
Welcome back to Stanford!
Coming home after your time abroad can be both rewarding and challenging. You probably have quite a bit of energy and excitement about the past few months and are ready to make something more of your amazing encounter with the world. You may also be feeling a bit of reverse culture shock as you try to negotiate the ups and downs of life back in the US. We want to make the process of returning as easy as possible.
What You Need to Know
The nuts and bolts of Registration, Housing, and Financial Aid that will ease your transition back to campus.
Useful tips to assist your re-assimilation into American culture and campus life.
Helpful resources to get you started on making the most of your experience abroad now that you have returned to Stanford. Includes tips on getting back out into the world, keeping an international influence in your life, and resources for research and careers.
Keep up-to-date on BOSP with the latest issue of Abroad and learn more about how to support BOSP.