30,000 pure substances and compounds, including PVT-properties, phase equilibria, transport and surface properties, caloric properties, acoustic and optical properties. Searchable by compound, molecular formula, CAS registry number in combination with chemical state, conditions, properties, and/or system. Covers 1919-present.
[Washington, D.C.] : National Institute of Standards and Technology, [1998]
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The NIST Chemistry WebBook contains: Thermochemical data for over 7000 organic and small inorganic compounds; thermochemistry data for over 8000 reactions; IR spectra for over 16,000 compounds; mass spectra for over 33,000 compounds; UV/Vis spectra for over 1600 compounds; electronic and vibrational spectra for over 5000 compounds; constants of diatomic molecules(spectroscopic data) for over 600 compounds; ion energetics data for over 16,000 compounds; thermophysical property data for 74 fluids.
4th ed. Washington, DC : American Chemical Society ; New York : American Institute of Physics for the National Institute of Standards and Technology, 1998.
Chemistry & ChemEng Library (Swain) » Reference » QD511.8 .C48 1998 PT.1
The 4th edition of the NIST-JANAF Thermochemical Tables gathers in one resource new and meticulously revised key temperature-dependent thermochemical properties including heat capacity, enthalpy, entropy, Gibbs' energy function, enthalpy of formation, Gibbs' (free) energy of formation, transition data, fusion data, vaporization data, sublimation data, and the logarithm of the equilibrium constant of formation for over 46 elements and their associated compounds.  These 1800+ tables cover the crystal, liquid, or ideal gas states for single and multi-phases of many inorganic substances and organic substances with one or two carbon atoms.
"SpringerMaterials is based on the Landolt-Börnstein New Series, the unique, fully evaluated data collection in all areas of physical sciences and engineering. SpringerMaterials also comprises the Dortmund Data Bank Software & Separation Technology, a Database on Thermophysical Properties and the Linus Pauling Files, a Database on Inorganic Solid Phases and chemical safety data. Print copy of Landolt-Bornstein is available at the Swain Library." (Structure Searching)
Thermochemical Data of Elements and Compounds
2nd, rev. and extended ed. Weinheim : Wiley-VCH, c2002.
Chemistry & ChemEng Library (Swain) » Stacks » QD511.8 .B56 2002
This book contains selected values of the thermochemical properties of well over 3000 mostly inorganic substances. Values are given for enthalpy of formation and entropy at 298 K. Using the compiled fixed Cp values or the Cp/T functions in the form of a polynomial, the enthalpy, entropy, and Gibbs free energy values at other temperatures can be calculated. In many cases special equilibrium constants, e. g., for evaporation or decomposition reactions, are also given.
Thermochemical Data of Pure Substances
3rd ed. New York : VCH, 1995.
SAL3 (off-campus storage) » Stacks » QD511.8 .B369 1995 F V.1
This text discusses the thermodynamics of the processing of ores, coal, waste and residues. Approximately 3300 pure substances in different phases, including 230 organic compounds, are considered in this compilation of thermodynamic data. It combines well-established tabulations with a broad range of more recent tabulations and also considers substances previously untreated in similar tables. Many thermodynamic functions are presented which include heat capacity, entropy, Gibb's energy function, enthalpy of formation and the equilibrium constant of formation. The values of these functions are tabulated at intervals of 100K, starting at 100K and going up to 5000K. In addition, the text introduces the relations of chemical thermodynamics which have been expanded.
Thermophysical Properties of Chemicals and Hydrocarbons
Second edition.
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Compiled by an expert in the field, the book provides an engineer with data they can trust. Spanning gases, liquids, and solids, all critical properties (including viscosity, thermal conductivity, and diffusion coefficient) are covered.  From C1 to C100 organics and Ac to Zr inorganics, the data in this handbook is a perfect quick reference for field, lab or classroom usage.

