Stanford Students ARRESTED in #ReclaimMLK Shutdown of San Mateo Bridge

On January 19th, 2015, 68 Stanford students were arrested while honoring Martin Luther King’s legacy by engaging in civil disobedience. #SiliconShutDown #ReclaimMLK #Stanford68


  1. Click here to view the Silicon Shut Down website. Click here for the official statement.
    Contact 650-427-9827 or to provide legal or bail support to the arrested students. Follow @SiliconShutdown on Twitter for information on future actions.
  2. OFFICIAL STATEMENT: Silicon Shutdown #reclaimMLK at San Mateo Bridge

    "FOSTER CITY, Calif.,–Today, over 100 Stanford University students and community members have shut down the San Mateo-Hayward bridge in response to Ferguson/St. Louis organizers’ call for intense, sustained, direct action. We will hold the bridge for 28 minutes, 28 minutes because every 28 hours a Black person is killed by a police officer or vigilante. We align ourselves with the Ferguson Action demands (, including the demilitarization of local law enforcement and the repurposing of law enforcement funds to support community-based alternatives to incarceration. This is in defense of ALL black lives. We stand with Black men and women. We act when Black Queer and Trans lives are threatened. We defend the rights of our Black family when we are poor, disabled and incarcerated. In honor of Martin Luther King’s legacy, we will place ourselves and our bodies in direct opposition to the racist, oppressive system that has exploited, destroyed, and profited off Black and Brown lives from the moment of this country’s inception. In commemoration of his legacy, we will continue his fight, and reclaim this day."
    Read more of the official statement at the link below.

  3. To assist with bail/legal fees for the #Stanford68, please Venmo Silicon Shutdown. More information on exact fees and other forms of direct giving to be annouced.

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  5. “There is nothing wrong with a traffic law which says you have to stop for a red light. But when a fire is raging, the fire truck goes right through the red light……..Or, when a person is bleeding to death, the ambulance goes through those red lights at top speed…… Disinherited people all over the world are bleeding to death from deep social and economic wounds. They need brigades of ambulance drivers who will have to ignore the red lights of the present system until the emergency is solved…Massive civil disobedience is a strategy for social change which is at least as forceful as an ambulance with its siren on full.”
    -Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
  6. Today's protest on the San Mateo Bridge #stanford68 #protest #mlk #alllivesmatter
    Today's protest on the San Mateo Bridge #stanford68 #protest #mlk #alllivesmatter
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