50 Great American Places by Brent D. Glass and David McCullough - Read Online
50 Great American Places
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A one-of-a-kind guide to fifty of the most important cultural and historic sites in the United States guaranteed to fascinate, educate, and entertain—selected and described by the former director of the Smithsonian’s National Museum of American History.

From Massachusetts to Florida to Washington to California, 50 Great American Places takes you on a journey through our nation’s history. Sharing the inside stories of sites as old as Mesa Verde (Colorado) and Cahokia (Illinois) and as recent as Silicon Valley (California) and the Mall of America (Minnesota), each essay provides the historical context for places that represent fundamental American themes: the compelling story of democracy and self-government; the dramatic impact of military conflict; the powerful role of innovation and enterprise; the inspiring achievements of diverse cultural traditions; and the defining influence of the land and its resources. Expert historian Brent D. Glass explores these themes by connecting places, people, and events and reveals a national narrative that is often surprising, sometimes tragic, and always engaging—complete with photographs, websites for more information, and suggestions for other places nearby worth visiting.

Sites you would expect to read about—in Boston, New York, and Washington, DC—are here, as well as plenty of surprises, such as the Palace of the Governors in Santa Fe, or Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta, or the Village Green in Hudson, Ohio; less obvious places that, together with the more well-known destinations, collectively tell the story of America. For families who want to take a trip that is both educational and entertaining, for history enthusiasts, or anyone curious about our country’s greatest places, this book is the perfect guide.
Published: Simon & Schuster on
ISBN: 9781451682045
List price: $11.99
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50 Great American Places - Brent D. Glass

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Places by State

Foreword by David McCullough


Author’s Note

1. The National Mall (Washington, D.C.)

2. The Mounds and the Arch (IL/MO)

3. Mesa Verde (CO)

4. The Palace of the Governors (NM)

5. Witch Trials (MA)

6. Boundary Line (DE)

7. Forks of the Ohio (PA)

8. Freedom Trail (MA)

9. The Liberty Bell (PA)

10. Virginia Peninsula (VA)

11. Monticello (VA)

12. The Presidio at the Golden Gate (CA)

13. White Dove of the Desert (AZ)

14. Slater Mill (RI)

15. Village Green (OH)

16. Two Utopias (IN)

17. Railroad University of the United States (MD)

18. The Alamo (TX)

19. Declaration of Sentiments (NY)

20. Temple Square (UT)

21. Fort Sumter (SC)

22. New Birth of Freedom (PA)

23. Schoolhouse and Fieldhouse (KS)

24. First National Park (WY)

25. Nook Farm Neighbors: Stowe and Twain (CT)

26. Willa Cather’s Great Prairie (NE)

27. Indian Wars (MT/SD)

28. The Bridge and the Statue (NY)

29. Edison’s Laboratory (NJ)

30. World’s Columbian Exposition (IL)

31. Biltmore House (NC)

32. Taliesin (WI)

33. First Flight (NC)

34. Grand Central Terminal (NY)

35. Birthplace of Jazz (LA)

36. Legendary Hollywood: Warner Bros. Studio (CA)

37. Ford Rouge (MI)

38. Will Rogers Highway (OK)

39. The Mother Church of Country Music (TN)

40. Hoover Dam (NV)

41. Pearl Harbor (HI)

42. Minidoka Camp (ID)

43. Manhattan Project (WA)

44. Sweet Auburn (GA)

45. Central High School (AK)

46. Salk Institute (CA)

47. Saturn V Rocket (AL)

48. Magic Kingdoms (FL)

49. Silicon Valley (CA)

50. Malls of America (MN)


About Brent D. Glass



To the memory of my parents,


who inspired my love of history and learning


Author’s note: Some essays in this book describe more than one place; therefore, the total number of sites is greater than fifty. But most readers will agree that the United States has many more than fifty great places. I hope you will add to the list.

The list of places by state includes the town or city in which the site is located or, in some cases, the nearest town to that site. The site mentioned on this list is the major subject of each essay.


