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  1. Photo
    CreditGlenn Harvey

    The Best Tech Gifts That Aren’t Gadgets

    Supply-chain disruptions may make it tough to buy devices, but the most thoughtful presents were never tangible to begin with.


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  1. PhotoA 27-inch LG monitor allows Theodore Kim, director of newsroom fellowships and internships, to view multiple job applications at once.
    CreditHaruka Sakaguchi for The New York Times

    A Big Screen to Sift Through Recruits

    Many people joining the newsroom are digitally savvy and helping media with a digital transition, says Theodore Kim, who runs fellowships and internships.


  2. Photo“I think the greenest things I do are the things that I don’t buy, honestly,” said Kendra Pierre-Louis, who reports on the environment.
    CreditGabby Jones for The New York Times

    Want the Greenest Device? You May Already Own It

    One way to help the planet is not to buy new tech, especially stuff the planet never needed, says Kendra Pierre-Louis, who reports on the environment.


  3. Photo“I wish I could tell you I was running some hotshot rig with multicore processors and a boatload of RAM,” Ben Casselman said, but a laptop suffices for his economics reporting.
    CreditKarsten Moran for The New York Times

    In Data Journalism, Tech Matters Less Than the People

    Ben Casselman, an economics reporter, uses a programming language called R and works with vast data sets. But he says interviews still make for the best stories.



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