
Student Eligibility

UAR Student Grants support Stanford undergraduate projects. You must be enrolled in undergraduate study in the quarter when you apply for a grant, and have undergraduate status throughout the period of your project. You will need to be enrolled in undergraduate study in the quarter when grant funding is disbursed.

Students applying for summer funding must be continuing their undergraduate study in the following academic year.

There is no GPA requirement for Student Grant eligibility, but UAR reviewers consider your transcript and your academic status when evaluating your ability to complete your project. You are encouraged to discuss any academic concerns with a UAR advisor, and to address proactively any academic concerns in your proposal.

You may only use grant funds while on Leave of Absence from Stanford if you have a specific project-related reason and receive prior approval from UAR.

You may not receive more than $7900 of VPUE funding in a single academic year. This annual limit applies to any combination of UAR grants and research awards from VPUE-funded departments or individual faculty members. It does not apply to funding from the federal work-study program.

You may not accept more than one of the following in a single academic year:

  • UAR Major Grant
  • UAR Chappell Lougee Scholarship
  • Haas Summer Fellowship
  • Departmental summer research assistantship
  • Other full-time summer fellowship or internship.

Each of these opportunities represents significant time commitments and is intended to support a unique student’s full-time effort on a project.

Faculty Mentor Eligibility 

All projects supported by a Student Grant must be conducted under the guidance of a qualifying Stanford faculty mentor. Your project may draw upon the guidance of more than one mentor. However, at least one of your mentors must meet all of the following criteria:

  • A qualifying mentor must be Academic Council or Med Center-Line faculty.  Almost always, these faculty hold the title of Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor, Senior Lecturer or Senior Fellow. Mentors without one of these titles only qualify with prior UAR staff approval and only if they meet all other criteria.
  • Your mentor must have their own active research or creative agenda in a discipline closely related to main field of your project.
  • Your mentor must be available to provide consultation, training and advice throughout your project timeline.

Project Eligibility

Any Student Grant-funded project must comply with the research policies of Stanford University. These policies are established in part by the Office of the Dean of Research, which publishes the Stanford University Research Policy Handbook and maintains web pages with detailed information on all relevant policies.

Student grant-funded projects also must adhere to the following guidelines established by Undergraduate Advising and Research:

  • UAR does not fund student projects retroactively. It only reimburses expenses incurred after the approval of the proposal.
  • UAR does not fund expenses already covered by another funding source. When submitting your proposal, you must disclose all time commitments and funding sources and describe their relationship (if any) to your proposed project.
  • If your project involves human subjects in any form, you must provide the UAR office with an approved Human Subjects Protocol before receiving any funding.
  • If your project entails work off campus, you will not receive funding until you provide UAR with evidence that you are well-prepared for ethical, cultural, methodological and administrative aspects of off-campus work.  UAR cannot support, in any manner, travel to or work in a country with a current US State Department Travel Warning.
  • UAR may disqualify any proposal in the event of unaddressed safety or ethics concerns.