Huntsville/Saturn V Rocket


Tucson/Mission San Xavier del Bac


Little Rock/Little Rock Central High School


Burbank/Warner Bros. Studio

La Jolla/Salk Institute

Palo Alto/Silicon Valley

San Francisco/The Presidio at the Golden Gate


Cortez/Mesa Verde


Hartford/Nook Farm


New Castle/New Castle Court House




Maitland/Research Studio


Atlanta/Historic Ebenezer Baptist Church

Martin Luther King Jr. National Historic Site


Honolulu/Pearl Harbor




Collinsville/Cahokia Mounds

Chicago/World’s Columbian Exposition


New Harmony


Lawrence/Allen Fieldhouse

Manhattan/Kansas State University


New Orleans/Jazz National Historical Park


Baltimore/B&O Railroad Museum


Boston/Freedom Trail

Salem/Witch Trials Memorial


Dearborn/Ford Rouge Complex


Edina/Southdale Center

Bloomington/Mall of America


St. Louis/Gateway Arch


Crow Agency/Little Bighorn Battlefield


Red Cloud/Willa Cather Memorial Prairie


Boulder City/Hoover Dam


West Orange/Edison’s Laboratory


Santa Fe/Palace of the Governors


New York/Brooklyn Bridge, Statue of Liberty

New York/Grand Central Terminal

Seneca Falls/Women’s Rights National Historical Park


Asheville/Biltmore House

Kill Devil Hills/Wright Brothers National Memorial


Hudson/Village Green


Claremore/Will Rogers Highway


Gettysburg/Gettysburg National Military Park

Philadelphia/Liberty Bell

Pittsburgh/Forks of the Ohio


Pawtucket/Slater Mill


Charleston/Fort Sumter National Monument


Pine Ridge/Wounded Knee Monument


Nashville/Ryman Auditorium


San Antonio/The Alamo


Salt Lake City/Temple Square



Yorktown/Virginia Peninsula


Richland/Hanford B Reactor


The National Mall


Spring Green/Taliesin


Yellowstone National Park



When Brent Glass, a friend of many years, first told me about the book he planned to write, I said immediately I thought it a marvelous idea and that it would fill a real need. I also wondered to myself why in the world I hadn’t thought of it. Journeys to great historic sites had been high points for me since boyhood and have remained a mainstay of my work from the time I embarked on my first book. But no, I thought. With all his scholarship and professional experience as a public historian, Brent was just the one for the task. Indeed, I know of no one who knows more about American historic sites. Public historians believe that history should be accessible to all, that it is much too important to leave to academics alone or solely to the classroom, and as a public historian Brent is a national leader.

We first met in 1989, at the Centennial of the Johnstown Flood, and were happy to discover how many interests we had in common. He was then head of the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission. Later, during the years he served as director of the National Museum of American History at the Smithsonian, our paths crossed more and more, and our ensuing friendship became one of the prime rewards of our shared interest in how much of the story of our country is to be found all around us, as part of the immense American landscape.

As it was for Brent, my first journey into history began at about age ten with a visit with my parents to a historical landmark, Fort Necessity in western Pennsylvania, some sixty miles southeast of our home in Pittsburgh. The site of the first skirmish of the French and Indian War, it is where young Lieutenant Colonel George Washington and his troops suffered a humiliating defeat. There was not a whole lot to be seen—a replica of a small wooden fort set in an open field—but it certainly made a lasting impression.

In grade school we learned more of what had happened right in Pittsburgh during the eighteenth century and that Brent gives appropriate attention to in his chapter on the Forks of the Ohio. Later, while in high school, I had the good fortune to travel further into history during a spring vacation road trip with a friend and his parents through much of Virginia, with stops at Monticello and Mount Vernon, and the experience opened my mind and imagination to history as nothing yet had.

