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Homeland Security

Privacy Workshops

Below, find information about workshops sponsored by the Privacy Office, including meeting materials.

Privacy Workshop: June 10, 2014

The DHS Privacy Office will host a public workshop that will cover:

  • Privacy compliance process and Privacy Compliance Reviews
  • Privacy and new technology
  • Basics of Identity management
  • Privacy training and awareness best practices
  • Privacy incident response best practices

The workshop is open to all federal government employees and contractors, and there is no fee to attend..


  1. Agenda  (PDF, 1 page)
  2. You MUST have a government ID, PIV or CAC card to be admitted
  3. Print the slides and bring them with you. (PDF, 195 pages - 11.59 MB)
  4. IAPP Credits: 6 Continuing Privacy Education credits have been approved for this workshop. After attending the workshop you will receive an email telling you how to apply for these credits. 


Space is limited, so register soon by typing your name, email address and agency name in the body of an email and sending it to


DHS Training Center
90 K Street, NE, Suite 1200
Washington, DC
Metro: Red Line to Union Station or NOMA

Privacy Compliance Workshop: June 19, 2013

The DHS Privacy Office will conduct a one-day public workshop to provide in-depth training on the privacy compliance process at DHS.  This year’s workshop will use a case study with interactive sessions to convey the privacy compliance lifecycle.  The workshop is open to all Federal Government employees and contractors, and there is no fee to attend.


  • Flyer & Agenda (PDF, 3 pages – 205 KB)

  • You MUST have a government ID, PIV or CAC card to be admitted

  • Print the slides and bring them with you

  • IAPP Credits: 6 Continuing Privacy Education credits have been approved for this workshop.  After attending the workshop you will receive an email telling you how to apply for these credits.

  • Register:  Space is limited, so register soon by typing your name, email address and agency name in the body of an email and sending it to


DHS Training Center
90 K Street, NE, Suite 1200
Washington, DC
Metro: Red Line to Union Station or NOMA

Privacy Compliance Basics and More (June 20, 2012)

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Privacy Office is holding a public workshop that will provide in-depth training on the privacy compliance process at DHS.  This year's workshop will cover the full privacy compliance lifecycle, including best practices for building and maintaining a robust privacy compliance program.  The workshop is open to all federal government employees and contractors, and there is no fee to attend.



FTC Conference Center
601 New Jersey Avenue, NW
Washington, DC
Metro: Red Line to Union Station
IAPP Members: 6 Continuing Privacy Education credits have been approved for this workshop.

Privacy Compliance Basics and 2011 Developments - PTAs, PIAs, and SORNs (June 24 and 27, 2011)

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Privacy Office is holding a public workshop that will provide in-depth training on the privacy compliance process at DHS.

  • June 24 is a primer for the new and developing privacy professional, presenting baseline Federal privacy compliance requirements including the Privacy Act of 1974, as amended, the E-Government Act of 2002, Office of Management and Budget memoranda, and other policy.
  • June 27 consists of advanced presentations for the experienced privacy professional, including review of recent Privacy Act rulings, program case studies, mapping to IT security requirements, and developments in privacy compliance at the Department.

Individuals are invited to attend just one or both days. The workshop is open to the public and there is no fee for attendance.



GSA Regional Headquarters Building
7th and D Streets, SW
Washington, DC 20024

Public Workshop: Pieces of Privacy (June 10, 2010)

The Department of Homeland Security Privacy Office held a public workshop on June 10, 2010. The workshop provided in-depth training on the privacy compliance process at the Department, and specifically what triggers the need for privacy compliance documentation, Privacy Act requirements, and Computer Matching Agreements. A case study was used to illustrate a step-by-step approach to researching, preparing, and writing these documents. The workshop highlighted Official Guidance for the Privacy Impact Assessments and Systems of Records Notices.


Government 2.0: Privacy and Best Practices (June 22-23, 2009)

The Privacy Office held a public workshop on June 22-23, 2009 to bring together leading academic, private-sector, and public sector experts to discuss the privacy issues posed by government use of social media. The purpose of the workshop was to help federal agencies to engage the public through social media in a privacy-protective manner and to explore best practices that agencies can use to implement President Obama’s January 21, 2009, Transparency and Open Government Memorandum.

The workshop consisted of a series of presentations and panel discussions that included the broad range of stakeholder perspectives. Panelists discussed such issues as the benefits of social media to expand transparency and participation in government; the privacy and related legal issues raised by government use of social media; and how government can best harness these new technologies while protecting privacy.


