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Tuition and Fees, 2018-19

2018-19 Tuition Schedule

This table represents tuition and fees for next year, 2018-19. See Summer Quarter Tuition, 2017-18, for tuition relevant to the current Summer Quarter.

Regular quarterly tuition for the academic year 2018-19, payable Autumn, Winter, and Spring quarters.

Tuition Category Tuition
Undergraduate $16901
Graduate 11-18 units $16901
Graduate 8,9,10-unit rate $10990
Each graduate unit above 18 $1127
Graduate Engineering $18005
Graduate Engineering 8,9,10-unit rate $11700
Each graduate Engineering unit above 18 $1200
Graduate School of Business (M.B.A. program—first year)* $23530
Graduate School of Business (M.B.A. program—second year)* $22956
School of Medicine (M.D. Program)* $19399
Law School $20024
GSB & Law Joint Program** $21060
Permit for Services Only (PSO) $5112
Permit to Attend (PTA)*** $5112
TGR (Terminal Graduate Registration) $3297
Medical School Research Rate $3878

*Ph.D. students in the Biomedical Sciences and in the Graduate School of Business are assessed the standard graduate tuition rate.
**Law/GSB joint program tuition rate
***Policies concerning auditing are available in the Stanford Bulletin.

MSx: M.S. in Management for Experienced Leaders (GSB): $128400 annual (4 quarters)

TGR students who carry 1, 2, or 3 units are assessed the TGR rate of $3297.

PostDoc Fee: $125

Graduation Quarter: $150

Health Services Fee: $217

VSR monthly fee: $1099

Document fee

A Document Fee of $250 is assessed once upon first admission to Stanford as an undergraduate or graduate student, including Law, GSB, and Medicine students. Non-degree option (NDO) students, such as summer session and non-degree seeking SCPD students, are assessed a $125 Document Fee.