Out of Our Minds by Ken Robinson - Read Online
Out of Our Minds
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"It is often said that education and training are the keys to the future. They are, but a key can be turned in two directions. Turn it one way andyou lock resources away, even from those they belong to. Turn it the otherway and you release resources and give people back to themselves. To realizeour true creative potential—in our organizations, in our schools and in our communities—we need to think differently about ourselves and to actdifferently towards each other. We must learn to be creative."
Ken Robinson


"Ken Robinson writes brilliantly about the different ways in which creativity is undervalued and ignored . . . especially in our educational systems."
John Cleese

"Out of Our Minds explains why being creative in today'sworld is a vital necessity. This book is not to be missed."
Ken Blanchard, co-author of The One-minute Manager and The Secret

"If ever there was a time when creativity was necessary for the survival andgrowth of any organization, it is now. This book, more than any other I know, providesimportant insights on how leaders can evoke and sustain those creative juices."
Warren Bennis, Distinguished Professor of Business, University of Southern California; Thomas S. Murphy Distinguished Rresearch Fellow, Harvard Business School; Best-selling Author, Geeks and Geezers

"All corporate leaders should read this book."
Richard Scase, Author and Business Forecaster

"This really is a remarkable book. It does for human resources what Rachel Carson's Silent Spring did for the environment."
Wally Olins, Founder, Wolff-olins

"Books about creativity are not always creative. Ken Robinson's is a welcome exception"
Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, c.s. and d.j. Davidson Professor of Psychology, Claremont Graduate University; Director, Quality of Life Research Center; Best-selling Author, Flow

"The best analysis I've seen of the disjunction between the kinds of intelligence that we have traditionally honored in schools and the kinds ofcreativity that we need today in our organizations and our society."
Howard Gardner, a. hobbs professor in cognition and education, Harvard Graduate School of Education, Best-selling Author, Frames of Mind

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ISBN: 9780857081049
List price: $27.95
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Out of Our Minds - Ken Robinson

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We will not succeed in navigating the complex environment of the future by peering relentlessly into a rear view mirror. To do so, we would be out of our minds.

CREATIVITY IS THE GREATEST GIFT of human intelligence. The more complex the world becomes, the more creative we need to be to meet its challenges. Yet many people wonder if they have any creative abilities at all. Out of Our Minds is about why creativity matters so much, why people think they are not creative, how we arrived at this point, and what we can do about it. The first edition of this book was published in 2001. What you have in your hands now is a completely new and revised edition. So, why a new edition, and how new is it, really?

I wrote the original edition of Out of Our Minds during 2000. The first reason for a new edition is that so much has happened since then, both in the world and in my world. On almost every front, the pace of change has become ever more frantic and the issues at the heart of this book have become more pressing. Consider the rate of change in technology. Ten years ago, the Internet was still a novelty for most people. There were no smart phones, iPods; no Facebook, Twitter, YouTube or most of the social media sites that are now transforming culture and economics around the world. Many other things have happened too – from the global impact of the events of 9/11 to the compounding effect of the Great Recession – that simply could not have been anticipated ten years ago: in politics, the economy, in culture and in the environment. The sheer unpredictability of human affairs lies right at the heart of my argument for cultivating our powers of creativity: in business, in education and in everyday life.

The second reason for this new edition is that I now have more to say about many of the core ideas in the book and about what we should do to put them into practice. During the past ten years I have presented and debated these ideas with people at all levels in every sort of field; including CEOs of multinational corporations and not-for-profit organizations, politicians, artists, scientists, students, parents and educators. These experiences have deepened my conviction about the importance and the urgency of the arguments put forward in Out of Our Minds; and the need to represent them to an even wider audience.

The third reason is, not only has the world moved on in the last ten years, I have too. Literally. When I wrote the first edition, my family and I were living in Stratford on Avon, a small market town in England and birthplace of William Shakespeare. I wrote the new edition in Los Angeles, where we live now. The architect Frank Lloyd Wright once said that if you were to turn the world on its side and shake it, everything loose would land in Los Angeles. Just after the first edition of Out of Our Minds was published, my family and I shook loose and did just that. You can imagine what a seamless transition that turned out to be. Since then, I have traveled all over the United States meeting many extraordinary people and seeing fascinating initiatives. All of these experiences have informed this new edition, which has a much stronger emphasis on developments in the Americas and Asia as well as in Europe. The fact is that these really are global issues.

