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Privacy Documents for U.S. Customs and Border Protection

Below, find privacy documents for U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP).

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DHS/CBP/PIA-001(g) - Advance Passenger Information System (APIS)

Advance Passenger Information System (APIS), June 5, 2015.  CBP updated this PIA in order to provide notice of an Intelligence Community  pilot leveraging APIS data shared under the terms of a Memorandum of Agreement between DHS and the National Counterterrorism Center, and in further support of the Department’s mission to protect the United States from potential terrorist activities.  This PIA and all prior versions are available by clicking the link above.

Associated SORN(s):

DHS/CBP/PIA-002 - Global Enrollment System (GES)

Global Enrollment System, January 10, 2013.  The Global Enrollment System allows CBP to handle the enrollment and vetting processes for trusted traveler and registered traveler programs in a centralized environment.  Individuals who wish to participate in these programs voluntarily provide PII to CBP in return for expedited transit at designated U.S. border ports of entry (POE).  This PIA was conducted to describe CBP’s trusted traveler programs, including specific improvements to the Global Entry (GE) trusted traveler program and to the Global Online Enrollment System (GOES), which is the standard application process for almost all trusted traveler programs.  This PIA also describes CBP’s registered traveler programs, which include the Small Vessel Reporting System (SVRS) and the Decal and Transponder Online Procurement System (DTOPS).  The GES PIAs of April 20, 2006, and November 1, 2006, were retired upon publication of this PIA.

Associated SORN(s):

DHS/CBP/PIA-003 - Automated Commercial Environment (ACE)

Automated Commercial Environment, July 31, 2015. The Automated Commercial Environment (ACE) is the backbone of the U.S. Customs and Border Protection’s (CBP) trade information processing and risk management activities and is the key to implementing many of the agency’s trade transformation initiatives. ACE allows efficient facilitation of imports and exports and serves as the primary system used by U.S. Government agencies to process cargo. ACE will serve as the “Single Window” for trade facilitation as mandated by Executive Order 13659, Streamlining the Export/Import Process for America’s Businesses. CBP published this Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA) for ACE because ACE collects, maintains, uses, and disseminates import and export information from the trade community that contains personally identifiable information (PII).

Associated SORN(s):

DHS/CBP/PIA-004(g) - Beyond the Border Entry/Exit Program Phase II

Beyond the Border Entry/Exit Program Phase II, June 26, 2013.  CBP published this PIA Update to give notice of an update to the Beyond the Border Entry/Exit Program, which is an initiative of the U.S.-Canada Beyond the Border Action Plan. The Beyond the Border Entry/Exit Program will expand the sharing of border crossing information with the Canada Border Services Agency by exchanging biographic, travel document, and other border crossing information collected from individuals entering the United States from Canada and vice versa at land ports of entry. This PIA update covers Phase II of the Entry/Exit Program, which transitions the program from a pilot phase to an implementation phase. During Phase II, the United States and Canada intend to exchange and take operational action based on border crossing information for certain third-country nationals, permanent residents of Canada, and lawful permanent residents of the United States at all automated common land border ports of entry. DHS will publish additional updates to this PIA in advance of deployment of any subsequent phases to the Beyond the Border Entry/Exit Program.

Associated SORN(s):

DHS/CBP/PIA-006(d) - Automated Targeting System (ATS) Update:  TSA-CBP Common Operating Picture Phase II

Automated Targeting System Update, September 16, 2014.  The Automated Targeting System (ATS) is a decision support tool that compares traveler, cargo, and conveyance information against law enforcement, intelligence, and other enforcement data using risk-based targeting scenarios and assessments. CBP is publishing this PIA update to describe Phase II for the Common Operating Picture (COP) program, which enhances information sharing about watchlisted travelers and their traveling companions between DHS components. CBP and TSA are adding new information to the COP to further promote information sharing between CBP and TSA during Phase II. CBP will publish additional updates to this PIA prior to deployment of any subsequent phases to the COP program.