Over the years since, my wife, Rosalee, and I made a point of taking our own children to historic sites across much of the country whenever possible, and always with pronounced results. One of our sons tells me he still remembers the family expedition to the Custer Battlefield (now called Little Bighorn Battlefield) in Montana in every detail, while his brother loves to recount going to Mystic Seaport on the coast of Connecticut on a cold, nasty day to go on board the famous whaling ship The Morgan and listen to the tour guide tell all about the ship and its voyages. To this day, he says, he can’t drive by Mystic without feeling the pull of those stories.

And the effect can carry down the line. Our youngest daughter’s reaction to the Frontier Culture Museum in the Shenandoah Valley, in Staunton, Virginia, a beautiful complex of early farms of different varieties, was everything a parent could hope for. Twenty years later she would see the same response in her seven-year-old son.

But until now there has never been a guidebook like this by someone with such a background as Brent Glass. He has not only traveled to each of the fifty historic sites he describes, but to another hundred or more besides. In lectures he likes to stress the power of place, and certainly there is that aplenty in the panorama of places to be found in these pages.

The geographic reach of the book extends north, south, coast to coast, and beyond to Pearl Harbor. At the same time, as he points out, a chronological span of nearly a thousand years is to be found in the ancient Cahokia Mounds in western Illinois and the great Gateway Arch in St. Louis built in the 1960s, both on the Mississippi River and only eight miles apart. Even greater is the reach into the past of the prehistoric site called Meadowcroft, again near Pittsburgh, where human habitation dates back 16,000 years.

Clearly, too—and admirably—the choice of subjects here leaves no doubt that history, so often dominated by politics and war, comprises far more. And so here, also, one will find ample reminders of who we are as a people, and why we are the way we are, as expressed in American art, music, science and technology, medicine, manufacturing, and literature.

I was delighted to find included Red Cloud, Nebraska, the childhood home of the great American novelist Willa Cather. As Brent writes, no one explored the theme of the American pioneers and their impact on the land more eloquently than she. The town of Red Cloud, so much of which has been preserved, is, as he says, a living monument, and beyond the town, out on the prairie, a white-frame farmhouse, the home of one Annie Pavelka, has also been preserved. As history customarily evaluates those from our past, Annie Pavelka was nobody, no more than any of the thousands of other pioneer women who persevered through tremendous adversity. But Annie Pavelka and her story were the inspiration for Willa Cather’s famous masterpiece My Ántonia, and to stand there beside the storm cellar into which she rushed her children when tornadoes struck is to feel the power of place in no uncertain terms.

How fitting that such architectural and engineering triumphs as Grand Central Terminal, the Brooklyn Bridge, and the Gateway Arch figure prominently here. Among those sites to which I have never been as yet, I’m now drawn especially to Edison’s Laboratory in New Jersey and the Salk Institute in California, a tribute to Dr. Jonas Salk and architect Louis Kahn, two of the great geniuses of the twentieth century.

Paging through the book again on a second reading, I can’t help but think of how difficult it must have been deciding what to leave out. After all, fifty selections hardly begins to represent the full number and variety of places with much to tell us. There is Carpenters’ Hall in Philadelphia, a Georgian gem of a building and the place where the first Continental Congress met in 1774. What a wonder that something so immense all began in a setting so small! But the same may be said for the Dayton, Ohio, home and bicycle shop of the Wright brothers, both of which have been preserved intact, just as they were, at the Ford Museum in Dearborn, Michigan. No matter how many times I have stood in that crowded little bicycle shop, I still feel overwhelming amazement that an idea that would so change the world took shape there of all places.

The many hours I have spent at the Adams house in Quincy, Massachusetts, and the Truman house in Independence, Missouri, were for me as important as any part of the research that went into understanding both men. And one needs time in such settings not only to observe closely but to think about what one sees.

There is a bedroom door on the second floor of the Adams house, for example, on the other side of which Nabby Adams, the daughter of John and Abigail, was subjected to a mastectomy without anesthetics while her father and mother stood waiting in the hall, suffering intense agony of another kind. He felt, Adams wrote, as though he were living in the book of Job.