In 2006, I spoke at the world-renowned TED conference (Technology, Entertainment, Design) in Monterey, California and touched on some of the core themes of this book. That talk has since been downloaded over 5 million times in over 100 countries.¹ Mind you, our son James and daughter Kate, showed me a 30 second video on YouTube of two kittens that seem to be talking to each other and that has been downloaded 30 million times. So I am keeping this in perspective. I do know though, that unlike the cats’ video, my TED talk has been shown at large and small conferences, meetings and training events, all around the world. As a result, it has been seen by an estimated 100 million people to date. That is one indication of the level of interest in these issues. I gave a second TED talk in 2010 and that too is drawing a powerful response.²

During 2008, I wrote The Element: How Finding Your Passion Changes Everything, published in the USA in January 2009³ and in many editions around the world since then. That book looks at the nature of personal talent and creativity and the conditions in which it flourishes. In many ways, Out of Our Minds is a natural companion to The Element. It looks in much more depth at why the need to develop our natural talents – especially creativity – is so pressing, and at how and why organizations in general and education in particular tend to stifle them in the first place. Consequently, I was delighted when Capstone suggested I work on a new edition of Out of Our Minds to mark the tenth anniversary of its first publication. I have to admit that initially I had in mind a less sweeping revision. I pictured spending a long weekend with a casual bottle of claret and a spell check program, sprucing up the original text. In the event I have virtually rewritten the entire book: to include new material, to make the arguments sharper and the overall tone more accessible. So if you did read the first edition, you should not be deterred from buying (or borrowing) and reading this new one. It is very different in many ways and I think you will find enough that is new to repay a second look. If you are picking this book up for the first time, whether you work in business, education, the not-for-profit sector, or if you are concerned about your own creative potential, I trust you will find a great deal here to interest and engage you.

My aims in this book are to help individuals to understand the depth of their creative abilities and why they might have doubted them; to encourage organizations to believe in their powers of innovation and to create the conditions where they will flourish; and to promote a creative revolution in education.

I said in the original introduction that I had called the book Out of Our Minds for three reasons. I still have three reasons and here they are. First, human intelligence is profoundly and uniquely creative. We live in a world that’s shaped by the ideas, beliefs and values of human imagination and culture. The human world is created out of our minds as much as from the natural environment. Thinking and feeling are not simply about seeing the world as it is, but having ideas about it, and interpreting experience to give it meaning. Different communities live differently according to the ideas they have and the meanings they experience. In a literal sense, we create the worlds we live in. We can also re-create them. The great revolutions in human history have often been brought about by new ideas: by new ways of seeing that have shattered old certainties. This is the essential process of cultural change.

Second, realizing our creative potential is partly a question of finding our medium, of being in our element. Education should help us to achieve this, but too often it does not and too many people are instead displaced from their own true talents. They are out of their element and out of their minds in that sense. Finally, there is a kind of mania driving the present direction of educational policy. In place of a reasoned debate about the strategies that are needed to face these extraordinary changes, there is a tired mantra about raising traditional academic standards. These standards were designed for other times and for other purposes – as I will explain. We will not succeed in navigating the complex environment of the future by peering relentlessly into a rear-view mirror. To stay on this course we should be out of our minds in a more literal sense.

Ken Robinson

Los Angeles, February 2011



When people say to me that they are not creative, I assume that they haven’t yet learnt what is involved.

HOW CREATIVE ARE YOU? How creative are the people you work with? How about your friends? Next time you are at a social event, ask them. You may be surprised by what they say. I have worked with people and organizations all over the world. Everywhere I go, I find the same paradox. Most children think they’re highly creative; most adults think they’re not. This is a bigger issue than it may seem.


We are living in a world that is changing faster than ever and facing challenges that are unprecedented. How the complexities of the future will play out in practice is all but unknowable. Cultural change is never linear and rarely predictable. If it were, the legions of media pundits and cultural forecasters would be redundant. It was probably with these dynamics in mind that the economist J.K. Galbraith said, The primary purpose of economic forecasting is to make astrology look respectable.

As the world spins faster and faster, organizations everywhere say they need people who can think creatively, communicate and work in teams: people who are flexible and quick to adapt. Too often they say they can’t find them. Why not? My aim in this book is to answer three questions for anyone with a serious interest in creativity and innovation, or in simply understanding their own creative potential.

Why is it essential to promote creativity? Business leaders, politicians and educators emphasize the vital importance of promoting creativity and innovation. Why does this matter so much?