Associated SORN(s):

DHS/CBP/PIA-007(d) - Electronic System for Travel Authorization

Electronic System for Travel Authorization (ESTA), November 3, 2014. is a web-based application and screening system used to determine whether certain foreign nationals are eligible to travel to the United States under the Visa Waiver Program.   CBP is publishing this update to the PIA for ESTA, last updated on June 5, 2013, to provide notice of changes to the ESTA application questionnaire and expansion of the ESTA application data elements.

Associated SORN(s):

DHS/CBP/PIA-008 – Border Searches of Electronic Devices

Border Searches of Electronic Devices, August 25, 2009. CBP Officers and ICE Special Agents conduct border searches of electronic devices to determine whether a violation of U.S. law has occurred.

Associated SORN(s):

DHS/CBP/PIA-009(a) – TECS System: CBP Primary and Secondary Processing (TECS) National SAR Initiative

TECS System: CBP Primary and Secondary Processing (TECS) National SAR Initiative, August 5, 2011. TECS is the principal system used by officers at the border to assist with screening and determinations regarding admissibility of arriving persons. This update will evaluate the privacy impacts of identifying certain of the operational records maintained in TECS as Suspicious Activity Reports (SARs) for inclusion in the National SAR Initiative (NSI), which is led by the Department of Justice on behalf of the entire federal government.

Associated SORN(s):

DHS/CBP/PIA-010 – Analytical Framework for Intelligence (AFI)

Analytical Framework for Intelligence, June 1, 2012. AFI enhances DHS’s ability to identify, apprehend, and prosecute individuals who pose a potential law enforcement or security risk, and aids in the enforcement of customs and immigration laws, and other laws enforced by DHS at the border. This PIA is necessary because AFI accesses and stores personally identifiable information (PII) retrieved from DHS, other federal agency, and commercially available databases.

Associated SORN(s):

DHS/CBP/PIA-011- Intellectual Property Rights e-Recordation and Search Systems (IPRRSS)

Intellectual Property Rights e-Recordation and Search Systems (IPRRSS), December 11, 2012.  The IPRRSS system collects, uses, and maintains records related to intellectual property rights recordations and their owners, and may collect PII about intellectual property rights holders, their agents, or their licensees.

Associated SORN:

DHS/CBP-004 - Intellectual Property Rights and e-Recordation and Search Systems, January 15, 2013, 78 FR 3015


CBP Portal (E3) to ENFORCE/IDENT, July 25, 2012. E3 collects and transmits biographic, encounter, and biometric data including, but not limited to, fingerprints for identification and verification of individuals encountered at the border for CBP’s law enforcement and immigration mission.

Associated SORN(s):

DHS/CBP/PIA – 013 Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism (C-TPAT)

Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism (C-TPAT), February 14, 2013.  C-TPAT is CBP voluntary trade partnership program in which CBP and members of the trade community work together to secure and facilitate the movement of legitimate international trade. The program focuses on improving security throughout the supply chain, beginning at the point of origin (including manufacturer, supplier, or vendor) through a point of distribution to the destination. C-TPAT member companies, called partners, agree to implement certain security procedures throughout their supply chains to protect those supply chains from terrorist infiltration and other illegal activities that threaten the security of the United States. C-TPAT partners who undertake these protections receive facilitated processing by CBP. As a result, the program helps CBP achieve its twin goals of improving security while facilitating the flow of global trade. In the course of enrolling, certifying, and validating C-TPAT applicants/partners and their supply chains, the C-TPAT system will receive PII and confidential business information from the applicant/partner, as well as sensitive law enforcement information from existing law enforcement systems.

Associated SORN:

DHS/CBP/PIA-014 Centralized Area Video Surveillance System

Centralized Area Video Surveillance System (CAVSS), May 24, 2013.  CAVSS, a system of cameras and separate microphones recording video and audio, respectively, furthers CBP’s mission by collecting and maintaining video images and audio recordings of persons involved in any incidents or disturbances related to law enforcement at the border, including secondary inspections, while seeking entry or admission into the United States.  CBP conducted this PIA because CAVSS uses information technology to collect, maintain, and disseminate PII in the form of video and audio recordings.