Then there is the old linoleum kitchen floor in the Truman house, in the middle of which runs a substantial crack. Rather than addressing the problem with a costly new linoleum floor, the Trumans had the crack neatly tacked in place, and so it remains, perfect evidence of plain, old-fashioned, midwestern common sense and economy still on display.

For all my books I have made a point of going where the story took place wherever that might be—to see for myself, to soak it up, to smell the air, to note the slant of a morning beam of light through a window, to listen to the sounds of the night, and to walk the walk as those others did. It is essential. And, yes, it is part of the joy of learning. But then, one need not be writing a book to find the benefits and joy that can come from time spent at historic sites, and here in the pages of this fine book by Brent Glass one will find reason in abundance to get out on the road to see for yourself what you haven’t yet seen or retrace favorite previous steps a second time.


Celebrating the anniversary of American independence on a high mesa in the Rocky Mountains is quite a contrast with past years, when I hosted friends each Fourth of July on the rooftop of the Smithsonian’s National Museum of American History. Instead of watching fireworks bursting over the National Mall and the Potomac River, this year I witnessed a stunning show of lightning over the Colorado Plateau. The stars in the western sky outnumbered the Roman candles going off in distant mountain towns. Three wild horses strolled by, surprisingly close in the shadows. After a day visiting the rocky remains of homes abandoned by the Ancestral Puebloan people eight hundred years ago, I reflected on the distance I have traveled in time and space to essential historic sites across the United States.

This book tells the story of America through places that matter in our history. These great American places represent fundamental themes in our national narrative: the compelling story of democracy and self-government, the dramatic impact of military conflict, the powerful role of innovation and enterprise, the inspiring achievements of diverse cultural traditions, and the defining influence of the land and its resources. The connections between places, people, and events reveal a national narrative that is often surprising, sometimes tragic, and always engaging.

These themes and places intersect in significant ways. The struggle to create and sustain democracy is evident from the National Mall in Washington, D.C., to Seneca Falls, New York, from Hudson, Ohio, to Little Rock, Arkansas. Military conflicts at sites from Yorktown to Fort Sumter, from Little Bighorn to Pearl Harbor have changed our history. Historic places from Slater Mill to Edison’s Laboratory, from Ford River Rouge to Silicon Valley reveal the transformative impact of innovation and enterprise. America’s cultural diversity is expressed in Emma Lazarus’s poem on the Statue of Liberty extending world-wide welcome to immigrants, in Ryman Auditorium in Nashville and Preservation Hall in New Orleans, and at architectural landmarks from the Palace of the Governors to Monticello to Taliesin. America’s response to the land and its resources is found from the Hoover Dam to Yellowstone National Park, and from the utopian communities of New Harmony, Indiana, to the beauty of California’s Golden Gate. There are sites, too, that remind us of heartbreaking chapters of our past, from Salem, Massachusetts, to Minidoka, Idaho.

In addition to using a thematic framework to shape the selection of historic sites, I also included places to ensure a wide range of locations and time periods. The book begins with the National Mall followed by a number of great American places in chronological order according to when each site achieved its greatest significance. The list is not arranged, as someone once asked me, in order of importance. Every one of these sites is important because they all illustrate that history is not inevitable. People make history through the choices and decisions that define their time. Americans chose to declare independence from England, write great novels about slavery and race, invent a machine that flies, and build and use the atomic bomb.

My own journey through American history began with a road trip when I was ten. My parents packed my brother, Keith, sister, Jodi, and me into our old Hudson; drove to Washington; and introduced us to the museums and monuments along the National Mall and beyond. That experience sparked my love of history. I was fortunate to attend graduate school in the 1970s, at a time when the field of public history emerged into greater prominence. The purpose and value of communicating about the past—not only in classrooms and scholarly publications but also in public forums—became increasingly accepted. I recognized the importance of making history accessible to all.