What is the problem? Why do people need help to be creative? Young children are buzzing with ideas. What happens as we grow up to make us think we are not creative?

What is involved? What is creativity? Is everyone creative or just a select few? Can creativity be developed and, if so, how?

Everyone occasionally has new ideas, but how can creativity be encouraged as a regular and reliable part of everyday life? If you are running a company or an organization or a school, how do you make creativity systematic and routine? How do you lead a culture of innovation?


To answer these questions it is important to be clear about what creativity is and how it works in practice. There are three related ideas, which I will elaborate as we go on. They are imagination, which is the process of bringing to mind things that are not present to our senses; creativity, which is the process of developing original ideas that have value, and innovation, which is the process of putting new ideas into practice. There are various misconceptions about creativity in particular.

My starting point is that everyone has huge creative capacities as a natural result of being a human being. The challenge is to develop them. A culture of creativity has to involve everybody, not just a select few.

Special people?

It is often thought that only special people are creative: that creativity is a rare talent. This idea is reinforced by histories of creative icons like Martha Graham (1894–1991), Pablo Picasso (1881–1973), Albert Einstein (1879–1955) and Thomas Edison (1847–1931). Companies often divide the workforce into two groups: the ‘creatives’ and the ‘suits’. You can normally tell who the creatives are because they don’t wear suits. They wear jeans and they come in late because they have been struggling with an idea. I don’t mean to suggest that the creatives are not creative. They can be highly creative, but so can anybody if the conditions are right, including the suits. Everyone has huge creative capacities. The challenge is to develop them. A culture of creativity has to involve everybody, not just a select few.

Special activities?

It is often thought that creativity is about special activities, like the arts, or advertising, or design, or marketing. All of these can be creative; but so can anything, including science, mathematics, teaching, working with people, medicine, running a sports team or a restaurant. Schools sometimes have ‘creative arts’ departments. I am an uncompromising advocate of better provision for the arts in schools. I will explain why later. But creativity is not confined to the arts. There are many reasons for teaching the arts in schools, including their role in fostering creativity; and there are others that are just as compelling. At the same time, other disciplines, including science and mathematics can be just as creative as music and dance. Creativity is possible whenever we’re using our intelligence.

In business too, different companies are creative in different areas. Apple, for example, is famously good at creating new products. Others, like Wal-Mart, haven’t created any products at all; their area of innovation is in systems, such as supply chain management and pricing. The coffee chain, Starbucks, is creative in providing services. Starbucks didn’t invent coffee; it created a particular type of culture around coffee. Actually, it did invent the $5 cup of coffee, which was a bit of a breakthrough, I thought. An innovation in any part of an organization can transform its fortunes.

My starting point is that everyone has huge creative capacities as a natural result of being a human being. The challenge is to develop them. A culture of creativity has to involve everybody not just a select few.

Learning to be creative

It’s often thought that creative people are either born creative or not, just as they may have blue or brown eyes, and there is not much they can do about it. The fact is, there is a lot you can do to help people become more creative. If someone tells you they cannot read or write, you don’t assume that they are not capable of reading and writing, but that they haven’t been taught how. It is the same with creativity. When people say to me that they are not creative, I assume they just haven’t yet learnt what is involved.

Letting go?

Creativity is sometimes associated with free expression, which is partly why some people worry about creativity in education. Critics think of children running wild and knocking down the furniture rather than getting on with serious work. Being creative does usually involve playing with ideas and having fun; enjoyment and imagination. But creativity is also about working in a highly focused way on ideas and projects, crafting them into their best forms and making critical judgments along the way about which work best and why. In every discipline, creativity also draws on skill, knowledge and control. It’s not only about letting go, it’s about holding on.

Why are these issues important anyway?


Running throughout this book there are three fundamental themes:

The first is that we are living in times of revolution.

The second is that if we are to survive and flourish we have to think differently about our own abilities and make the best use of them.

The third is that in order to do so we have to run our organizations and especially our education systems in radically different ways.

I go into each of these issues in more detail in the chapters ahead, but let me quickly summarize my argument.

Facing the revolution

No matter where you are or what you do, if you are alive and on earth you are caught up in a global revolution. I mean this literally not metaphorically. There are forces at work now for which there are no precedents. I know this is a bold claim but it is justified. Human affairs have always been turbulent. What is distinctive now is the rate and scale of change. The two great driving forces are technological innovation and population growth. Together they are transforming how we live and work; they are putting a vast strain on the Earth’s natural resources and changing the nature of politics and culture.

