Middle East

The region known as the Middle East has been conquered and reconquered by every super power in the West. This has created a region rich in a culture of resistance and thousands of ethnic groups looking for their piece of land. This has created a complicated region and Jpost's Middle East News simplifies it.

Four dead at funeral of Hamas member killed in Lebanon explosion

One of those wounded in the clashes is Zaher Jabarin, a member of Hamas' Political Bureau.

LGBTQ flag

Iran arrests lesbian for 'supporting homosexuality'

The state‘s Sharia law system imposes the death penalty on same-sex relations.

A boat of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard (IRGC) sails, at undisclosed place

Iran builds new 'intel ship' dubbed Shiraz - analysis

Shiraz is the size of a destroyer and has a “wide range” of electronic warfare abilities.

Iran thinks Israeli efforts are 'futile' amid Vienna talks - analysis

Iran believes that the talks may outflank Israeli warnings and it hopes the US will call what it sees as Israel’s bluff. 

Biden moving closer to Israel’s call for 'plan B' on Iran - analysis

Disagreement persists on the Iran Deal, but Jerusalem and Washington are growing more united on Iran.


Iranian MP: Enmity between Zionists, Iran goes back to Purim

An Iranian MP referred to the Purim story as a 'brutal massacre of the Iranian people.'

US President's senior adviser Jared Kushner speaks as US National Security Advisor Robert O'Brien st

Jared Kushner, NGO leaders sign Abraham Accords memorandum in Abu Dhabi

Representatives from the AAPI and the Sharaka initiative on Wednesday signed a memorandum of understanding in order to promote the goals of the Abraham Accords.

Israel Iran

The latest revelations of Israel’s covert war on Iran - analysis

Israel and the Mossad will hit the Islamic Republic when it deems necessary, but it particularly likes to do so juxtaposed to when Tehran has angered the IAEA.

Lapid to Blinken: Iran sanctions must not be lifted, even amid negotiations

The two discussed regional issues on Friday. According to the State Department, they agreed that "Iran must not be allowed to acquire a nuclear weapon."

Palestinians vote in local elections amid Hamas boycott

The elections, the first since 2017, are boycotted by Hamas and other Palestinian factions in the Gaza Strip.

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