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Felicia Smith

Head, Learning & Outreach


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Felicia's role in the library

I am the Head of the Learning & Outreach department for Stanford University Libraries. I supervise reference, outreach and instruction services. I coordinate library marketing and outreach activities, with a focus on increasing undergraduate engagement with library resources and services. I also provide research support for students in the Program in Writing and Rhetoric (PWR). 

Topic Guides by Felicia

Professional activities

ABC-CLIO/Greenwood/Praeger Publisher's Editorial Advisory Board, 2013
Reference Services Review Editorial Advisory Board, 2010-2013
International Federation of Library Association (IFLA), 2008-Present
American Library Association (ALA), 2000–2015

Selected publications

Cybrarian Extraordinaire: Compelling Information Literacy Instruction. Westport, Conn.: Libraries Unlimited, February 2011.

Smith, Felicia. 2009. Life Saving Library Outreach. In Librarians as Community Partners: An Outreach Handbook, edited by Carol Smallwood, ALA Publication. 
Smith, Felicia. 2009. Freedom Readers in a Juvenile Correctional Facility. In Librarians as Community Partners: An Outreach Handbook, edited by Carol Smallwood, ALA Publication.
Smith, Felicia. 2015. The Amazing RaceLibrary Journal, Sept. 24, 2015.

Smith, Felicia. 2012. Helicopter Librarian: Expect the Unexpected. Library Journal, Aug. 28, 2012.

Smith, Felicia. 2007. Pirate-Teacher. Journal of Academic Librarianship, Volume 33, Number 2, pp. 276-288.
Smith, Felicia. 2007. Games for Teaching Information Literacy Skills. Library Philosophy and Practice, Volume 9, Number 2, April.

Smith, Felicia. 2006. Weary Helper: From Private to Librarian.

Smith, Felicia. 2007. Pursuit of Employment in the New Millenium.

Smith, Felicia. 2007. J.A.W.S. -- A Historical PerspectiveJournal of Electronic Publishing, Volume 10, Number 2, Spring.  
"Lovin' Libraries: Stanford Internship Program," presenter, October Conference for New England Academic Librarians, Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH, October 2013 (Invited)

“5-Minutes of a Day in the Life of the Pirate Librarian,” California Academic and Research Libraries Conference, San Diego, CAApril 2012.
Outreach to Inmates: Kindles in Kiddie Jail," National Diversity in Libraries Conference, Princeton University, New JerseyJuly 2010. (*Note* Click images on presentation link to advance)
“A Day in the Second Life of Students of the Pirate Librarian,” LOEX-of-the-West Conference, Mount Royal UniversityJune 2010, Calgary, Alberta.
“Transformers: More Than Meets the Eye with Library Technology,” International Federation of Library Association, August 2009, Bologna, Italy.

More about Felicia

Before coming to Stanford, I worked at the Hesburgh Libraries at the University of Notre Dame. Before that I worked at Medical, Business, and Public libraries. Interestingly enough, I was employed as a Certified Criminal Defense Private Investigator before becoming a librarian.

While at Stanford, I created De-Stress Fests to help students relax during Finals. These events included massages, dog therapy, art therapy (painting parties) as well as games from childhood, jigsaw puzzles and snacks of course.

I created an outdoor reference service located near a fountain. The theme for this service was "Librarians are fountains of information."

I created paid internships for first generation college students. This was available to High School students from underrepresented populations.

I created an "Amazing Library Titles Race" game for library instruction, in 2015. This was the same year that I experimented with Zombie (video game) Battles to build bonds between librarians and students.

I also piloted my "Free-Range" library instruction workshops. These were library classes held outside near trees, using mobile devices or laptops only.


MLIS, Dominican University
BA, Public Relations, University of Illinois at Chicago