Self-Serve Ads Terms
The following terms (the “Self-Serve Ad Terms”) apply to your use of the self-service advertising interfaces and APIs for creation, submission and/or delivery of any advertising or other commercial or sponsored activity or content (collectively, the “Self-Serve Ad Interfaces”) and any order you place through the Self-Serve Ad Interfaces (“Order”).
You can target your desired audience by buying ads to be delivered on Facebook, Instagram or our publisher network.
  1. When you place an Order, you will tell us the type of advertising you want to buy, the amount you want to spend, and your bid. If we accept your Order, we will deliver your ads as inventory becomes available. When serving your ad, we do our best to deliver the ads to the audience you specify, although we cannot guarantee in every instance that your ad will reach its intended target.
  2. In instances where we believe doing so will enhance the effectiveness of your advertising campaign, we may broaden the targeting criteria you specify.
  3. You will pay for your Orders in accordance with our Community Payments Terms. The amount you owe will be calculated based on our tracking mechanisms.
  4. Your ads will comply with our Advertising Policies.
  5. We will determine the size, placement, and positioning of your ads.
  6. We do not guarantee the activity that your ads will receive, such as the number of clicks your ads will get.
  7. We cannot control how clicks are generated on your ads. We have systems that attempt to detect and filter certain click activity, but we are not responsible for click fraud, technological issues, or other potentially invalid click activity that may affect the cost of running ads.
  8. You can cancel your Order at any time through our online portal, but it may take up to 24 hours before the ad stops running. You are responsible for paying for all ads that run.
  9. Our license to run your ad will end when we have completed your Order. You understand, however, that if users have interacted with your ad, your ad may remain until the users delete it.
  10. We can use your ads and related content and information for marketing or promotional purposes.
  11. You will not issue any press release or make public statements about your relationship with Facebook or the Facebook Services without our prior written permission.
  12. We may reject or remove any ad for any reason.
  13. If you are placing ads on someone else's behalf, you must have permission to place those ads, including the following:
    1. You warrant that you have the legal authority to bind the advertiser to these Self-Serve Ad Terms and the SRR.
    2. You agree that if the advertiser you represent violates these Self-Serve Ad Terms or the SRR, we may hold you responsible for that violation.
The Self-Serve Ad Interfaces are part of “Facebook” under Facebook’s Statement of Rights and Responsibilities (the “SRR”), and the SRR continues to apply to your use of the Self-Serve Ad Interfaces and any other use of Facebook. In the event of any conflict between these Self-Serve Ad Terms and the SRR, these Self-Serve Ad Terms shall govern with respect to your use of the Self-Serve Ad Interfaces to the extent of the conflict. We may ask you to review and accept supplemental terms that apply to your use of a specific feature or functionality made available through the Self-Serve Ad Interfaces. To the extent those supplemental terms conflict with these Self-Serve Ad Terms, the supplemental terms will govern with respect to your use of the specific feature or functionality to the extent of the conflict. We may change or update these Self-Serve Ad Terms from time to time and your continued use of the Self-Serve Ad Interfaces constitutes acceptance of those changes. These Self-Serve Ad Terms will terminate in the event of any termination of the SRR, but the following provisions will still apply: the lead-in paragraph, Sections 2, 5, 7, 9, 15 and this paragraph.