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Disaster Recovery/Business Continuity

Projects to support priority

Our goal is improved resiliency of Business Affairs applications and services; including response plans in the event of major incidents or disasters; and improved capability of Business Affairs staff to maintain continuity of operations for critical functions performed by and delivered by Business Affairs.

Project/Description Key Dates Contacts

Business Affairs
Assess all University IT supported applications and systems for criticality and continuity measures; make recommendations at the portfolio level and the individual application/service level.

1/18/17-10/31/17 Matthew Ricks

Business Affairs
Perform workforce assessment survey across all of Business Affairs to identify capabilities, gaps, and practices for staff to be able to work remotely or from home, if needed.

1/18/17-10/31/17 Matthew Ricks

Business Affairs
Reconcile, consolidate and update DR plans into PrepareSU (or alternative), prioritize as result of criticality assessment; incorporate testing of plans in regularly-scheduled DR drills of on-premise and cloud-based infrastructure. 25% of DR plans updated by April 2018.

9/1/17-12/15/18 Matthew Ricks

Business Affairs
Perform “lite” version of a Business Impact Analysis (BIA) across all of Business Affairs to formally define critical functions and recovery targets. Pilot completed by April 2018.

6/1/17-4/30/17 Matthew Ricks

Business Affairs
Determine most appropriate continuity strategy for all University IT functions, and document or update continuity plans (alternative was to conduct business) for all critical functions.

9/1/17-9/30/18 Matthew Ricks

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Last modified September 5, 2017