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Policies, guidances, and supporting documents governing human subject research and the protection of particpants comprise the written plan for the Human Research Protection Program (HRPP) at Stanford University. The policies are organized into the 20 chapters of the HRPP Policy Manual.

The goal of the HRPP is to protect human research participants by ensuring that in all Stanford research:

  • The rights and welfare of human research participants are adequately protected.
  • Such research is guided by the ethical principles of respect for persons, beneficence, and justice as set forth in the Belmont Report, and is conducted with the highest level of expertise and integrity.
  • Such research complies with applicable laws.
HRPP Policy Manual


Research Policy Handbook

The Stanford University Research Policy Handbook is a collection of policies, guidelines and general information related to the research enterprise at Stanford University. Those pertaining to human subject research include:

RPH Chapter 1 Conduct of Research:

RPH Chapter 4 Conflicts of Commitment and Interest:

RPH Chapter 5 Human Subjects and Stem Cells in Research:

RPH Chapter 18 Committees and Panels that Support Research:

    VA Policies (Veterans Health Administration)