Role & Background

Alphabetical order

Deepa Balraj

Deepa Balraj is a ETL Engineer on the STRIDE project. She works on the system that extracts, processes and loads electronic health information from Stanford hospitals into the STRIDE system. She is a skilled software professional with 10+ years of experience in software development, vendor management, project management, performance engineering, and application administration, most recently at IBM. Her interests outside work involves classical dance and traveling.

Preston Carter, MBA

Preston Carter is a Clinical Database Developer working with the consultation services team on data quality and documentation of outgoing datasets. Preston has a technical background in data modeling, SQL application programming, and full-stack web development, most recently at HP Enterprise Services. Preston has an MBA from UCLA Anderson School of Management.

Todd Ferris, MD, MS

Todd Ferris, MD, MS is the Chief Technology Officer at Stanford University School of Medicine and Chief Informatician for SCCI. He is a graduate of Stanford's Biomedical Informatics Training Program; his research interests include the security of health information and data repository architectures. He is the security architect and access granting authority for the STRIDE system.

Michael Halaas

Michael Halaas is the Chief Information Office for the Stanford University School of Medicine. Michael currently provides oversight for the Center for Clinical Informatics.

Gomathi Krishnan, PhD

Gomathi Krishnan, PhD is the Clinical and Translational Research Informatics Specialist for the Stanford Center for Clinical Informatics. Gomathi joined the Center in early 2008 from the Pediatric Stem Cell Transplant Unit where she was a CRA. Previously she conducted research on single-fiber muscle cell physiology in aging patients at Harvard Medical School.

Jae Lee, MBA

Jae Lee, MBA is the Application Engineer responsible for the client framework development platform. She worked for several years in consulting (Failure Analysis and Accenture) before moving to software. She has extensive application development and QA experience including both black- and white-box testing and is currently supporting the REDCap user community, offering best practices review and implementing custom feature requests. She has been with the STRIDE team since 2006.

Sanjay Malunjkar

Sanjay Malunjkar is Senior Technical Lead of the STRIDE project. He leads the team building HL7 message processing systems to populate the clinical data repository that forms the core of the STRIDE system. He is a computer scientist and software professional who had developed applications in financial services, legal, pharmaceutical, retail, telecommunications, marketing, and airline sectors using web services and J2EE before joining the STRIDE project in 2006.

Andrew Martin, PhD

Andrew Martin, PhD is the Principal Informatics Architect for the Center. He has developed and managed informatics platforms for multiple biotech and drug-discovery companies, specializing in complex data mining, analysis and visualization. He received his PhD in bioorganic chemistry with Dr. Peter Schultz at UC-Berkeley studying protein dynamics and in vivo unnatural amino acid incorporation.

Garrick Olson

Garrick is our software architect and primary owner of the overall architecture of STRIDE, CHOIR, and other systems. After studying mathematics and computer science, he built software for banking and corporate finance before joining us in 2007. His research interests include application security, performance, and data visualization.

Teresa Pacht

Teresa Pacht is a Senior Software Developer on the CHOIR project. Prior to joining the center in 2011, she was with Stanford University Libraries for 9 years as a Systems Developer for their "Bench>Press" product, a web-based manuscript tracking and management services application. Teresa is a computer scientist and software professional with extensive system design and development experience across a wide range of applications including publishing, manufacturing, finance and supply chain management.

Tina Seto

Tina Seto is a Senior Clinical Data Engineer and is currently supporting the Oncoshare breast cancer research project, High Risk Infant Followup, Stanford's i2b2 implementation and the STRIDE project.  She has a MS in Computer Science from Stanford and previously worked at Oracle and a startup before joining SCCI in 2009.

Irvin Szeto

Irvin Szeto is a Software Developer for the Center.  He has worked within the Internet industry in the Valley for over 12 years.  His interests besides crafting elegant and invisible UX/UI for his users, include data mining and visualizations as pertains to his work and areas outside of work such as sports and finance.

David Tom

David Tom is a Senior Systems Engineer on the STRIDE project. He is the lead developer on a variety of customer facing application projects. David is a software developer and joins us from Oracle, where he spent 17 years working on middleware, content management and desktop application products.

Susan C. Weber, PhD

Susan C. Weber, PhD is Director of Informatics Services for the Stanford Center for Clinical Informatics. She has been a member of the STRIDE project team since its inception, and is the principal developer of many of STRIDE's core systems. She has a PhD in Computer Science and 20 years' experience as a professional software developer.

Lee Ann Yasukawa, MS

Lee Ann Yasukawa, MS is the Senior Application Developer affiliated with the Cardiothoracic Surgery Research Database project. Lee Ann was originally a control systems engineer at SLAC, then spent several years as both a server side engineer and an application developer on the Coghead platform.

Eileen Loh, MS

Eileen Loh, MS is a Software Engineer who works primarily on the High Risk Infants Followup Quality of Care Initiative.  Eileen began her software career at Sun Microsystems, optimizing performance of early versions of java.  She has over ten years of experience analyzing, optimizing and implementing application server and middleware code.  Prior entering the software industry, Eileen worked as a scale-up/manufacturing engineer in the pharmaceutical industry and has a BS in Chemical Engineering.