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Stanford Against Islamophobia Nov 14
We did not come to to listen to hate why did 5 students bring hate to campus and 900 get silenced?
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Gavin Preston, M.D. Nov 13
When I was a at , I knew someone who'd been rejected multiple times to med schools. He turned the tables with this letter: "Every year I receive too many rejection letters, so I can't accept yours. I'll be at your medical school on the first day." It worked!
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Bud Geracie Nov 10
Cant blv i have to watch the end of a truck race before FS1 gives me -. C'mon, man. FOX blows
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BitDegree Nov 17
Wednesday and Jeff Burton attended the meet up with 300 more people at
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Mary Reagan Nov 14
Proud to be part of the Stanford walk out on Robert Spencer. Very well organized leaving a mostly empty room for him to speak to!!
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Stanford Surgery Nov 17
Don't forget to vote for Vascular Surgeon for Top 50 in Digital Health!
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Breakout Mobile Nov 14
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Ryan Maquiñana Nov 18
band attempted to make light of the movement in their Big Game halftime show.
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David Holm Nov 18
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alain bejjani Nov 16
Honoured to have been invited to contribute to Leadership Perspectives at the GSB | a particularly engaging conversation w/ those who will shape tomorrow - I have learned so much. Thank you!
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PodcastOfChampions Nov 17
Any surprises in the tomorrow? at , at , at , at and at .
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Toure Carter Nov 19
The AXE stays on the Farm! D.B.U.
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Jacob Groshek, PhD Nov 19
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lou hewitson 19h
Mark Appel quickly becoming next Brien Taylor
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Kristen Sze Nov 18
in enemy territory watching cheerleaders rallying fans before
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Pier F. Indelli 23m
Two knee surgeons working together
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NCAA Football 18 Rosters (PS3) 44m
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Business Opportunity 2h
Thanks for following us, ! Loved your pinned tweet, had to retweet it :)
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Miles Avtomatik 8h
Let’s go Tar Heels!! RT : Feed Kenny Williams 3-Point Shootout @ Stanford RT : Kenny Williams go off right now? Kenny Williams ? #@griffinstaley4: !! #3-Point !!
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Scott Strazzante 12h
bench reacts to Jalek Felton's dunk during 96-72 win over Photo by
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