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Electronic Frontier Foundation
The leading nonprofit defending
digital privacy, free speech, and innovation.
The leading nonprofit defending digital privacy, free speech, and innovation.

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EFF Staffers Jennifer Lynch and Dave Maass Receive Award for Groundbreaking Work In Providing Public Access to Police Surveillance Records

EFF Senior Staff Attorney Jennifer Lynch and Investigative Researcher Dave Maass last night received the First Amendment Coalition’s 2017 Free Speech & Open Government Award in recognition for their work bringing transparency and accountability to law enforcement’s collection and use of automated license plate...
Trump Twitter

When Tweets Are Governmental Business, Officials Don't Get to Pick and Choose Who Gets To Receive, Comment On, And Reply to Them. That Goes For the President, Too

We’ve taken a stand for the First Amendment rights of individuals to receive and comment on social media posts from governmental officials and agencies. We’ve received a lot of good questions about why we believe that public servants—mayors, sheriffs, senators, even President Donald Trump—can’t block people whose views...
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