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Kathleen M Smith

Curator, Germanic Collections & Medieval Studies
Kathleen Smith. Photo by Wayne Vanderkuil



Kathleen's role in the library

The Germanic Collections include materials for research and instruction in literature and linguistics, cultural studies, history, and social studies. The geographic scope of these collections includes the Scandinavian countries, Flemish-speaking Belgium, Luxemburg, and the Netherlands; however, the primary collecting areas are Germany, Austria, and German-speaking Switzerland.

As the curator for the Germanic collections and for medieval studies, I select new materials and provide reference assistance; I also work with faculty and students to help them find the materials that they need for their research and teaching.

Course Guides by Kathleen

Course number Term Guide Instructor
HIST 215: Saints and Sinners: Women and Religion in the Medieval World Introduction to Medieval Studies Resources

Selected publications

Smith, Kathleen. "Emblematica Online: A Case Study in Humanities Research Projects." In New Technologies and Renaissance Studies II, eds. Tassie Gniady, Kris McAbee, and Jessica Murphy. Tempe, AZ: Iter Academic Press and ACMRS (Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies), 2014. Pp. 261-284.

Smith, Kathleen M. and Fotis Jannidis. "Programming for the Future? The Specification of User Requirements in the Design of Virtual Research Environments for the Arts and Humanities." In Evolution der Informationsinfrastruktur: Kooperation zwischen Bibliothek und Wissenschaft, eds. Heike Neuroth, Norbert Lossau, and Andrea Rapp. Glückstadt: Verlag Werner Hülsbusch, 2013. Pp. 71-84.

Hedges, Mark; Neuroth, Heike; Smith, Kathleen M.; Blanke, Tobias; Romary, Laurent; Küster, Marc; and Malcolm Illingworth. “TextGrid, TEXTvre, DARIAH: Sustainability of Infrastructures for Textual Scholarship.” Journal of the Text Encoding Initiative 5 (2013).

Gavin, Michael, and Kathleen Marie Smith. “An Interview with Brett Bobley.” In Debates in the Digital Humanities, ed. Matthew Gold. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2012. Pp. 61-66.

Neuroth, Heike; Lohmeier, Felix; and Kathleen M. Smith. “TextGrid—Virtual Research Environment for the Humanities.” International Journal of Digital Curation (IJDC) 6:2 (2011): 222-231.


PhD, Germanic Languages & Literatures, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
MLS, University of Texas at Austin
BA, English Literature & German Studies, University of Colorado at Boulder