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The Organization Conduct Board (OCB)


The Organization Conduct Board (OCB) works with all Registered Student Organizations (RSO). Both voluntary membership groups (academic clubs, music groups, etc.) and selective membership groups (Greek organizations, club sports, etc.) are under the purview of OCB. The OCB is an advisory committee to the associate vice provost and dean of students. The OCB can be convened to hold both formal hearings and cooperative resolution discussions.


The OCB exists to help review instances of alleged student group misconduct. When an OCB panel is convened, their findings and recommendations serve to advise the associate vice provost and dean of students. The OCB reviews cases involving alleged violations of policy, reasonable expectations, or law by RSO. The OCB uses formal hearings and cooperative resolution discussions to determine the facts of a case and the level of group responsibility. If an RSO is found responsible for having violated policy, applicable law, or reasonable expectations, the OCB recommends either/both educational and punitive sanctions to resolve the concern. Those recommendations are forwarded to the associate vice provost and dean of students for a final decision.


The OCB is made up of students, faculty, and staff members from across the Stanford community. Since the purpose of the OCB is to provide representative community feedback to the dean of students, we welcome and encourage the participation of a wide variety of Stanford affiliates.