DHS/CBP/PIA-016 - U.S. Customs and Border Protection Form I-94 Automation

U.S. Customs and Border Protection Form I-94 Automation, February 27, 2013.  CBP issues Form I-94 among other purposes, to provide documentation of the approved length of stay and departure of nonimmigrant aliens. The current form is paper-based and includes a detachable portion with an admission (I-94) number, which the nonimmigrant alien keeps while in the United States as documentation of status. CBP is issuing an interim final rule (IFR) to enable CBP to transition from a paper Form I-94 to an automated process in certain circumstances. This PIA will address how CBP is implementing the electronic Form I-94 pursuant to the Fair Information Practice Principles (FIPPs).

Associated SORNs:

DHS/CBP/PIA-017  Non-Intrusive Inspection Systems Program

Non-Intrusive Inspection (NII) Systems Program, January 16, 2014.  Part of CBP’s mission is to facilitate legitimate international trade.  NII furthers this mission by providing technologies to inspect and screen conveyances or cars, trucks, railcars, sea containers, as well as personal luggage, packages, parcels, and flat mail through either x-ray or gamma-ray imaging systems.  CBP Officers use NII systems to help them effectively and efficiently detect and prevent contraband, including drugs, unreported currency, guns, ammunition, and other illegal merchandise, as well as inadmissible persons, from being smuggled into the United States, while having a minimal impact on the flow of legitimate travel and commerce.  The imaging system used on the conveyance itself collects photographic and other images that may contain PII such as vehicle identifiers (e.g., license plate numbers). CBP conducted this PIA because NII systems use information technology to collect, maintain, and disseminate PII in the form of scanned, photographic, or video images.  However, NII cannot retrieve the PII by personal identifier (e.g., name); therefore use of NII does not require CBP to conduct a system of records notice pursuant to the Privacy Act of 1974.

DHS/CBP/PIA-018 Aircraft Systems

Aircraft Systems, September 9, 2013. CBP employs several types of aircraft including manned helicopters and fixed-wing aircraft, and Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) for border surveillance and law enforcement purposes.  These aircraft are equipped with video, radar, and/or other sensor technologies to assist CBP in patrolling the border, conducting surveillance as part of a law enforcement investigation or tactical operation, or gathering raw data that may assist in emergency response.  Video, images, and sensor data collected through these aircraft systems alone cannot be used to identify a person, but they may later be associated with a person as part of a law enforcement investigation or encounter with CBP officers or agents.  CBP conducted this PIA to evaluate the privacy impact of these technologies.

DHS/CBP/PIA-019 Air and Marine Operations Surveillance System

Air and Marine Operations Surveillance System (AMOSS), July 22, 2013. AMOSS is a sophisticated radar processing system that supports CBP’s mission to protect the American people and critical infrastructure. AMOSS integrates use of air, land, and sea resources in order to detect, interdict, and prevent acts of terrorism and the unlawful movement of people, illegal drugs, and other contraband toward or across the borders of the United States. The system may collect and use PII from publicly available aircraft and airport data provided by the FAA, requests from law enforcement about suspects, tips from the public, and recordings of event and operations data. This Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA) was conducted to provide notice and transparency to the public that AMOSS collects, uses, and shares PII.

Associated SORNs:

DHS/CBP/PIA-020 Export Information System (EIS)

Export Information System (EIS), January 31, 2014.  CBP developed the EIS System to collect, use, and maintain paper and electronic records required to track, control, and process cargo exported from the United States. EIS serves to enhance national security, to enforce U.S. law (including those laws related to cargo safety and security, and smuggling), and to facilitate legitimate international trade.  The exporting community must report export data containing PII to CBP so CBP published a PIA for EIS.

Associated SORN is forthcoming.

