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Hoover Digest, 2014, No. 4, Fall

Hoover Digest, 2014, No. 4, Fall

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Published by Hoover Institution
The Hoover Digest offers informative writing on politics, economics, and history by the scholars and researchers of the Hoover Institution, the public policy research center at Stanford University. The opinions expressed in the Hoover Digest are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Hoover Institution, Stanford University, or their supporters. The Hoover Digest (ISSN 1088-5161) is published quarterly by the Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace, Stanford University, Stanford CA 94305-6010. © 2014 by the Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University
The Hoover Digest offers informative writing on politics, economics, and history by the scholars and researchers of the Hoover Institution, the public policy research center at Stanford University. The opinions expressed in the Hoover Digest are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Hoover Institution, Stanford University, or their supporters. The Hoover Digest (ISSN 1088-5161) is published quarterly by the Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace, Stanford University, Stanford CA 94305-6010. © 2014 by the Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University

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Published by: Hoover Institution on Oct 23, 2014
Copyright:Traditional Copyright: All rights reserved


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2014 • NO. 4 • FALL

The Hoover Digest offers informative writing on politics, economics, and

history by the scholars and researchers of the Hoover Institution, the public

policy research center at Stanford University.

The opinions expressed in the Hoover Digest are those of the authors and

do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Hoover Institution, Stanford

University, or their supporters.

The Hoover Digest (ISSN 1088-5161) is published quarterly by the Hoover

Institution on War, Revolution and Peace, Stanford University, Stanford

CA 94305-6010. Periodicals Postage Paid at Palo Alto CA and additional

mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to the Hoover

Digest, Hoover Press, Stanford University, Stanford CA 94305-6010.

©2014 by the Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University

Contact Information

We welcome your comments and suggestions at digesteditor@stanford.

edu and invite you to browse the Hoover Institution website at www.

hoover.org. For reprint requests, write to this e-mail address or send a fax

to 650.723.8626. The Hoover Digest publishes the work of the scholars and

researchers affiliated with the Hoover Institution and thus does not accept

unsolicited manuscripts.

Subscription Information

The Hoover Digest is available by subscription for $25 a year to U.S.

addresses (international rates higher). To subscribe, send an e-mail to

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On the Cover

In 1950, American efforts to rebuild Europe
were outgrowing their original ambitions:
feed the hungry, revive trade and currencies in
allied and former enemy nations alike, resur-
rect industry, and restore stability. Now Soviet
militancy was rising, threatening Europe’s
fragile security and posing an ideological
challenge. This poster was part of a Marshall
Plan contest meant to persuade Europeans
to choose democracy and open markets and
reject the Soviet appeal. It was part of a larger
war of ideas. See story, page 202.

Hoover Digest

Research and Opinion on Public Policy

• . •




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Hoover Digest ▫ 2014 · No. 4




9 Axis of Folly

The president of the United States proved rash, the former prime

minister of Iraq, arrogant. Why Iraq is teetering. By .

13 Best Frenemies?

As Iraq wobbles, Iran might almost look like a friend. It isn’t. By


16 The Price of Our “Responsible” Exit

The Iraq war never ended. We just quit fighting it. By . .

21 An Army of Revisionists

How quickly we forget our reasons for toppling Saddam—and our

politicians forget how they endorsed it. By .


26 Why the Fed Must Return to Rules

What does the economy need from the Fed? Less intervention, more

stability. By . .

31 The Foundation Crumbles

Rising taxes and the unrestrained growth in entitlements are eating

away at the very foundation of our economy: property rights. By

. .

Hoover Digest ▫ 2014 · No. 4


35 Rickety Piketty

Economist Thomas Piketty wants to confiscate wealth, but he doesn’t

grasp where wealth actually comes from. By . .

42 The United States of Envy

What closes income gaps? Education and innovation—not

confiscatory taxes such as those Thomas Piketty proposes. By

. .


47 Economics in a Time of Drought

Let the water flow where the market, not the government, says it

should go. By .

51 An End to Pension Patches

Meaningful ways to mend the Golden State’s pension-funding gap.

By .


56 Railroading the Environment

Block the construction of pipelines and more oil gets shipped by

train. That will make spills and accidents more likely, not less. By

. .

Hoover Digest ▫ 2014 · No. 4


61 Side Effects May Include Collusion

Caution: ObamaCare might encourage hospitals and doctors to fix

prices. By . .

64 Waiting for Dr. Godot

Long treatment delays at VA hospitals shouldn’t shock us. In coun-

tries with government health care monopolies, waiting months—

even years—represents business as usual. By . .

72 Bitter Pills

Higher costs, fewer choices—the Affordable Care Act is becoming

harder and harder to swallow. By . .


78 Affirmative-Action Foibles

The Democratic Party likes racial preferences in college admissions,

but Asian-Americans don’t. Might we see a parting of the ways? By

. .

81 They Might Be Giants

Then again, they might not. If politics were baseball, President

Obama’s team would have whiffed. By .


86 The Secret Sharers

If leaks of secret information are so bad, why not plug them? Be-

cause both the public and the government consider them useful. By


Hoover Digest ▫ 2014 · No. 4

91 In Snowden We Trust? Never

Self-appointed crusaders, no matter how clever or articulate, must

never get to decide which secrets our government can keep. By



98 Imaginary Egypt

Egyptians told themselves a thrilling story about their revolution.

Then the fable ended where it had begun: with a pharaoh in power.

By .

107 Will Iran and Israel Meet in the Middle?

In Iran, hints of a secular thaw. In Israel, the increasing prominence

of religious parties. Two nations, antagonistic—and unsettled. By

and - .

112 Clooney of Arabia

Movie star George Clooney found a love match among the Druze, a

sect whose members have seen their own share of drama. By .


122 “Ukraine Is Fighting Our Battle”

Five reasons the United States should send military aid to Ukraine.

By . .

Hoover Digest ▫ 2014 · No. 4


128 A Modern Mandarin

Opening itself to free markets, China has lifted several hundred mil-

lion people out of poverty. That was the easy part. An interview with

Hoover fellow . By .


133 Reform Conservatism and the Junior Senator from Utah

“In the absence of a unifying conservative reform agenda,” says Mike

Lee of Utah, “there will be a lot of bickering. We need to fill the

void.” An interview with .

143 Game of Loans

Banking crises are a product of people and strategy, not mysterious forces,

say Hoover fellows . and . .

By .


152 The Fairness Fallacy

Wait for perfect fairness in life and you’ll wait forever. But that

doesn’t mean anybody is holding you back. By .

155 Moral Debts

The way we deal with our debts involves more than dollars and cents.

It reveals our very character as a people. By .

158 Who Will Speak?

Today, Salman Rushdie lives in freedom. But the spirit of the fatwa—

and the censor—has only grown stronger. By .

Hoover Digest ▫ 2014 · No. 4


163 “It Would Be My Fate to Return . . . ”

Rooted in the old world, the late Hoover fellow flour-

ished in the new. A reflection from his final book, In This Arab Time.

172 Fouad’s Gift

Farewell to a friend, a guide, and a storyteller of the Arab world’s

disorder. By .


178 Who’s Number One? Does It Matter?

Country rankings are being twisted to tell all kinds of sto-

ries—but rarely the story of how America meets its challenges.

By .


184 One Summit, Different Dreams

The Cairo Summit offered China a chance to present itself as an

equal on the world stage. For Chiang Kai-shek it would lead to bitter

disappointment. By - .

202 On the Cover

Hoover Digest ▫ 2014 · No. 4



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