New technologies are revolutionizing the nature of work everywhere. In the old industrial economies they are massively reducing the numbers of people in industries and professions that were once labor-intensive. New forms of work rely increasingly on high levels of specialist knowledge, and on creativity and innovation. The new technologies in particular require wholly different capacities from those required by the industrial economy. Manufacturing is shifting to the emergent economies, especially in Asia and South America, and so too are many of the new forms of work that depend on high levels of skill in design and information technologies. Given the speed of change, governments and businesses throughout the world recognize that education and training are the keys to the future, and they emphasize the vital need to develop powers of creativity and innovation. First, it is essential to generate ideas for new products and services, and to maintain a competitive edge. Second, it is essential that education and training enable people to be flexible and adaptable, so that businesses can respond to changing markets. Third, everyone will need to adjust to a world where, for most people, secure lifelong employment in a single job is a thing of the past.

These technological changes, combined with population and climate changes, are affecting everyone on earth and the outcomes are essentially unpredictable. What is certain is that in the next 50 to 100 years, our children will need to confront challenges that are unique in human history. In the first section of the book, I outline what these forces are and some of the challenges they present.¹

Reframing our potential

In December 1862, Abraham Lincoln gave his second annual address to Congress. He was writing one month before he signed the Emancipation Proclamation, and in his message he urged the Congress to see the situation they faced with fresh eyes. He said this: The dogmas of the quiet past are inadequate to the stormy present. The occasion is piled high with difficulty. As our case is new, so we must think anew and act anew. We must disenthrall ourselves and then we shall save our country. ²

I love the word: ‘disenthrall’. What he meant was that we all live our lives guided by ideas to which we are devoted but which may no longer be true or relevant. We are hypnotized or enthralled by them. To move forward we have to shake free of them.

Given the challenges we face now, the most profound shift has to be in how we think about our own abilities, and those of our children. In my experience, many, perhaps most people have no idea of their real capabilities and talents. Too many think they have no special talents at all. My premise is that we are all born with immense natural talents but that too few people discover what they are and even fewer develop them properly. Ironically one of the main reasons for this massive waste of talent is the very process that is meant to develop it: education.

Education is not always a good word to use socially. If I am at a party and I tell someone I work in education I can sometimes see the blood drain from their face. Why me? they’re thinking, Trapped with an educator on my one night out all week. But, if I ask them about their education, or about their children’s schooling, they pin me to the wall. They want to talk about their own experiences. Everyone has very strong opinions. Education is one of those topics that runs very deep with people – like religion, politics and money. And so it should. Education is vital to the success of our working lives, to our children’s futures and to long-term global development. More than this, it stamps us with an impression of ourselves that is hard to remove.

Some of the most successful people in the world did not do well at school. No matter how successful they have become, they often carry a secret worry that they are not as clever as they are making out. They include teachers, university professors, vice-chancellors, business people, musicians, writers, artists, architects and many others. Many succeeded only after they had recovered from their education. Of course, many people loved their time in education and have done well by it. What of those who didn’t?

Current approaches to education and training are hobbled by assumptions about intelligence and creativity that have squandered the talents and stifled the creative confidence of untold numbers of people. This waste stems partly from an obsession with certain types of academic ability and from a preoccupation with standardized testing. The waste of talent is not deliberate. Most educators have a deep commitment to helping students do their best. Politicians too, make impassioned speeches about making the most of every student’s abilities. The waste of talent may not be deliberate but it is systemic. It is systemic, because public education is a system, and it is based on deep-seated assumptions that are no longer true.

Before the middle of the nineteenth century, relatively few people had any kind of formal education. Being educated was mainly the privilege of the few who could afford it. Mass systems of public education were developed primarily to meet the needs of the Industrial Revolution and, in many ways, they mirror the principles of industrial production. They emphasize linearity, conformity and standardization. One of the reasons they are not working now is that real life is organic, adaptable and diverse.

Some weeks before our son started at university in Los Angeles, we went along for an orientation day. At one point, the students were taken away for a separate briefing on program options and the parents were taken to the finance department for a form of grief counseling. We then had a presentation from one of the professors about our roles as parents during our children’s student days. Essentially he advised us to step out of their way and spare them too much of our career advice. He gave the example of his own son who had been a student at the University some years before. He had originally wanted to study the classics. The professor and his wife were not thrilled at the job prospects that a classics degree would open up for him. So they were relieved when at the end of the freshman year he said he had decided to take a major in something that would be more useful. They asked their son what he had in mind and he said philosophy. His father pointed out that none of the big philosophy firms were hiring at the time. His son took some philosophy courses anyway and then eventually majored in art history.

