PHP Cookbook

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The University’s web hosting environment is different from those of commercial web hosting providers. Supporting services like Webauth, AFS, Kerberos, and OpenLDAP allow web developers to construct powerful, community-aware applications on an open source platform, but there are special security-related requirements that can be challenging to work through. In an effort to make it easier and faster for web developers to create (or adapt) applications to work in Stanford’s web infrastructure, IT Services provides this “cookbook” of freshly-reviewed and up-to-date PHP “recipes” (scripts and/or modules, sample code, and documentation).

Please help us make these recipes as tasty (and correct) as possible: use the wiki “talk” pages (via the “Discussion” tabs) to make suggestions or comments.


Basic Recipes

Working with the MySQL Service

Using WebAuth

More Recipes

To accomplish more tasks, please take a look at the Stanford Web Application Toolkit which allows you to send email, upload files and create forms with some SPAM fighting measures already built-in.

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