DHS-CBP-PIA-022 Border Surveillance Systems

Border Surveillance Systems (BSS), August 29, 2014. CBP’s Border Surveillance Systems (BSS) are a combination of surveillance systems deployed to provide comprehensive situational awareness along the United States border to assist CBP in detecting, identifying, apprehending, and removing individuals illegally entering the United States at and between ports of entry or otherwise violating U.S. law. BSS includes commercially available technologies such as fixed and mobile video surveillance systems, range finders, thermal imaging devices, radar, ground sensors, and radio frequency sensors. CBP conducted this PIA because the BSS collect and process PII including video images, photographs, radio frequency emissions, and location information.  In addition, the Secure Border Initiative-net (SBInet) Program PIA, which addresses the SBInet Southern Border and Northern Border Projects, will be retired upon publication of this PIA.

DHS/CBP/ICE/USCIS/PIA-023 Biographic Visa and Immigration Information Sharing with Canada

Biographic Visa and Immigration Information Sharing with Canada (BVIIS), February 10, 2014.  Under the BVIIS program, DHS makes certain biographic information from its systems of records available to the Department of Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) and the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) via query through the State Department’s Consular Lookout and Support System (CLASS).  CIC and CBSA will use the information to assist in the administration and enforcement of Canada’s immigration laws. Similarly, CIC and CBSA will make certain biographic information from the Global Case Management System (GCMS), which is Canada’s system used to process applications for citizenship and immigration services, available to DHS via query through CLASS. DHS will use this information to assist in the administration and enforcement of the United States’ immigration laws. This PIA provides notice to the public regarding the information sharing and resulting privacy impacts of the BVIIS program.

DHS/CBP/PIA – 024(a) Arrival and Departure Information System

Arrival and Departure Information System (ADIS) – Information Sharing Update, March 7, 2014. CBP updated this PIA, last published on August 1, 2007, to provide notice of a change in the National Counterterrorism Center’s (NCTC) temporary retention of ADIS information to three years for U.S. Person information and 10 years for non-U.S. Person information due to the March 2012 approval of Guidelines for Access, Retention, Use and Dissemination by the National Counterterrorism Center and other Agencies of Information in Data sets Containing Non-Terrorism Information (2012 NCTC AG Guidelines).

Associated SORN(s):

DHS/CBP/PIA – 025 1:1 Facial Recognition Air Entry Pilot

1:1 Facial Recognition Air Entry Pilot, March 11, 2015. The U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) is conducting the 1:1 Facial Recognition Air Entry Pilot to allow Customs and Border Protection Officers stationed at air ports of entry to use facial recognition technology as a tool to assist them in determining whether an individual presenting themselves with a valid U.S. electronic passport is the same individual photographed in that passport. The operational goals of this pilot are to determine the viability of facial recognition as a technology to assist Customs Border Patrol Officers in identifying possible imposters using U.S. e-passports to enter the United States and determine if facial recognition technology can be incorporated into current CBP entry processing with acceptable impacts to processing time and the traveling public while effectively providing CBPOs with a tool to counter imposters using valid U.S. travel documents. CBP is publishing this Privacy Impact Assessment to evaluate the privacy risks of using facial recognition software at an air port of entry.

DHS/CBP/PIA - 026  Biometric Exit Mobile Air Test

Biometric Exit Mobile Air Test (BE-Mobile) PIA, June 18, 2015.  U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) is conducting a Biometric Exit Mobile Air Test for certain aliens (which generally includes all non-U.S. citizens) departing the United States on selected international flights at selected U.S. airports. The Biometric Exit Mobile Air Test is designed to test a new biometric exit concept of operations at selected airports. During the test, CBP officers will use a wireless handheld device at the departure gate to collect biometric and biographic data and to test outbound enforcement policies and workforce distribution procedures. DHS is updating a previously issued Privacy Impact Assessment, entitled DHS/NPPD-001(j) Comprehensive Exit Program: Air Exit Program from 2009. The Department is also transferring the privacy compliance documentation for biometric air exit programs to the CBP privacy impact assessment inventory because CBP is the operational Component within the Department that is responsible for biometric and biographic entry and exit operations.

Associated SORN(s):

Last Published Date: August 31, 2015

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