Data journals

Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables
New York, Academic Press.
SAL3 (off-campus storage) » Stacks » QC770 .A78 V.93 2007
About this Journal: "Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables presents compilations of experimental and theoretical information in atomic physics, nuclear physics, and closely related fields. The journal is devoted to the publication of tables and graphs of general usefulness to researchers in both basic and applied areas. Extensive and comprehensive compilations of experimental and theoretical results are featured. Research areas include: Collision processes, Energy levels, Interaction cross-sections, Penetration of charged particles through matter, Spectroscopy, Transition probabilities, Wavefunctions, and X rays."
Data Science Journal
[Paris, France] : Committee on Data for Science and Technology (CODATA) of the International Council for Science (ICSU), [2002]-
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CODATA is concerned with all types of data resulting from experimental measurements, observations and calculations in every field of science and technology, including the physical sciences, biology, geology, astronomy, engineering, environmental science, ecology and others. Particular emphasis is given to data management problems common to different disciplines and to data used outside the field in which they were generated.  Scope of the CODATA Data Science Journal.
Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data
[Washington, American Chemical Society]
SAL3 (off-campus storage) » Stacks » 540.5 .J865C V.54:NO.8-12 2009
About this Journal: "The Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data is a monthly journal devoted to the publication of data obtained from both experiment and computation. It is the only American Chemical Society journal primarily concerned with articles containing data on the phase behavior and the physical, thermodynamic, and transport properties of well-defined materials, including complex mixtures of known compositions. While environmental and biological samples are of interest, their compositions must be known and reproducible. As a result, adsorption on natural product materials does not generally fit within the scope of Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data.  The scope of this Journal includes thermophysical properties obtained from quantum chemistry, molecular simulation, and molecular mechanics calculations as well as reviews of experimental techniques."
Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics
London, New York, Academic Press.
SAL3 (off-campus storage) » Stacks » QD501 .J78 V.35:NO.7-12 2003
About this journal: "The Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics exists primarily for dissemination of significant new knowledge in experimental equilibrium thermodynamics and transport properties of chemical systems. The Journal publishes work relating to gases, liquids, solids, polymers, mixtures, solutions and interfaces. Studies on systems with variability, such as biological or bio-based materials, gas hydrates, among others, will also be considered provided these are well characterized and reproducible where possible. Experimental methods should be described in sufficient detail to allow critical assessment of the accuracy claimed.  Authors are encouraged to provide physical or chemical interpretations of the results. Articles can contain modelling sections providing representations of data or molecular insights into the properties or transformations studied. Theoretical papers on chemical thermodynamics using molecular theory or modelling are also considered."
Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion
Materials Park, Ohio : ASM International
SAL3 (off-campus storage) » Stacks » TN689 .B84 V.26 2005
About this journal: "The Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion (JPED) focuses on the crystallographic, chemical, diffusion, and other kinetic properties of phases. It features critical phase diagram evaluations on scientifically and industrially important alloy systems, authored by international experts, as well as critically reviewed basic and applied research results, and a survey of current literature. JPED covers the significance of diagrams as well as new research techniques, equipment, data evaluation, nomenclature, presentation, and other aspects of phase diagram preparation and use. It also offers information on such phenomena as kinetic control of equilibrium, coherency effects, impurity effects, and thermodynamic and crystallographic characteristics."
Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data
[New York, etc.] American Chemical Society.
SAL3 (off-campus storage) » Stacks » QC61 .J6 V.38:NO.3-4 2009
About this Journal: "Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data is published by the American Institute of Physics (AIP) for the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST); content is published online daily, collected into quarterly online and printed issues (4 issues per year). The objective of the Journal is to provide critically evaluated physical and chemical property data, fully documented as to the original sources and the criteria used for evaluation, preferably with uncertainty analysis. Critical reviews of measurement techniques may also be included if they shed light on the accuracy of available data in a technical area. Papers reporting correlations of data or estimation methods are acceptable only if they are based on critical data evaluation and if they produce “reference data”—the best available values for the relevant properties. The journal is not intended as a publication outlet for original experimental measurements such as those normally reported in the primary research literature, nor for review articles of a descriptive or primarily theoretical nature."
Scientific Data
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About this journal: "Scientific Data is an open-access, peer reviewed, online-only publication for descriptions of scientifically valuable datasets, and exists to help you publish, discover and reuse research data.  Scientific Data primarily publishes Data Descriptors, a new type of scientific publication designed to promote an in-depth understanding of research datasets. Data Descriptors combine traditional scientific article content with structured information curated in-house, and are devised to maximize data reuse and enable searching, linking and data-mining."

Finding aids

CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics
Cleveland, Ohio, CRC Press.
Green Library » Information Center: Reference » QD65 .H3 96TH 2015/2016
Section 18: Sources of Chemical and Physical data.  "In addition to the primary research journals, there are many useful sources of property data of the type contained in the CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics. A selected list of these is presented here, with emphasis on print and electronic sources whose contents have been subject to a reasonable level of quality control."  See also Tables Relocated or Removed from CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 71st through 87th Editions (pdf).


Handbooks and Tables in Science and Technology
3rd ed. Phoenix, AZ : Oryx Press, 1994.
Chemistry & ChemEng Library (Swain) » Reference » Z7405.T3 P68 1994
"A partially annotated bibliography of handbooks, manuals, databooks, sourcebooks, tables and guides that tabulate and compile current data for scientific and technical disciplines. This third edition contains some 650 new entries, while outdated entries have been removed."
"At the time of its establishment in 1966, by the International Council of Scientific Unions (ICSU), the Committee on Data for Science and Technol­ ogy (CODATA) was given the basic mission of promoting and encouraging, on a worldwide basis, the production and distribution of compendia and of collections of critically selected numerical data on substances other forms of interest and importance to science and technology." (Publisher's description)
