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NCSWIC Region X Contact Information

NCSWIC LogoNCSWIC Membership is comprised of the Statewide Interoperability Coordinator (SWIC) or an acting SWIC representative from each State or territory in the designated region. Each region has its own Regional Interoperability Council (RIC). The interstate RICs were developed to promote communication and collaboration among SWICs for the purpose of establishing interoperable communications solutions with neighboring states, regions, and counties. Below are the representatives and governance bodies from Region X.

Region X SWICs


Map of Region 10: Alaska, Washingon, Oregon, and IdahoAlaska: Matthew Leveque

Idaho: Todd Herrera

Oregon: David Soloos

Washington: Robert Schwent


Region X OEC Coordinator

The Office of Emergency Communications (OEC) established the Regional Coordination Program to strengthen emergency communications capabilities across tribal, local, state, and federal governments through trusted relationships, collaboration, and knowledge sharing. OEC has subject matter experts located across the country to engage stakeholders and address the complex issues facing the emergency communications ecosystem.  The OEC Coordinator for Region X is listed below.

OEC Coordinator: Bruce Richter

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