Community Outreach

CAPS provides the following consulting services:

  • Consult with faculty, staff, parents, or students concerned about a Stanford student  (includes students in crisis and those having psychological or adjustment difficulties)
  • On-call, crisis response therapists available 24 hours a day
  • Advice on how to refer a student to counseling
  • Campus Sexual Assault Response and Recovery Team

CAPS professional staff offer a number of educational and informational services, including:

  • Programs on developmental and mental health topics relevant to undergraduate and graduate students (offered in residences)
  • Guest speaker presentations addressing mental health issues in classes at faculty and student request

Call or stop by CAPS to make a request for these programs.  Please contact us two weeks prior to the date so we have ample time to schedule the presentation and prepare materials.  Please note that scheduling programs near the end of academic quarters may be a challenge to accommodate due to increased demand for clinical services. 

Contact CAPS at 650-723-3785.


Groups, Workshops & Trainings
Self-Help Resources
Community Outreach
Peer Counseling Courses