What should I do before my surgery?
  • Diet

    Eat your normal diet unless instructed otherwise by your nurse coordinator. DO NOT EAT OR DRINK anything after midnight before your surgery.

  • Medications

    You will be instructed by your nurse coordinator on which medications to continue or stop on the morning of surgery.

  • Shower

    You will be required to shower with one anti-microbial soap the evening before surgery and one anti-microbial soap on the morning of surgery before you come to the hospital.

    The anti-microbial soaps will be provided to you on the pre-operative day.

What should I do on the day of my surgery?
What will happen during surgery?
How long will my surgery take?
Who will update my family of the surgery progress?
Will I require blood transfusion during surgery?
Where will I go after my surgery?
When will my breathing tube be removed?
How do I lower my risk for pneumonia?

Incentive spirometer.

How will my pain be managed?
When can I eat or drink?
How long will I be in the ICU?
How long will I be in the hospital?
What are my restrictions after surgery?
When can I drive?
How much walking/exercise will I need after the surgery?

Activity checklist.

Heart Surgery Clinic

Pioneering advanced treatment for conditions like congestive heart failure, aortic disease, arrhythmia, cardiomyopathy, and valvular heart disease.
Boswell Building
300 Pasteur Drive
Stanford, CA 94305
Phone: 650-724-7500
Visit Clinic