Privacy Compliance Fundamentals - PTAs, PIAs, and SORNs (June 10, 2009)

The Privacy Office held a public workshop on June 10, 2009 that provided in-depth training on the privacy compliance process at the Department, and specifically how to write privacy impact assessments (PIAs) and systems of records notices (SORNs). The workshop highlighted Official Guidance for the Privacy Impact Assessments and Systems of Records Notices.


Implementing Privacy Protections in Government Data Mining (July 24-25, 2008)

The Privacy Office hosted a public workshop on July 24-25, 2008 to provide a forum to bring together leading academic, policy, and technology experts to explore: the privacy impacts of government data mining; methods of validating the accuracy and effectiveness of data mining models and rules; and the role of anonymization tools, automated audit controls, and other privacy-protective strategies. 

The panelists discussed the elements of best practices for government data mining.  The workshop helped inform the Privacy Office as it prepares its 2008 report to Congress on Department data mining activities.


Privacy Compliance Fundamentals - PTAs, PIAs, and SORNs (May 23, 2008)

The Privacy Office hosted a public workshop to provide in-depth training on the privacy compliance process at the Department, and specifically how to write privacy impact assessments (PIAs) and systems of records notices (SORNs). A case study was used to illustrate a step-by-step approach to researching, preparing, and writing these documents. The workshop highlighted the Privacy Impact Assessments: Official Guidance and introduce the System of Records Notices: Official Guidance for DHS.


DHS Privacy Office Public Workshop CCTV: Developing Privacy Best Practices (December 17-18, 2007)

The Privacy Office hosted a public workshop on December 17 and 18, 2007, to bring together leading government, academic, policy, and international experts to discuss the impact on privacy and civil liberties of closed circuit television (CCTV).

This workshop provided a forum to begin a discussion to inform development of best practices for the use of CCTV by government agencies. The workshop explored how CCTV technology can be used in a manner that respects the privacy and civil liberties of the American public. Development of best practices for the use of this technology will aid in building public trust that privacy and civil liberties will be considered when making decisions to use CCTV.



Privacy Impact Assessments at DHS – A Tutorial on How to Write PIAs (May 23, 2007)

The Privacy Office hosted a public workshop on May 23, 2007 entitled “Privacy Impact Assessments at DHS – A Tutorial on How to Write PIAs.” This workshop provided in-depth training on how to write Privacy Impact Assessments (PIAs) and Privacy Threshold Analyses (PTAs).


Conference on Biometrics and Ethics (November 28-29, 2006)

The International Conference on Biometrics and Ethics, held November 28-29 in Washington, D.C., brought together approximately 80 experts from several countries to engage in an open discussion of the application and ethics of biometrics. Co-hosted by the Privacy Office, US-VISIT and Biometrics Coordination Group, the conference was the second of its kind, following one held in Brussels in 2005. Participants included representatives from academia, private industry, non-profit organizations, and government, hailing from Asia, Europe, the Middle East and North America. In addition to the Department of Homeland Security, representatives from the U.S. Departments of Defense, Justice and State also attended.


Operationalizing Privacy: Compliance Frameworks & Privacy Impact Assessments (June 15, 2006)

The Privacy Office hosted a public workshop, “Operationalizing Privacy: Compliance Frameworks & Privacy Impact Assessments” June 15, 2006, which explored policy, legal, and operational frameworks for Privacy Impact Assessments (PIAs) and Privacy Threshold Analyses (PTAs). The workshop was organized into two sessions. The morning session included two discussion panels. The afternoon session was a tutorial on how to write PIAs and PTAs. The tutorial was repeated again July 12, 2006. More information on each session is included below.


Tutorial Details:

Transparency and Accountability: The Use of Personal Information within the Government (April 5, 2006)

The Privacy Office hosted a public workshop, “Transparency and Accountability: The Use of Personal Information within the Government,” to explore the concept of public notices and freedom of information frameworks.


Privacy and Technology: Government Use of Commercial Data for Homeland Security (September 8-9, 2005)

The Privacy Office hosted a public workshop, “Privacy and Technology: Government Use of Commercial Data for Homeland Security,” to explore the policy, legal, and technology issues associated with the government’s use of personally identifiable commercial data in protecting the homeland.



The Privacy Office
U.S. Department of Homeland Security
Washington, D.C. 20528
Phone: 703-235-0780
Fax: 703-235-0442

Last Published Date: October 1, 2015

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