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2014 Mass Spectrometry Users' Meeting

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Date: Tuesday October 7, 2014 
Time: 8:00 am - 4:30 pm
Location: Arrillaga Alumni Center [map, transportation & parking directions]

Parking: Galvez Field event parking; register to obtain parking discount code
Admission: Free                                    

2013 Users meeting

Symposium for users of mass spectrometry resources as well as those interested in finding out more about applications of the technology. The Mass Spec Users’ Meeting is an annual opportunity for Stanford and community scientists to meet, mingle, and learn about research resources and ongoing mass spec related research at Stanford.

Keynote Speaker: Peter Jackson PhD, Professor of Microbiology and Immunology - Baxter Labs

Peter K.  Jackson

Dr. Jackson’s lab focuses on enzyme mechanisms controlling cell growth and division, and cancer. At Stanford, he studied cell and centrosome cycles, SCF and APC/C E3 ubiquitin ligases and their inhibitors, cyclin-dependent and Polo kinases, and the Cdc14 and PP2A phosphatases. At Genentech, he developed drugs targeting cell cycle checkpoints (including the Chk1 inhibitor currently in clinical trials), cellular stress pathways, and tumor metabolism. His lab studies protein modifying and regulatory enzymes including acetyltransferases and E3 ubiquitin ligases controlling cell regeneration, cancer, and signaling in primary cilia. His lab has developed methods for proteomic network building and metabolomics to discover new human disease genes in ciliopathies, human degenerative diseases, and cancer.


Other meeting highlights:

  • Participant Poster Session - Sign up during registration to bring and share your mass spec-relevant poster (new or existing).
  • Variability Survey & Discussion - A host of factors impact the development of an analytical project.  Your survey responses will help stimulate a discussion of variability assessment practices in our community, and how they pertain to the types of experiments that we collectively face every day.  (survey now closed)
  • Campus Resource Lightning Round - Practical presentations on accessing and making the most of Stanford-wide programs.  In addition, directors of many Stanford core resources will be on hand and available for discussions
  • And as always, the famous prize raffle!



Click here for talk abstracts.  Presentation slides posted after the meeting are to be for personal use only.

8:00am Registration/Breakfast
Exhibits (all day)



Core Collaborations


Identification of Cell Surface Poly-N-Acetyllactosamine Bearing Protein Ligands for a Human Natural IgM Antibody by Mass Spectrometry
Neelima Bhat PhD, Dept. of Obstetrics & Gynecology - Oncology, Stanford University Medical Center
Chris Adams PhDStanford University Mass Spectrometry 

9:15am The Effect of Altered Gravity of the Drosophila Proteome: Relevance to NASA’s Space Flight Mission
Ravikumar Hosamani PhD, Space Biosciences Division, NASA Ames Research Center
Ryan Leib PhD, Stanford University Mass Spectrometry
9:55am Propofol Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics in the Obese:  The Influence of Insulin Resistance
Jerry Ingrande MD, Dept. of Anesthesia, Stanford University Medical Center
Karolina Krasinska MS, Stanford University Mass Spectrometry
10:35am Coffee Break


Decoding Drivers of Human Disease by Proteomics and Protein Network Building (abstract)
Peter Jackson PhD
, Dept. of Microbiology & Immunology, Stanford University Medical Center


Lunch & Campus Resource Lightning Round

  Lee Kozar, Computational Services & Bioinformatics Facility (CSBF)

Grace Baysinger MS, Stanford Libraries/Databases & software resources
Database Comparison Chart

  Emily Egeler PhD, SPARK Program
  John Tamaresis PhD MS, Biostatistics & Study Design

Sponsor Seminars

  Agilent: Targeted Protein and Peptide Quantitation using Skyline Software (abstract)
  Bruker: MALDI-TOF Applications (abstract)
  Metabolon: Problem Solving with Metabolomics: Completing the Phenotypic Picture in Systems Biology and Disease (abstract)
  Shimadzu: The Laboratory of the Future: Next Generation Sample Preparation, Immuno-Mass Spectrometry and Hosted Informatics Solutions (abstract)
2:00pm Coffee Break
2:20pm Variability Survey Discussion

Faculty Research

2:40pm Monitoring Dynamic Responses to the Gut Microbiota via Host-centric Proteomics of Stool (abstract)
Josh Lichtman, Dept. of Chemical & Systems Biology, Stanford University Medical Center
3:00pm Mass Spectrometry Applications for Cancer Early Detection
Sharon Pitteri PhD, Canary Center at Stanford for Cancer Early Detection
3:20pm ProteoWizard and Improving Data Independent Acquisition by Using Computational Demultiplexing
Parag Mallick PhD, Canary Center at Stanford for Cancer Early Detection
3:40pm Reception & Poster Session
4:20pm Raffle
4:30pm Close


Many thanks to our meeting sponsors:

  • AB Sciex
  • Agilent Technologies
  • Bruker Daltonics
  • Denator
  • Metabolon, Inc.
  • Promega Corporation
  • Proteome Software
  • Sage-N Research, Inc.
  • Shimadzu
  • Sierra Analytics
  • Thermo Fisher Scientific
  • Waters Corporation