After college he found a job in an international auction house. He traveled, made a good living and loved the work and the life. He got the job because of his knowledge of ancient cultures, his intellectual training in philosophy and his love of art history. Neither he nor his parents could have predicted that path when he started his college studies. The principle is the same for everyone. Life is not linear. When you follow your own true north you create new opportunities, meet different people, have different experiences and create a different life.

The hierarchy of disciplines in schools is based partly on assumptions about supply and demand in the market place. The new economies demand a deeper conception of talent and the organic nature of our lives demands it too. What we become in future is deeply influenced by our experiences here and now. Education is not a linear process of preparation for the future: it is about cultivating the talents and sensibilities through which we can live our best lives in the present and create the best futures for us all.

Acting differently

Given the changes that are now engulfing us, most countries have recognized the need to reform their education systems. This is good but it is not good enough. The challenge now is to transform them. In the second section of the book, I look at the roots of current approaches to education and why they have marginalized the talents of so many people. I suggest a different way of thinking about the real potential of imagination and creativity in our lives. But as Lincoln said, it’s not enough to think differently. We also have to act differently.

The recession of 2008 wiped out the credit and asset bubbles that had been fueling over-consumption and over-production around the world. As the recession blew like a hurricane through the old industrialized economies it left a trail of failed businesses, oceans of debt and deep pools of structural unemployment.

Among the worst affected are young people. As I write this, global levels of unemployment among young people, aged from 15 to 24, are the highest on record.³ In August 2010, the International Labor Organization (ILO) published its report on Global Employment Trends for Youth 2010. The report concludes that there are approximately 620 million economically active young people worldwide. At the end of 2009, 81 million of them were unemployed; the highest number ever, and almost 8 million more than in 2007. The youth unemployment rate increased from 11.9 percent in 2007 to 13.0 percent in 2009. The ILO argues that these trends will have significant consequences for young people as upcoming cohorts of new entrants join the ranks of the already unemployed and warns of the risk of a crisis legacy of a ‘lost generation’ comprised of young people who have dropped out of the labor market, having lost all hope of being able to work for a decent living.

For millions of young people, the future seems bleak and despairing. They have no work and see no prospect of it. Youth unemployment rates have been more sensitive to the economic crisis than adult rates of unemployment and, historically, the recovery of the job market for young men and women tends to lag behind that of adults. For people of all ages, the economic recovery, when it comes, will not be easy; and even when it does arrive, it will not be business as usual. As Thomas Friedman, author of the World is Flat, puts it, Those who are waiting for this recession to end so someone can again hand them work could have a long wait. Rebuilding the communities that have been left bereft by the recession will depend on imagination, creativity and innovation. As the ILO report argues, creating jobs for the millions of young women and men entering the labor market every year is a critical component in the path towards wealthier economies. It is not only the quantity but also the quality of jobs that matters.

Friedman continues, Those who have the ability to imagine new services and new opportunities and new ways to recruit work … are the new Untouchables. Those with the imagination to invent smarter ways to do old jobs, energy-saving ways to provide new services, new ways to attract old customers or new ways to combine existing technologies will thrive. The solution is better education and training. Here too, the future cannot be business as usual. We not only need a higher percentage of our kids graduating from high school and college – more education – but we need more of them with the right education. Our schools have a doubly hard task, not just improving reading, writing and arithmetic but entrepreneurship, innovation and creativity. We’re not going back to the good old days without fixing our schools as well as our banks.

All organizations are competing in a world in which the ability to innovate and adapt to change is not a luxury: it is a necessity. In 2010, IBM published Capitalizing on Complexity; the fourth edition of its biennial global CEO study series led by the IBM Institute for Business Value.⁵ Introducing the report, Samuel J. Palmisano, Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer of IBM said, We occupy a world that is connected on multiple dimensions and at a deeper level – a global system of systems. It is this unprecedented level of interconnection and interdependency that underpins the most important findings in the IBM report.

The study found that at the top of the agendas of global business and public sector leaders, there are three widely shared perspectives. First, they believe that a rapid escalation of complexity is the biggest challenge confronting them. They