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Grant Proposals

Travel Grant Proposals

Current EDGE fellows are eligible to receive up to $1300 to cover expenses related to travel to attend professional conferences. Support is contingent on advisor approval of the proposed travel. Support is issued in the form of a travel stipend. Fellows who receive a travel grant are also required to file a post-travel summary.

  • Currently enrolled EDGE Fellows may click here to submit your travel support proposal 

Research Grant Proposals

EDGE fellows are eligible to apply for research support. The specific focus of the EDGE funding program is to support EDGE students in making successful progress on their dissertation research. The following are some of the categories for which research funds can be used:

  • Special project costs such as the purchase of datasets, production of questionnaires, and running surveys
  • Human subjects costs
  • Materials and equipment necessary for experiments or computer modeling
  • Fees to participate in special workshops or seminars directly related to the dissertation
  • Travel explicitly related to dissertation project activities (i.e. visiting off-campus archives)
  • Travel to meetings or professional conferences at which the student will present a paper
  • Other un-funded activities directly related to the dissertation

Research requests are considered annually. A request for proposals will be announced later this year.

  • EDGE fellows may apply here.