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Laksmono H, McQueen TA, Sellberg JAlexander, Loh D, Huang C, Sierra RG, Schlesinger D, Hampton CY, Starodub D, DePonte DP et al..  Submitted.  Anomalous Behavior of the Homogeneous Ice Nucleation Rate in “No-man’s Land”.
Dhar A, Bostedt C.  Submitted.  Commissioning of a Gas Detector for the AMO Hutch at the LCLS.
Przystawik A, Schroedter L, Müller M, Kickermann A, Toleikis S, Adolph M, Flückiger L, Gorkhover T, Nösel L, Krikunova M et al..  Submitted.  Hidden Charge States in Soft X-ray Laser Produced Nanoplasmas Revealed by Fluorescence Spectroscopy.
Thomas H, Bostedt C, Hoener M, Eremina E, Wabnitz H, Kuhlmann M, Tiedtke K, Treusch R, Plönjes E, Möller T.  Submitted.  Interaction of intense VUV-radiation from the FEL with Ar-clusters.
Hoener M, Bostedt C, Foucar L, Thomas H, Möller T.  Submitted.  Investigation of the fragmentation processes in rare gas cluster with a reaction microscope.
Flückiger L, Adolph M, Müller JP, Müller M, Oelze T, Rupp D, Sauppe M, Barke I, Hartmann H, Meiwes-Broer KH et al..  Submitted.  Probing structure and dynamics of clusters.
Schreck S, Beye M, Sellberg JAlexander, McQueen TA, Laksmono H, DePonte DP, Kennedy B, Eckert S, Schlesinger D, Nordlund D et al..  Submitted.  Reabsorption of Soft X-ray Emission at High X-ray Free-Electron Laser Fluences.
Sokolowski-Tinten K, Barty A, Boutet S, Shymanovich U, Chapman HN, Bogan MJ, Marchesini S, Hau-Riege S, Stojanovic N, Rosandi Y et al..  Submitted.  Short-pulse laser ablation studied with time-resolved coherent XUV-scattering.
Kuhlman TS, Glover WJ, Mori T, Møller KB, Martínez TJ.  Submitted.  Simulating the Ultrafast Excited State Dynamics of Cyclopentadiene and 1, 2, 3, 4-tetramethylcyclopentadiene.
Wang L-P, Martínez TJ, Pande VS.  Submitted.  Supporting Information for: Building Force Fields-an Automatic, Systematic and Reproducible Approach.
Ji M, Gaffney KJ.  Submitted.  Supporting Online Material..
Rander T, Zimmermann T, Richter R, Knecht A, Koso TV, Fokin AA, Chernish LV, Gunchenko PA, Carlson RMK, Dahl JE et al..  Submitted.  Tailoring the electronic properties of molecular nanodiamonds: a modular design approach.
Ekeberg T, Svenda M, Abergel C, Maia F, Seltzer V, Hantke M, DePonte DP, Aquila A, Schulz J, Andreasson J et al..  Submitted.  Three-dimensional structure determination with an X-ray laser.
Lindenberg A, Schuck PJ, Judd E.  Submitted.  Ultrafast X-ray Diffraction of Laser-Irradiated Crystals.
Schroedter L, Müller M, Adolph M, Bostedt C, Flückiger L, Gorkhover T, Harmand M.  Submitted.  XUV-fluorescence of rare gas clusters in the light of FLASH.
Barke I, Hartmann H, Rupp D, Flückiger L, Sauppe M, Adolph M, Schorb S, Bostedt C, Treusch R, Peltz C et al..  2015.  The 3D-architecture of individual free silver nanoparticles captured by X-ray scattering. Nature Communications. 6
Fuchs M, Trigo M, Chen J, Ghimire S, Shwartz S, Kozina M, Jiang M, Henighan T, Bray C, Ndabashimiye G et al..  2015.  Anomalous nonlinear X-ray Compton scattering. Nature Physics.
Doumy G, Roedig C, DiMauro L, Cavalieri A, Grguras I, Meyer M, Costello J, Helml W, Maier A, Kienberger R et al..  2015.  Applications of laser streaking at X-ray free electron lasers. Bulletin of the American Physical Society. 60
Doumy G, Roedig C, DiMauro L, Cavalieri A, Grguras I, Meyer M, Costello J, Helml W, Maier A, Kienberger R et al..  2015.  Applications of laser streaking at X-ray free electron lasers. APS March Meeting Abstracts. 1:1054.
Ferguson KR, Bucher M, Bozek JD, Carron S, Castagna J-C, Coffee R, G Curiel I, Holmes M, Krzywinski J, Messerschmidt M et al..  2015.  The Atomic, Molecular and Optical Science instrument at the Linac Coherent Light Source. Journal of synchrotron radiation. 22:0–0.
Sanchez-Gonzalez A, Barillot TR, Squibb RJ, Kolorenč P, Agaker M, Averbukh V, Bearpark MJ, Bostedt C, Bozek JD, Bruce S et al..  2015.  Auger electron and photoabsorption spectra of glycine in the vicinity of the oxygen K-edge measured with an X-FEL. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics. 48:234004.
Bostedt C, Gorkhoverd T, Ruppe D, Möllere T.  2015.  Clusters and Nanocrystals.
Cadenazzi G, McFarland BK, Weisse-Bernstein NR, Tyson MC, Rodriguez G, Sandberg RL.  2015.  Coherent Diffraction Imaging with Absorption Contrast using Broadband Tabletop Soft X-ray Sources. CLEO: Science and Innovations. :STu4N–4.
Schlich FF, Zalden P, Lindenberg AM, Spolenak R.  2015.  Color Switching with Enhanced Optical Contrast in Ultrathin Phase-Change Materials and Semiconductors Induced by Femtosecond Laser Pulses. ACS Photonics.