As a public historian, I am committed to engaging and informing anyone who is curious about our history. Throughout my career, I have worked to translate academic language into public language, from fieldwork in North Carolina to leading Pennsylvania’s public history organization to directing the Smithsonian’s National Museum of American History. I continue to enjoy the privilege of working alongside colleagues who share my commitment to public history and the passion for preserving our collective public memory—the sites, buildings, artifacts, collections, documents, and oral histories that form our national identity. Without the work of colleagues at the great historic places in this country and the pioneering efforts of the preservationists who preceded us, we would lose an understanding of who we are as a nation.

I envision 50 Great American Places as a contribution to historical literacy. Historical literacy is more than simply knowing the names of leaders or when famous battles were fought. It involves understanding the context of historical events and how events are connected. Above all, history is a resource for understanding our own lives and times. Sustaining a democratic society in America is not possible without citizens who know and love its history. We cannot participate fully in democracy without historical knowledge.

Finally, this book is a guide for people who, like my family more than fifty years ago, decide to make their own journey to America’s historic places. Authenticity—sights, sounds, smells, the transcendent experience of standing where Lincoln stood, seeing what Georgia O’Keeffe saw—cannot be experienced vicariously through photographs in a book or digital images on a website. Some of the great American places described in this book are well known, such as Gettysburg Battlefield or Monticello. Others are remote: it may take a long time to travel to Wounded Knee or Hanford or Red Cloud. But the journey to these locations plays a large part in understanding their significance—the tragedy of the Indian Wars, the consequences of the Manhattan Project, the achievements of American artists, writers, and architects. Seeing the real thing stirs our imagination and inspires us to pursue greater knowledge about our shared heritage.

—Mesa Verde, Colorado

July 4, 2014


There is a website for every one of the 50 Great American Places in this book. Each is listed at the end of its related essay along with websites for places or collections that are thematically connected to the subject. In addition, I have included websites for Nearby Places that may be of interest to the history traveler.

The National Park Service (NPS) websites are uniformly reliable and good resources for information about national parks, battlefields, historic sites, memorials, and monuments. The NPS sites also include good maps and updated information about programs and events. Websites generally provide current information about hours of operation, fees, and construction that might limit access to certain sites or collections.




The National Mall


Democracy is the great achievement of America. It is more than our form of government; it is synonymous with our national identity and our national character. Although we associate democracy with ideas like freedom and equality, there is one physical place in America where our values, ideals, and traditions are celebrated every day for the world to see—the National Mall in Washington, D.C.

A visitor can stand at the Washington Monument at the center of the National Mall and see almost all the major landmarks of this remarkable public space that spans more than three hundred acres and stretches out over two miles. To the east, there is the gleaming dome of the Capitol and the superb museums of the Smithsonian Institution. The National Gallery of Art and the United States Botanic Garden, with their unsurpassed collections of art and horticulture, also occupy prominent sites. Within a short walk, there is a stunning variety of architectural styles from the Smithsonian Castle by James Renwick Jr. to the National Gallery’s East Building by I. M. Pei.

The western half of the Mall includes a memorial landscape that honors the great leaders of our nation—George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.—as well as the men and women who have served in the major wars of our history. These monuments and memorials not only honor the people who have shaped our history but also reflect the creativity of artists, architects, and sculptors. From the classical designs of Henry Bacon (Lincoln Memorial) and John Russell Pope (Jefferson Memorial) to the powerfully abstract form of Maya Lin’s Vietnam Veterans Memorial and the historical symbolism of the National Museum of African American History and Culture designed by Freelon Adjaye Bond/SmithGroup, the Mall offers visitors a three-dimensional lesson in architectural history. Farther west across the Potomac are Arlington National Cemetery and George Washington’s home, Mount Vernon.

The design of the Mall itself represents a major chapter in the history of urban planning in America. Although Pierre L’Enfant’s original plan for Washington included a broad open area from the Capitol to the Potomac River, the area we call the National Mall evolved slowly through the nineteenth century when the major projects included the Capitol, the first buildings of the Smithsonian, and Victorian-period landscaping. After the dedication of the Washington Monument (1888) Americans began to appreciate that the United States was emerging as a world power and that our national capital needed to reflect that power in its buildings, parks, and public places.

The single biggest influence on the design of the Mall was the