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Renovation, Repair and Painting Program: Training Providers

US EPA Certified Lead Safe Seal

This page provides information for training providers planning to become accredited by EPA to teach the Lead Renovation, Repair and Painting (RRP) rule Certified Renovator and Dust Sampling Technician courses. EPA's RRP rule requires renovation, repair and painting firms working in pre-1978 housing or child-occupied facilities to assign to each job a certified renovator who is trained in lead-safe work practices by an EPA- or an authorized state-accredited training provider.

Training providers who train individuals working in Alabama, DelawareGeorgia, Iowa, Kansas, Massachusetts, Mississippi, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Oregon, Rhode Island, Utah, Washington, and Wisconsin must contact the state to find out more about accreditation requirements in those states. These states are authorized to administer their own RRP programs in lieu of the federal program. By following the links above you will leave the EPA web site. Exit

As a training provider, you play an important role in helping to prevent lead exposure. You are the EPA’s most direct link to hundreds of thousands of contractors who, if not properly trained and motivated, can create toxic lead dust during ordinary home renovation, repair, and painting. By teaching appropriate lead-safe work practices, you are helping them operate legally and prevent lead hazards.

Become an EPA-accredited training provider under the Lead-Safe Certification Program.

  1. Review EPA-HUD model Renovation, Repair and Painting rule courses
  2. Apply online using the Agency's CDX system. For assistance completing your application online please review these instructions.
  3. Follow Instructions for Accredited Training Providers

Materials and downloads for training providers related to Renovation, Repair, and Painting
Learn more about Lead Renovation, Repair and Painting regulations
EPA Lead-Safe Certified Firm Logo - Information for Training Providers